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00001 /* -*- C++ -*- */
00003 #ifndef _UTILITY_H_
00004 #define _UTILITY_H_
00026 #include <new.h>
00029 // Construct an object on a given heap.
00030 class newObject {
00031 public:
00032   template <class Heap, class Object>
00033   inline void operator() (Object*& o, Heap& h) const {
00034     o = new (h.malloc (sizeof(Object))) Object;
00035   }
00037   template <class Heap, class Object, class A1>
00038   inline void operator() (Object*& o, const A1& a1, Heap& h) const {
00039     o = new (h.malloc (sizeof(Object))) Object (a1);
00040   }
00042   template <class Heap, class Object, class A1, class A2>
00043   inline void operator() (Object*& o, const A1& a1, const A2& a2, Heap& h) const {
00044     o = new (h.malloc (sizeof(Object))) Object (a1, a2);
00045   }
00047   template <class Heap, class Object, class A1, class A2, class A3>
00048   inline void operator() (Object*& o, const A1& a1, const A2& a2, const A3& a3, Heap& h) const {
00049     o = new (h.malloc (sizeof(Object))) Object (a1, a2, a3);
00050   }
00051 };
00054 // Delete an object to a given heap.
00055 class deleteObject {
00056 public:
00057   template <class Heap, class Object>
00058   inline void operator()(Object*& o, Heap& h) {
00059     o->~Object();
00060     h.free (o);
00061   }
00062 };
00065 class newArray {
00066 public:
00067   template <class Heap, class Object>
00068   inline void operator() (Object*& o, unsigned int n, Heap& h) const {
00069     // Store the number of array elements in the beginning of the space.
00070     double * ptr = (double *) h.malloc (sizeof(Object) * n + sizeof(double));
00071     *((unsigned int *) ptr) = n;
00072     // Initialize every element.
00073     ptr++;
00074     Object * ptr2 = (Object *) ptr;
00075         // Save the pointer to the start of the array.
00076         o = ptr2;
00077         // Now iterate and construct every object in place.
00078     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00079       new ((void *) ptr2) Object;
00080       ptr2++;
00081     }
00082   }
00083 };
00086 class deleteArray {
00087 public:
00088   template <class Heap, class Object>
00089   inline void operator()(Object*& o, Heap& h) const {
00090     unsigned int n = *((unsigned int *) ((double *) o - 1));
00091     Object * optr = o;
00092     // Call the destructor on every element in the array.
00093     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
00094       optr->~Object();
00095       optr++;
00096     }
00097         // Free the array.
00098     h.free ((void *) ((double *) o - 1));
00099   }
00100 };
00102 #endif
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