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00001 /*
00002  * Summary: Old SAX version 1 handler, deprecated
00003  * Description: DEPRECATED set of SAX version 1 interfaces used to
00004  *              build the DOM tree.
00005  *
00006  * Copy: See Copyright for the status of this software.
00007  *
00008  * Author: Daniel Veillard
00009  */
00012 #ifndef __XML_SAX_H__
00013 #define __XML_SAX_H__
00015 #include <stdio.h>
00016 #include <stdlib.h>
00017 #include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
00018 #include <libxml/parser.h>
00019 #include <libxml/xlink.h>
00023 #ifdef __cplusplus
00024 extern "C" {
00025 #endif
00026 XMLPUBFUN const xmlChar * XMLCALL
00027                 getPublicId                     (void *ctx);
00028 XMLPUBFUN const xmlChar * XMLCALL       
00029                 getSystemId                     (void *ctx);
00030 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00031                 setDocumentLocator              (void *ctx,
00032                                                  xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc);
00034 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00035                 getLineNumber                   (void *ctx);
00036 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00037                 getColumnNumber                 (void *ctx);
00039 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00040                 isStandalone                    (void *ctx);
00041 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00042                 hasInternalSubset               (void *ctx);
00043 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00044                 hasExternalSubset               (void *ctx);
00046 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00047                 internalSubset                  (void *ctx,
00048                                                  const xmlChar *name,
00049                                                  const xmlChar *ExternalID,
00050                                                  const xmlChar *SystemID);
00051 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00052                 externalSubset                  (void *ctx,
00053                                                  const xmlChar *name,
00054                                                  const xmlChar *ExternalID,
00055                                                  const xmlChar *SystemID);
00056 XMLPUBFUN xmlEntityPtr XMLCALL  
00057                 getEntity                       (void *ctx,
00058                                                  const xmlChar *name);
00059 XMLPUBFUN xmlEntityPtr XMLCALL  
00060                 getParameterEntity              (void *ctx,
00061                                                  const xmlChar *name);
00062 XMLPUBFUN xmlParserInputPtr XMLCALL 
00063                 resolveEntity                   (void *ctx,
00064                                                  const xmlChar *publicId,
00065                                                  const xmlChar *systemId);
00067 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00068                 entityDecl                      (void *ctx,
00069                                                  const xmlChar *name,
00070                                                  int type,
00071                                                  const xmlChar *publicId,
00072                                                  const xmlChar *systemId,
00073                                                  xmlChar *content);
00074 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00075                 attributeDecl                   (void *ctx,
00076                                                  const xmlChar *elem,
00077                                                  const xmlChar *fullname,
00078                                                  int type,
00079                                                  int def,
00080                                                  const xmlChar *defaultValue,
00081                                                  xmlEnumerationPtr tree);
00082 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00083                 elementDecl                     (void *ctx,
00084                                                  const xmlChar *name,
00085                                                  int type,
00086                                                  xmlElementContentPtr content);
00087 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00088                 notationDecl                    (void *ctx,
00089                                                  const xmlChar *name,
00090                                                  const xmlChar *publicId,
00091                                                  const xmlChar *systemId);
00092 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00093                 unparsedEntityDecl              (void *ctx,
00094                                                  const xmlChar *name,
00095                                                  const xmlChar *publicId,
00096                                                  const xmlChar *systemId,
00097                                                  const xmlChar *notationName);
00099 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00100                 startDocument                   (void *ctx);
00101 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00102                 endDocument                     (void *ctx);
00103 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00104                 attribute                       (void *ctx,
00105                                                  const xmlChar *fullname,
00106                                                  const xmlChar *value);
00107 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00108                 startElement                    (void *ctx,
00109                                                  const xmlChar *fullname,
00110                                                  const xmlChar **atts);
00111 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00112                 endElement                      (void *ctx,
00113                                                  const xmlChar *name);
00114 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00115                 reference                       (void *ctx,
00116                                                  const xmlChar *name);
00117 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00118                 characters                      (void *ctx,
00119                                                  const xmlChar *ch,
00120                                                  int len);
00121 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00122                 ignorableWhitespace             (void *ctx,
00123                                                  const xmlChar *ch,
00124                                                  int len);
00125 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00126                 processingInstruction           (void *ctx,
00127                                                  const xmlChar *target,
00128                                                  const xmlChar *data);
00129 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00130                 globalNamespace                 (void *ctx,
00131                                                  const xmlChar *href,
00132                                                  const xmlChar *prefix);
00133 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00134                 setNamespace                    (void *ctx,
00135                                                  const xmlChar *name);
00136 XMLPUBFUN xmlNsPtr XMLCALL      
00137                 getNamespace                    (void *ctx);
00138 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00139                 checkNamespace                  (void *ctx,
00140                                                  xmlChar *nameSpace);
00141 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00142                 namespaceDecl                   (void *ctx,
00143                                                  const xmlChar *href,
00144                                                  const xmlChar *prefix);
00145 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00146                 comment                         (void *ctx,
00147                                                  const xmlChar *value);
00148 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00149                 cdataBlock                      (void *ctx,
00150                                                  const xmlChar *value,
00151                                                  int len);
00153 #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED
00154 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00155                 initxmlDefaultSAXHandler        (xmlSAXHandlerV1 *hdlr,
00156                                                  int warning);
00158 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00159                 inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler       (xmlSAXHandlerV1 *hdlr);
00160 #endif
00162 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00163                 initdocbDefaultSAXHandler       (xmlSAXHandlerV1 *hdlr);
00164 #endif
00165 #endif /* LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED */
00167 #ifdef __cplusplus
00168 }
00169 #endif
00171 #endif /* LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED */
00173 #endif /* __XML_SAX_H__ */
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