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00001 #ifndef __LIBXML_WIN32_CONFIG__
00002 #define __LIBXML_WIN32_CONFIG__
00004 #define HAVE_CTYPE_H
00005 #define HAVE_STDARG_H
00006 #define HAVE_MALLOC_H
00007 #define HAVE_ERRNO_H
00009 #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
00010 #undef HAVE_ERRNO_H
00011 #include <windows.h>
00012 #include "wincecompat.h"
00013 #else
00014 #define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
00015 #define HAVE__STAT
00016 #define HAVE_STAT
00017 #define HAVE_STDLIB_H
00018 #define HAVE_TIME_H
00019 #define HAVE_FCNTL_H
00020 #include <io.h>
00021 #include <direct.h>
00022 #endif
00024 #include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
00026 #ifndef ICONV_CONST
00027 #define ICONV_CONST const
00028 #endif
00030 #ifdef NEED_SOCKETS
00031 #include <wsockcompat.h>
00032 #endif
00034 /*
00035  * Windows platforms may define except 
00036  */
00037 #undef except
00039 #define HAVE_ISINF
00040 #define HAVE_ISNAN
00041 #include <math.h>
00042 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
00043 /* MS C-runtime has functions which can be used in order to determine if
00044    a given floating-point variable contains NaN, (+-)INF. These are 
00045    preferred, because floating-point technology is considered propriatary
00046    by MS and we can assume that their functions know more about their 
00047    oddities than we do. */
00048 #include <float.h>
00049 /* Bjorn Reese figured a quite nice construct for isinf() using the _fpclass
00050    function. */
00051 #ifndef isinf
00052 #define isinf(d) ((_fpclass(d) == _FPCLASS_PINF) ? 1 \
00053         : ((_fpclass(d) == _FPCLASS_NINF) ? -1 : 0))
00054 #endif
00055 /* _isnan(x) returns nonzero if (x == NaN) and zero otherwise. */
00056 #ifndef isnan
00057 #define isnan(d) (_isnan(d))
00058 #endif
00059 #else /* _MSC_VER */
00060 #ifndef isinf
00061 static int isinf (double d) {
00062     int expon = 0;
00063     double val = frexp (d, &expon);
00064     if (expon == 1025) {
00065         if (val == 0.5) {
00066             return 1;
00067         } else if (val == -0.5) {
00068             return -1;
00069         } else {
00070             return 0;
00071         }
00072     } else {
00073         return 0;
00074     }
00075 }
00076 #endif
00077 #ifndef isnan
00078 static int isnan (double d) {
00079     int expon = 0;
00080     double val = frexp (d, &expon);
00081     if (expon == 1025) {
00082         if (val == 0.5) {
00083             return 0;
00084         } else if (val == -0.5) {
00085             return 0;
00086         } else {
00087             return 1;
00088         }
00089     } else {
00090         return 0;
00091     }
00092 }
00093 #endif
00094 #endif /* _MSC_VER */
00096 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
00097 #define mkdir(p,m) _mkdir(p)
00098 #define snprintf _snprintf
00099 #if _MSC_VER < 1500
00100 #define vsnprintf(b,c,f,a) _vsnprintf(b,c,f,a)
00101 #endif
00102 #elif defined(__MINGW32__)
00103 #define mkdir(p,m) _mkdir(p)
00104 #endif
00106 /* Threading API to use should be specified here for compatibility reasons.
00107    This is however best specified on the compiler's command-line. */
00108 #if defined(LIBXML_THREAD_ENABLED)
00109 #if !defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_H) && !defined(HAVE_WIN32_THREADS) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
00110 #define HAVE_WIN32_THREADS
00111 #endif
00112 #endif
00114 /* Some third-party libraries far from our control assume the following
00115    is defined, which it is not if we don't include windows.h. */
00116 #if !defined(FALSE)
00117 #define FALSE 0
00118 #endif
00119 #if !defined(TRUE)
00120 #define TRUE (!(FALSE))
00121 #endif
00123 #endif /* __LIBXML_WIN32_CONFIG__ */
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