Eneboo - Documentación para desarrolladores
Referencia del Archivo src/posprinter/lpr/lpc/cmdtab.c
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include "lpc.h"
#include "extern.h"


char aborthelp [] = "terminate a spooling daemon immediately and disable printing"
char cleanhelp [] = "remove cruft files from a queue"
char enablehelp [] = "turn a spooling queue on"
char disablehelp [] = "turn a spooling queue off"
char downhelp [] = "do a 'stop' followed by 'disable' and put a message in status"
char helphelp [] = "get help on commands"
char quithelp [] = "exit lpc"
char restarthelp [] = "kill (if possible) and restart a spooling daemon"
char starthelp [] = "enable printing and start a spooling daemon"
char statushelp [] = "show status of daemon and queue"
char stophelp [] = "stop a spooling daemon after current job completes and disable printing"
char topqhelp [] = "put job at top of printer queue"
char uphelp [] = "enable everything and restart spooling daemon"
struct cmd cmdtab []
int NCMDS = sizeof (cmdtab) / sizeof (cmdtab[0])

Documentación de las variables

char aborthelp[] = "terminate a spooling daemon immediately and disable printing"
char cleanhelp[] = "remove cruft files from a queue"
struct cmd cmdtab[]
Valor inicial:
        { "abort",      aborthelp,      doabort,        1 },
        { "clean",      cleanhelp,      clean,          1 },
        { "enable",     enablehelp,     enable,         1 },
        { "exit",       quithelp,       quit,           0 },
        { "disable",    disablehelp,    disable,        1 },
        { "down",       downhelp,       down,           1 },
        { "help",       helphelp,       help,           0 },
        { "quit",       quithelp,       quit,           0 },
        { "restart",    restarthelp,    restart,        0 },
        { "start",      starthelp,      startcmd,       1 },
        { "status",     statushelp,     status,         0 },
        { "stop",       stophelp,       stop,           1 },
        { "topq",       topqhelp,       topq,           1 },
        { "up",         uphelp,         up,             1 },
        { "?",          helphelp,       help,           0 },
        { 0 },
char disablehelp[] = "turn a spooling queue off"
char downhelp[] = "do a 'stop' followed by 'disable' and put a message in status"
char enablehelp[] = "turn a spooling queue on"
char helphelp[] = "get help on commands"
int NCMDS = sizeof (cmdtab) / sizeof (cmdtab[0])
char quithelp[] = "exit lpc"
char restarthelp[] = "kill (if possible) and restart a spooling daemon"
char starthelp[] = "enable printing and start a spooling daemon"
char statushelp[] = "show status of daemon and queue"
char stophelp[] = "stop a spooling daemon after current job completes and disable printing"
char topqhelp[] = "put job at top of printer queue"
char uphelp[] = "enable everything and restart spooling daemon"
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