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Tipos públicos | Métodos públicos | Atributos protegidos
Referencia de la Clase MLabelObject

#include <mlabelobject.h>

Diagrama de herencias de MLabelObject
MReportObject QObject Qt Qt MFieldObject MSpecialObject MCalcObject

Lista de todos los miembros.

Tipos públicos

enum  FontWeight {
  Light = 25, Normal = 50, DemiBold = 63, Bold = 75,
  Black = 87
enum  HAlignment { Left = 0, Center, Right }
enum  VAlignment { Top = 0, Middle, Bottom }

Métodos públicos

 MLabelObject ()
 MLabelObject (const MLabelObject &mLabelObject)
MLabelObject operator= (const MLabelObject &mLabelObject)
virtual ~MLabelObject ()
virtual void setText (const QString txt)
virtual QString getText ()
bool getChangeHeight () const
virtual void setPixmap (const QPixmap &pix)
void setFont (const QString family, float size, int weight, bool italic)
void setAdjustFontSize (bool a)
void setHorizontalAlignment (int a)
void setVerticalAlignment (int a)
void setWordWrap (bool state)
void setChangeHeight (bool state)
void setLabelFunction (const QString &lF)
void setPaintFunction (const QString &pF)
virtual void setDomNodeData (const QDomNode &nD)
virtual int draw (FLStylePainter *p)
virtual int calcHeight (FLStylePainter *p) const

Atributos protegidos

QString text
QString fontFamily
float fontSize
int fontWeight
bool fontItalic
bool adjustFontSize
int hAlignment
int vAlignment
bool wordWrap
QString labelFunction
bool changeHeight
QString paintFunction
QDomNode domNodeData

Descripción detallada

Kugar report label object

Mutiny Bay Software

Documentación de las enumeraciones miembro de la clase

Font weight constants

Valores de enumeraciones:

Horizontal alignment constants

Valores de enumeraciones:

Vertial alignment constants

Valores de enumeraciones:

Documentación del constructor y destructor

MLabelObject::MLabelObject ( )


MLabelObject::MLabelObject ( const MLabelObject mLabelObject)

Copy constructor

MLabelObject::~MLabelObject ( ) [virtual]


Documentación de las funciones miembro

int MLabelObject::calcHeight ( FLStylePainter p) const [virtual]

Calculates the height of the drawed object

int MLabelObject::draw ( FLStylePainter p) [virtual]

Draws the label

p,:Pintor, que pintas con amor

Draws the label

Reimplementado de MReportObject.

Reimplementado en MFieldObject.

bool MLabelObject::getChangeHeight ( ) const [inline]

Gets the label's text string

QString MLabelObject::getText ( ) [virtual]

Gets the label's text string - default is an empty string

Gets the label's text string

MLabelObject MLabelObject::operator= ( const MLabelObject mLabelObject)

Assignment operator

void MLabelObject::setAdjustFontSize ( bool  a) [inline]

Sets the label's adjust font size flag - default is false

Sets the label's adjust font size flag

void MLabelObject::setChangeHeight ( bool  state) [inline]

Sets the label's change height flag

void MLabelObject::setDomNodeData ( const QDomNode nD) [inline, virtual]

Sets the data

void MLabelObject::setFont ( const QString  family,
float  size,
int  weight,
bool  italic 

Sets the label's text font - default is Times,10,Normal,false

Sets the label's text font

void MLabelObject::setHorizontalAlignment ( int  a) [inline]

Sets the label's horizontal alignment -default is Left

Sets the label's horizontal alignment

void MLabelObject::setLabelFunction ( const QString lF) [inline]

Sets the label's function

void MLabelObject::setPaintFunction ( const QString pF) [inline]

Sets paint function

void MLabelObject::setPixmap ( const QPixmap pix) [virtual]

Sets the label's pixmap

void MLabelObject::setText ( const QString  txt) [virtual]

Sets the label's text string - default is an empty string

Sets the label's text string

Reimplementado en MFieldObject.

void MLabelObject::setVerticalAlignment ( int  a) [inline]

Sets the label's vertical alignment - default is Top

Sets the label's vertical alignment

void MLabelObject::setWordWrap ( bool  state) [inline]

Sets the label's word wrap flag - default is false

Sets the label's word wrap flag

Documentación de los datos miembro

Label adjust font size flag

Indicates whether the label's height (and its including section if necessary) can change or not, if the text is too long and the wordWrap flag is set

DOM Node with auxiliar data.

If the DOM Node is not null, it is passed on to the script functions 'labelFunction' and 'paintFunction' when this functions are defined

Label text font family

Label text font italic flag

float MLabelObject::fontSize [protected]

Label text font size in points

Label text font weight

Lable text horizontal alignment

Label function

Paint function

Label pixmap

Label text

Label text vertical alignment

Label text word wrap flag

La documentación para esta clase fue generada a partir de los siguientes ficheros:
 Todo Clases Namespaces Archivos Funciones Variables 'typedefs' Enumeraciones Valores de enumeraciones Propiedades Amigas 'defines'