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00001 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002  *
00003  * syscache.h
00004  *        System catalog cache definitions.
00005  *
00006  * See also lsyscache.h, which provides convenience routines for
00007  * common cache-lookup operations.
00008  *
00009  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2005, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
00010  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
00011  *
00012  * $PostgreSQL: pgsql/src/include/utils/syscache.h,v 1.61 2005/10/15 02:49:46 momjian Exp $
00013  *
00014  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00015  */
00016 #ifndef SYSCACHE_H
00017 #define SYSCACHE_H
00019 #include "access/htup.h"
00021 /*
00022  *              Declarations for util/syscache.c.
00023  *
00024  *              SysCache identifiers.
00025  *
00026  *              The order of these must match the order
00027  *              they are entered into the structure cacheinfo[] in syscache.c.
00028  *              Keep them in alphabetical order.
00029  */
00031 #define AGGFNOID                0
00032 #define AMNAME                  1
00033 #define AMOID                   2
00034 #define AMOPOPID                3
00035 #define AMOPSTRATEGY    4
00036 #define AMPROCNUM               5
00037 #define ATTNAME                 6
00038 #define ATTNUM                  7
00039 #define AUTHMEMMEMROLE  8
00040 #define AUTHMEMROLEMEM  9
00041 #define AUTHNAME                10
00042 #define AUTHOID                 11
00043 #define CASTSOURCETARGET 12
00044 #define CLAAMNAMENSP    13
00045 #define CLAOID                  14
00046 #define CONDEFAULT              15
00047 #define CONNAMENSP              16
00048 #define CONOID                  17
00049 #define INDEXRELID              18
00050 #define INHRELID                19
00051 #define LANGNAME                20
00052 #define LANGOID                 21
00053 #define NAMESPACENAME   22
00054 #define NAMESPACEOID    23
00055 #define OPERNAMENSP             24
00056 #define OPEROID                 25
00057 #define PROCNAMEARGSNSP 26
00058 #define PROCOID                 27
00059 #define RELNAMENSP              28
00060 #define RELOID                  29
00061 #define RULERELNAME             30
00062 #define STATRELATT              31
00063 #define TYPENAMENSP             32
00064 #define TYPEOID                 33
00066 extern void InitCatalogCache(void);
00067 extern void InitCatalogCachePhase2(void);
00069 extern HeapTuple SearchSysCache(int cacheId,
00070                            Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4);
00071 extern void ReleaseSysCache(HeapTuple tuple);
00073 /* convenience routines */
00074 extern HeapTuple SearchSysCacheCopy(int cacheId,
00075                                    Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4);
00076 extern bool SearchSysCacheExists(int cacheId,
00077                                          Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4);
00078 extern Oid GetSysCacheOid(int cacheId,
00079                            Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4);
00081 extern HeapTuple SearchSysCacheAttName(Oid relid, const char *attname);
00082 extern HeapTuple SearchSysCacheCopyAttName(Oid relid, const char *attname);
00083 extern bool SearchSysCacheExistsAttName(Oid relid, const char *attname);
00085 extern Datum SysCacheGetAttr(int cacheId, HeapTuple tup,
00086                                 AttrNumber attributeNumber, bool *isNull);
00088 /* list-search interface.  Users of this must import catcache.h too */
00089 extern struct catclist *SearchSysCacheList(int cacheId, int nkeys,
00090                                    Datum key1, Datum key2, Datum key3, Datum key4);
00092 #define ReleaseSysCacheList(x)  ReleaseCatCacheList(x)
00094 #endif   /* SYSCACHE_H */
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