Lista de las clases, estructuras, uniones e interfaces con una breve descripción:
_DndMessage | |
_DndPot | |
_DndReceiverProp | |
_DndSrcProp | |
_DndTop | |
_ec_list_element_st | |
_EdgeTableEntry | |
_exsltDateVal | |
_exsltDateValDate | |
_exsltDateValDuration | |
_exsltFuncData | |
_exsltFuncFunctionData | |
_exsltFuncImportRegData | |
_exsltFuncResultPreComp | |
_ft_vft | |
Hash::_ht | |
_my_rw_lock_t | |
_ossl_old_des_ks_struct | |
_pitem | |
_PQconninfoOption | |
_PQprintOpt | |
_pqueue | |
_ScanLineList | |
_ScanLineListBlock | |
_trio_class_t | |
_trio_reference_t | |
_trio_string_t | |
_trio_userdef_t | |
_XftDraw | |
_xmlAttr | |
_xmlAttribute | |
_xmlBuffer | |
_xmlCharEncodingAlias | |
_xmlCharEncodingHandler | |
_xmlChLRange | |
_xmlChRangeGroup | |
_xmlChSRange | |
_xmlDefAttrs | |
_xmlDict | |
_xmlDictEntry | |
_xmlDictStrings | |
_xmlDoc | |
_xmlDOMWrapCtxt | |
_xmlDtd | |
_xmlElement | |
_xmlElementContent | |
_xmlEntity | |
_xmlEnumeration | |
_xmlError | |
_xmlGlobalState | |
_xmlHashEntry | |
_xmlHashTable | |
_xmlID | |
_xmlInputCallback | |
_xmlLink | |
_xmlList | |
_xmlMutex | |
_xmlNode | |
_xmlNotation | |
_xmlNs | |
_xmlParserCtxt | |
_xmlParserInput | |
_xmlParserInputBuffer | |
_xmlParserNodeInfo | |
_xmlParserNodeInfoSeq | |
_xmlRef | |
_xmlRMutex | |
_xmlSAXHandler | |
_xmlSAXHandlerV1 | |
_xmlSAXLocator | |
_xmlURI | |
_xmlValidCtxt | |
_XRegion | |
_xsltAttrElem | |
_xsltAttrVT | |
_xsltCompMatch | |
_xsltDebuggerCallbacks | |
_xsltDecimalFormat | |
_xsltDocument | |
_xsltElemPreComp | |
_xsltExtData | |
_xsltExtDef | |
_xsltExtElement | |
_xsltExtModule | |
_xsltFormat | |
_xsltFormatNumberInfo | |
_xsltFormatToken | |
_xsltInitExtCtxt | |
_xsltKeyDef | |
_xsltKeyTable | |
_xsltNumberData | |
_xsltParserContext | |
_xsltRuntimeExtra | |
_xsltSecurityPrefs | |
_xsltStackElem | |
_xsltStepOp | |
_xsltStepState | |
_xsltStepStates | |
_xsltStylePreComp | |
_xsltStylesheet | |
_xsltTemplate | |
_xsltTransformCache | |
_xsltTransformContext | |
A_Const | |
A_Expr | |
A_Indices | |
A_Indirection | |
AccessibleFactory | |
AclItem | |
Action | |
ActionCommand | |
ActionDrag | |
ActionEditor | |
ActionInterface | |
ActionItem | |
ActionListView | |
AdaptHeap | Maintains dictionary entries through freed objects. Sample dictionaries include DLList and SLList |
HL::AdaptHeap< Dictionary, SuperHeap > | |
AddActionToPopupCommand | |
AddActionToToolBarCommand | |
AddConnectionCommand | |
AddContainerPageCommand | |
added_obj_st | |
AddFunctionCommand | |
AddHeaderHeap | |
Hoard::AddHeaderHeap< SuperblockType, SuperblockSize, SuperHeap > | |
HL::AddHeap< Add, Super > | |
AddMenuCommand | |
AddressClass | |
AddressListClass | |
addrinfo | |
AddTabPageCommand | |
AddToolBarCommand | |
AddToolBoxPageCommand | |
AddVariableCommand | |
AddWidgetStackPageCommand | |
AddWizardPageCommand | |
aes_block_t | |
aes_key_st | |
Agg | |
AggElem | |
AggExpr | |
Aggref | |
AggrefExprState | |
AggState | |
Alias | |
HL::AlignedChunk< chunkSize, slotSize > | |
HL::AlignedChunkHeap< maxFree, chunkSize, slotSize, Super > | |
HL::AlignedChunkHeapFoo< maxFree, chunkSize, slotSize, Super > | |
Hoard::AlignedMmap< Alignment_, LockType > | Route requests to the one aligned mmap instance |
Hoard::AlignedMmapInstance< Alignment_ > | Memory allocated from here is aligned with respect to Alignment |
HL::AlignedSlotHeap< chunkSize, slotSize, Super > | |
Hoard::AlignedSuperblockHeap< TheLockType, SuperblockSize > | |
Hoard::AlignedSuperblockHeapHelper< TheLockType, SuperblockSize > | |
HL::AlignHeap< chunkSize, Super > | |
alignmentOf< T > | |
AllocatedHeap< SuperHeap > | |
AlterDatabaseSetStmt | |
AlterDatabaseStmt | |
AlterDomainStmt | |
AlterFunctionStmt | |
AlterObjectSchemaStmt | |
AlterOwnerStmt | |
AlterRoleSetStmt | |
AlterRoleStmt | |
AlterSeqStmt | |
AlterTableCmd | |
AlterTableStmt | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::AnalogClockInterface | |
HL::ANSIWrapper< SuperHeap > | |
AOFFHeap< SuperHeap, FreeThreshold > | |
app_mem_info_st | |
app_verify_arg | |
Append | |
AppendPath | |
AppendState | |
AQActionMD | |
AQApplication | |
AQApplicationPrivate | |
AQCompilerQSA | |
AQConfig | |
AQDataTableDB | |
AQDigiDoc | |
AQFieldDB | |
AQFieldMD | |
AQFormDB | |
AQFormRecordDB | |
AQFormSearchDB | |
AQJasperCompileManagerInterface | |
AQJasperEngine | |
AQJasperFillManagerInterface | |
AQJasperPrintManagerInterface | |
AQJavaPrintServiceInterface | |
AQManager | |
AQManagerModules | |
AQObjectQueryList | Wrapper para QObject::queryList |
AQOdsAutoChart | |
AQOdsCellAddress | |
AQOdsCellRange | |
AQOdsCentimeters | |
AQOdsChart | |
AQOdsColor | |
AQOdsGenerator | |
AQOdsImage | |
AQOdsLength | |
AQOdsRow | |
AQOdsSeries | |
AQOdsSheet | |
AQOdsSpreadSheet | |
AQOdsStyle | |
AQPackager | |
AQRelationMD | |
AQReportEngine | |
AQReportsInterface | |
AQReportViewer | |
AQS | |
AQSAbstractMemArray | |
AQSAction | |
AQSActionGroup | |
AQSActionMD | |
AQSApplication | |
AQSBaseObject | |
AQSBoxLayout | |
AQSBrush | |
AQSBuffer | |
AQSButton | |
AQSButtonGroup | |
AQSByteArray | |
AQSCanvas | |
AQSCanvasEllipse | |
AQSCanvasItem | |
AQSCanvasItemList | |
AQSCanvasLine | |
AQSCanvasPixmap | |
AQSCanvasPixmapArray | |
AQSCanvasPolygon | |
AQSCanvasPolygonalItem | |
AQSCanvasRectangle | |
AQSCanvasSpline | |
AQSCanvasSprite | |
AQSCanvasText | |
AQSCanvasView | |
AQSCheckBox | |
AQSCheckListItem | |
AQSCheckTableItem | |
AQSChildEvent | |
AQSCloseEvent | |
AQSColor | |
AQSColorDrag | |
AQSComboBox | |
AQSComboTableItem | |
AQSCompilerQSA | |
AQSContextMenuEvent | |
AQSCustomEvent | |
AQSDataStream | |
AQSDataTable | |
AQSDataTableDB | |
AQSDateEdit | |
AQSDial | |
AQSDialog | |
AQSDigiDoc | |
AQSDir | |
AQSDockArea | |
AQSDockWindow | |
AQSDomAttr | |
AQSDomCDATASection | |
AQSDomCharacterData | |
AQSDomComment | |
AQSDomDocument | |
AQSDomDocumentFragment | |
AQSDomDocumentType | |
AQSDomElement | |
AQSDomEntity | |
AQSDomEntityReference | |
AQSDomImplementation | |
AQSDomNamedNodeMap | |
AQSDomNode | |
AQSDomNodeList | |
AQSDomNotation | |
AQSDomProcessingInstruction | |
AQSDomText | |
AQSDragEnterEvent | |
AQSDragLeaveEvent | |
AQSDragMoveEvent | |
AQSDragObject | |
AQSDropEvent | |
AQSettings | |
AQSEvent | |
AQSEventLoop | |
AQSFieldDB | |
AQSFieldMD | |
AQSFile | |
AQSFocusEvent | |
AQSFontMetrics | |
AQSFormDB | |
AQSFormRecordDB | |
AQSFormSearchDB | |
AQSFrame | |
AQSGroupBox | |
AQSHBoxLayout | |
AQSHButtonGroup | |
AQSHeader | |
AQSHGroupBox | |
AQSHideEvent | |
AQSHostAddress | |
AQSHttp | |
AQSHttpHeader | |
AQSHttpRequestHeader | |
AQSHttpResponseHeader | |
AQSIconDrag | |
AQSIconDragEvent | |
AQSIconDragItem | |
AQSIconSet | |
AQSIconView | |
AQSIconViewItem | |
AQSignalMapper | Intefaz para QSignalMapper |
AQSImage | |
AQSImageDrag | |
AQSIMEvent | |
AQSIODevice | |
AQSJasperEngine | |
AQSKeyEvent | |
AQSLabel | |
AQSLayout | |
AQSLineEdit | |
AQSListBox | |
AQSListBoxItem | |
AQSListBoxPixmap | |
AQSListBoxText | |
AQSListView | |
AQSListViewItem | |
AQSMainWindow | |
AQSManager | |
AQSManagerModules | |
AQSMenuBar | |
AQSMouseEvent | |
AQSMoveEvent | |
AQSNetworkOperation | |
AQSNetworkProtocol | |
AQSObject | |
AQSObjectFactory | |
AQSObjectFactoryPrivate | |
AQSOdsAutoChart | |
AQSOdsCellAddress | |
AQSOdsCellRange | |
AQSOdsCentimeters | |
AQSOdsChart | |
AQSOdsColor | |
AQSOdsGenerator | |
AQSOdsImage | |
AQSOdsLength | |
AQSOdsRow | |
AQSOdsSeries | |
AQSOdsSheet | |
AQSOdsSpreadSheet | |
AQSOdsStyle | |
AQSPackager | |
AQSPainter | |
AQSPaintEvent | |
AQSPen | |
AQSPicture | |
AQSPixmap | |
AQSPointArray | |
AQSPopupMenu | |
AQSPrinter | |
AQSProcess | |
AQSProgressBar | |
AQSProgressDialog | |
AQSPushButton | |
AQSql | |
AQSqlCursor | |
AQSqlDatabase | |
AQSqlQuery | |
AQSRadioButton | |
AQSRegion | |
AQSRelationMD | |
AQSReportEngine | |
AQSReportViewer | |
AQSResizeEvent | |
AQSScrollView | |
AQSSEditor | |
AQSSettings | |
AQSShowEvent | |
AQSSignalMapper | |
AQSSInterpreter | |
AQSSocketNotifier | |
AQSSpinBox | |
AQSSplitter | |
AQSSProject | |
AQSSqlCursor | |
AQSSqlDatabase | |
AQSSqlError | |
AQSSqlQuery | |
AQSSScript | |
AQSStatusBar | |
AQSStoredDrag | |
AQSTab | |
AQSTabBar | |
AQSTable | |
AQSTableDB | |
AQSTableItem | |
AQSTableMD | |
AQSTabWidget | |
AQStaticBdInfo | |
AQStaticDirInfo | |
AQSTextCodec | |
AQSTextDecoder | |
AQSTextDrag | |
AQSTextEdit | |
AQSTextEncoder | |
AQSTextStream | |
AQSTimeEdit | |
AQSTimer | |
AQSTimerEvent | |
AQSToolBar | |
AQSToolBox | |
AQSToolButton | |
AQSUnpacker | |
AQSUriDrag | |
AQSUrl | |
AQSUrlInfo | |
AQSUrlOperator | |
AQSVar | |
AQSVBoxLayout | |
AQSVButtonGroup | |
AQSVGroupBox | |
AQSVoidPtr | |
AQSWheelEvent | |
AQSWidget | |
AQSWidgetStack | |
AQSWizard | |
AQSWMatrix | |
AQSWrapperFactory | |
AQSWrapperFactoryPrivate | |
AQSZipReader | |
AQSZipWriter | |
AQTableDB | |
AQTableMD | |
AQUnpacker | |
AQVar | |
AQZipPrivate | |
AQZipReader | |
AQZipReaderPrivate | |
AQZipWriter | |
AQZipWriterPrivate | |
ArgEscapeData | |
ArgHintWidget | |
ArgList | |
Argument | |
Hoard::Array< N, T > | |
QGArray::array_data | |
ArrayBuildState | |
ArrayExpr | |
ArrayExprState | |
ArrayMapState | |
ArrayMetaState | |
ArrayRef | |
ArrayRefExprState | |
ArrayType | |
ArrowButton | |
AsciiValidator | |
ASIdentifierChoice_st | |
ASIdentifiers_st | |
ASIdOrRange_st | |
ASN1_ADB_st | |
ASN1_AUX_st | |
asn1_const_ctx_st | |
asn1_ctx_st | |
asn1_header_st | |
ASN1_ITEM_st | |
asn1_method_st | |
asn1_object_st | |
asn1_string_st | |
asn1_string_table_st | |
ASN1_TLC_st | |
asn1_type_st | |
ASRange_st | |
attr_list_ctx_st | |
AuthContext | |
AutoChart | |
QwtPlot::AxisData | |
B5Map | |
b64_struct | |
backing_store_struct | |
bag_t | |
bag_t_ | |
Barcode_Item | |
barcodeData | |
BaseHeap | |
BaseHoardManager< SuperblockType_ > | The top of the hoard manager hierarchy |
BaseNullHeap | |
BatchHeap< BatchNumber, SuperHeap > | |
bauds | |
ber_struct | |
bf_key_st | |
BidiControl | |
BidiStatus | |
BigChunk< chunkSize, slotSize, Super > | |
Hoard::BigHeap | |
Bigint | |
bignum_ctx | |
bignum_ctx_stack | |
bignum_pool | |
bignum_pool_item | |
bignum_st | |
BinHeap< Bins, NumBins, Super > | |
HL::bins< Header, 16384 > | |
HL::bins< Header, 4096 > | |
HL::bins< Header, 65536 > | |
HL::bins< Header, 8192 > | |
bio_accept_st | |
bio_ber_struct | |
bio_bio_st | |
bio_connect_st | |
bio_dgram_data_st | |
bio_f_buffer_ctx_struct | |
bio_linebuffer_ctx_struct | |
bio_method_st | |
bio_ssl_st | |
bio_st | |
QBitArray::bitarr_data | The QBitArray::bitarr_data class is internal |
HL::BitIndex | |
BitmapAnd | |
BitmapAndPath | |
BitmapAndState | |
BitmapHeapPath | |
BitmapHeapScan | |
BitmapHeapScanState | |
BitmapIndexScan | |
BitmapIndexScanState | |
BitmapOr | |
BitmapOrPath | |
BitmapOrState | |
Bitmapset | |
bitread_perm_state | |
bitread_working_state | |
BitString< N > | |
BlockingProcess | |
BluecurveStyle::BluecurveColorData | |
BluecurveStyle | |
BluecurveStylePlugin | |
BluecurveStylePrivate | |
bn_blinding_st | |
bn_gencb_st | |
bn_mont_ctx_st | |
bn_recp_ctx_st | |
BoldListBoxText | |
BooleanTest | |
BoolExpr | |
BoolExprState | |
BorlandMakefileGenerator | |
BoundedFreeListHeap< numObjects, Super > | |
box | |
BOX | |
PrintOut::Box | |
BreakLayoutCommand | |
BtCursor | |
BtCursorOps | |
BtOps | |
BtRbNode | |
BtRbTree | |
Btree | |
BtRollbackOp | |
buf_mem_st | |
BumpAlloc | Obtains memory in chunks and bumps a pointer through the chunks |
Hoard::BumpAlloc< ChunkSize, super > | |
ByteArrayShared | |
C_block | |
c_derived_tbl | |
QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrivateData::Cache | |
CacheHeap< Super > | |
callback_data | |
camellia_key_st | |
CancelRequestPacket | |
Candidate | |
CartesianHeap< SuperHeap > | |
CaseExpr | |
CaseExprState | |
CaseTestExpr | |
CaseWhen | |
CaseWhenState | |
cast_key_st | |
catcache | |
catcacheheader | |
HL::CatchExceptionHeap< Super > | |
catclist | |
catctup | |
ccs_header_st | |
CDEStyle | |
Cell | |
CellAddress | |
CellHdr | |
CellRange | |
Centimeters | |
CentralFileHeader | |
cert_pkey_st | |
cert_st | |
CertID_st | |
CertIDList_st | |
CertItem_st | |
CertSearch_st | |
CertSearchStore_st | |
CertValue_st | |
CertValueList_st | |
ChangeFunctionAttribCommand | |
character_set | |
QRegExpEngine::CharClass | |
charproc_data | |
charset_info_st | |
CharSets | |
Chart | |
Check< TYPE, CHECK > | |
CheckHeap< SuperHeap > | |
CheckObject | |
CheckPointStmt | |
CheckThreadHeap< NumHeaps, super > | |
HL::Chunk< chunkSize, slotSize > | |
BigChunk< chunkSize, slotSize, Super >::ChunkBlock | |
HL::Chunk< chunkSize, slotSize >::ChunkBlock | |
ChunkHeap | Allocates memory from the superheap in chunks |
HL::ChunkHeap< ChunkSize, SuperHeap > | |
CIndent | |
cipher_order_st | |
ClassBrowserInterface | |
ClassInfo | |
ClassInfoList | |
ClosePortalStmt | |
ClusterStmt | |
cmd | |
CMS_AuthenticatedData_st | |
CMS_CertificateChoices | |
CMS_CompressedData_st | |
CMS_ContentInfo_st | |
CMS_DigestedData_st | |
CMS_EncapsulatedContentInfo_st | |
CMS_EncryptedContentInfo_st | |
CMS_EncryptedData_st | |
CMS_EnvelopedData_st | |
CMS_IssuerAndSerialNumber_st | |
CMS_KEKIdentifier_st | |
CMS_KEKRecipientInfo_st | |
CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientIdentifier_st | |
CMS_KeyAgreeRecipientInfo_st | |
CMS_KeyTransRecipientInfo_st | |
CMS_OriginatorIdentifierOrKey_st | |
CMS_OriginatorInfo_st | |
CMS_OriginatorPublicKey_st | |
CMS_OtherCertificateFormat_st | |
CMS_OtherKeyAttribute_st | |
CMS_OtherRecipientInfo_st | |
CMS_OtherRevocationInfoFormat_st | |
CMS_PasswordRecipientInfo_st | |
CMS_Receipt_st | |
CMS_RecipientEncryptedKey_st | |
CMS_RecipientInfo_st | |
CMS_RecipientKeyIdentifier_st | |
CMS_RevocationInfoChoice_st | |
CMS_SignedData_st | |
CMS_SignerIdentifier_st | |
CMS_SignerInfo_st | |
CNTextCodecs | |
HL::CoalesceableHeap< SuperHeap > | Manages coalesceable memory |
CoalesceableHeap< SuperHeap > | |
CoalesceableMmapHeap | Adds headers to mmapped objects to allow coalescing |
HL::CoalesceableMmapHeap< Mmap > | |
CoalesceExpr | |
CoalesceExprState | |
CoalesceHeap | Applies splitting and coalescing |
HL::CoalesceHeap< super > | |
code | |
Codecs | |
CoerceToDomain | |
CoerceToDomainState | |
CoerceToDomainValue | |
Color | |
ColorButton | |
ColorGenerator | |
ColorGroupShared | |
ColorShared | |
QwtLinearColorMap::ColorStops | |
ColorUtils_HCY | |
Column | |
QListViewPrivate::Column | |
PopulateTableCommand::Column | |
ColumnDef | |
ColumnK | |
ColumnRef | |
ColumnSpan< T > | |
CoMatrix | |
CombineHeap | Combines MallocHeap and FreeHeap: MallocHeap for malloc, FreeHeap for the rest |
HL::CombineHeap< MallocHeap, FreeHeap > | |
QActionPrivate::ComboItem | |
QLineEditPrivate::Command | |
Command | |
CommandHistory | |
CommentStmt | |
CommonInterface | |
comp_ctx_st | |
comp_method_st | |
CompactStyle | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::CompassInterface | |
CompletionEntry | |
CompletionItem | |
CompositeTypeStmt | |
compression_state | |
conf_imodule_st | |
conf_method_st | |
conf_module_st | |
conf_st | |
Config | |
config_bool | |
config_generic | |
config_int | |
config_real | |
config_s | |
config_string | |
config_var_value | |
ConfigItem_st | |
ConfigStyle | |
ConfigurationStore_st | |
Hoard::ConformantHeap< Parent > | |
MetaDataBase::Connection | |
LanguageInterface::Connection | |
Connection | |
ConnectionContainer | |
ConnectionItem | |
ConnectionTable | |
Const | |
Constraint | |
ConstraintsSetStmt | |
Context | |
BidiControl::Context | |
ContextLVI | |
QwtRasterData::Contour3DPoint | |
QwtRasterData::ContourPlane | |
Conv2ui | |
ConvertRowtypeExpr | |
ConvertRowtypeExprState | |
CopyStmt | |
CountCtx | |
CountedDictionary< Dict > | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::CounterInterface | |
CoveredCell | |
CppEditor | |
CppEditorBrowser | |
CppEditorCompletion | |
CppFunction | |
HL::CPUInfo | Architecture-independent wrapper to get number of CPUs |
CreateCastStmt | |
CreateConversionStmt | |
CreatedbStmt | |
CreateDomainStmt | |
CreateFunctionStmt | |
CreateOpClassItem | |
CreateOpClassStmt | |
CreatePLangStmt | |
CreateRoleStmt | |
CreateSchemaStmt | |
CreateSeqStmt | |
CreateStmt | |
CreateTableSpaceStmt | |
CreateTrigStmt | |
CRYPTO_dynlock | |
crypto_ex_data_func_st | |
crypto_ex_data_st | |
CSProvider_st | |
ct_data_s | |
Cursor | |
QTextStringChar::CustomData | |
CustomFormItem | |
MetaDataBase::CustomWidget | |
CustomWidget | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::CustomWidgetCollectionInterface | |
CustomWidgetEditor | |
CustomWidgetFactory | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::CustomWidgetInterface | |
cvthing_t_ | |
d_derived_tbl | |
data_tag | |
dbiplus::Database | |
DatabaseConnection | |
DatabaseConnectionEditor | |
DatabaseConnectionsEditor | |
DatabaseSupport | |
DatabaseSupport2 | |
DataDescriptor | |
DataFile_st | |
dbiplus::Dataset | |
DateClass | |
DateTime | |
datetkn | |
Db | |
dbiplus::DbErrors | |
DbFixer | |
DDXPointRec | |
DeallocateStmt | |
HL::DebugHeap< Super, freeChar > | |
DeclareCursorStmt | |
DefElem | |
DefineStmt | |
deleteArray | |
DeleteCommand | |
DeleteContainerPageCommand | |
deleteObject | |
DeleteStmt | |
DeleteTabPageCommand | |
DeleteToolBoxPageCommand | |
DeleteWidgetStackPageCommand | |
DeleteWizardPageCommand | |
DEncDecryptParse_st | |
DEncEncryptionProperties_st | |
DEncEncryptionProperty_st | |
DEncEncrytedData_st | |
DEncEncrytedKey_st | |
DEncParse_st | |
DEncRecvInfo_st | |
DEncRecvInfoList_st | |
DES_ks | |
DesignerApplication | |
DesignerDatabase | |
DesignerDatabaseImpl | |
DesignerDock | |
DesignerDockImpl | |
DesignerFormWindow | |
DesignerFormWindowImpl | |
DesignerInterface | |
DesignerInterfaceImpl | |
DesignerOutputDock | |
DesignerOutputDockImpl | |
DesignerPixmapCollection | |
DesignerPixmapCollectionImpl | |
DesignerProject | |
DesignerProjectImpl | |
DesignerSourceFile | |
DesignerSourceFileImpl | |
desparams | |
dh_method | |
dh_st | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::DialInterface | |
DigestMethodType | |
DigestValue_st | |
DigiDocMemBuf_st | |
disabled_masks | |
HL::DLBigHeapType< super > | |
Dlg2Ui | |
DlgConnection | |
DlgFilter | |
DLList | A "memory neutral" doubly-linked list |
HL::DLList | |
HL::DLSmallHeapType< super > | The "small heap" -- non-coalescing "fastbins" (quicklists) |
dlstatus | |
dlthread | |
DndData | |
DndTargets | |
DndTargetsTableEntryRec | |
DndTargetsTableRec | |
doall | |
doall_sorted | |
DocInfo_st | |
DockData | |
DomainConstraintState | |
DomTool | Tools for the dom |
DotNetStrings | |
QListViewPrivate::DrawableItem | |
DropCastStmt | |
DropdbStmt | |
DropPLangStmt | |
DropPropertyStmt | |
DropRoleStmt | |
DropStmt | |
DropTableSpaceStmt | |
dsa_method | |
DSA_SIG_st | |
dsa_st | |
dso_meth_st | |
dso_st | |
DspMakefileGenerator | |
dtls1_bitmap_st | |
dtls1_record_data_st | |
dtls1_retransmit_state | |
dtls1_state_st | |
dtls1_timeout_st | |
DummyClass< K, T > | |
QwtPlotSpectrogram::PrivateData::DummyData | |
DynamicArray | A dynamic array that grows to fit any index for assignment |
HL::DynamicArray< ObjType > | |
ObstackReapNS::DynStack< OBJTYPE > | |
dynStr | |
EC_builtin_curve | |
ec_curve_data_st | |
ec_extra_data_st | |
ec_group_st | |
ec_key_st | |
ec_method_st | |
ec_parameters_st | |
ec_point_st | |
ec_pre_comp_st | |
ec_privatekey_st | |
ecdh_data_st | |
ecdh_method | |
ecdsa_data_st | |
ecdsa_method | |
ECDSA_SIG_st | |
ecpk_parameters_st | |
EdgeTable | |
EDIPartyName_st | |
EditableListBoxItem | |
EditDefinitionsCommand | |
EditFunctions | |
Editor | |
EditorBrowser | |
EditorCompletion | |
EditorInterface | |
EditorInterfaceImpl | |
EditorPage | |
Element | |
ElementEntry_st | |
EmbedImage | |
EmptyClass | Maintains superblocks organized by emptiness |
Hoard::EmptyClass< SuperblockType_, EmptinessClasses > | |
HL::EmptyHeap | |
EmptyHoardManager< SuperblockType_ > | |
enc_struct | |
encoding | |
EndOfDirectory | |
QFontCache::Engine | |
engine_st | |
Entity | |
FreeSLList::Entry | |
HL::DLList::Entry | An entry in the list |
HL::SLList::Entry | An entry in the list |
CountedDictionary< Dict >::Entry | |
Enum | |
EnumBox | |
EnumItem | |
EnumList | |
EnumPopup | |
env_md_ctx_st | |
env_md_st | |
EPair | |
err_state_st | |
ERR_string_data_st | |
ErrorContextCallback | |
ErrorData | |
ErrorInfo_st | |
ErrorItem | |
ErrorMessage_st | |
EState | |
et_info | |
EventId | |
EventList | |
EventTarget | |
evp_cipher_ctx_st | |
evp_cipher_info_st | |
evp_cipher_st | |
evp_Encode_Ctx_st | |
evp_pkey_st | |
ExactlyOne | Creates a singleton of type CLASS, accessed through () |
Hoard::ExactlyOne< CLASS > | |
HL::ExceptionHeap< Super > | |
ExchangeActionInPopupCommand | |
ExchangeMenuCommand | |
ExecuteStmt | |
ExecutionStack | |
ExplainStmt | |
ExportFilterInterface | |
Expr | |
ExprContext | |
ExprContext_CB | |
ExprInfo | |
ExprList | |
ExprList::ExprList_item | |
ExprMaskSet | |
ExprState | |
FetchStmt | |
dbiplus::field | |
dbiplus::field_prop | |
dbiplus::field_value | |
FieldSelect | |
FieldSelectState | |
FieldStore | |
FieldStoreState | |
FIFODLFreelistHeap< Super > | |
FIFOFreelistHeap< SuperHeap > | |
QFileDialogPrivate::File | |
FileChooser | |
FileDialog | |
FileHeader | |
AQZipReader::FileInfo | |
fileinfo | |
FileObject | |
FilePath_st | |
FindDialog | |
FirstFitHeap< Super > | |
Fixed | |
FixedRequestHeap | Always grabs the same size, regardless of the request size |
Hoard::FixedRequestHeap< RequestSize, SuperHeap > | |
FixedSizeHeap< SH, Size > | |
FkConstraint | |
FKey | |
FLAbout | |
FLAccessControl | |
FLAccessControlFactory | |
FLAccessControlForm | |
FLAccessControlLists | |
FLAccessControlMainWindow | |
FLAccessControlTable | |
FLAction | |
FLApplication | |
FLApplicationInterface | Clase general de la aplicacin |
FLCheckBox | |
FLCodBar | |
FLCodBarInterface | Gestin de cdigos de barras |
FLCompoundKey | |
FLConnectDBDialog | |
FLDataTable | |
FLDateEdit | |
FLDigiDoc | |
FLDigiDocInterface | |
FLDiskCache | |
FLDomNodeInterface | Nodo XML |
FLDomNodeListInterface | Lista de nodos XML |
FLDomNodesCache | |
FLDoubleValidator | |
FLFieldDB | |
FLFieldDBInterface | Acceso a campos de las tablas desde formularios |
FLFieldDBWidgetInterface | |
FLFieldMetaData | |
FLFieldMetaDataPrivate | |
FLFormDB | |
FLFormDBInterface | Acceso a Formularios |
FLFormRecordDB | |
FLFormRecordDBInterface | Acceso a Formularios de edicin |
FLFormSearchDB | |
FLFormSearchDBInterface | Acceso a Formularios de bsqueda |
FLGroupByQuery | |
FLHelpWindow | |
FLImageViewer | |
FLImageViewerInterface | |
FLInfoMod | |
FLIntValidator | |
FLJasperEngine | |
FLJasperEnginePrivate | |
FLJasperViewer | |
FLJasperViewerPrivate | |
FLLineEdit | |
FLListViewInterface | |
FLListViewItem | |
FLListViewItemInterface | Acceso directo a elementos de vistas de tipo rbol |
FLManager | |
FLManagerModules | |
FLMemCache | |
FLModulesStaticLoader | |
FLMYresult | |
FLNetwork | |
FLObjectFactory | Fbrica de objetos para Qt Script |
FLParameterQuery | |
FLPGresult | |
FLPicture | |
FLPicturePrivate | |
FLPixmapView | |
FLPopupWarn | |
FLPosPrinter | |
FLPosPrinterInterface | |
FLProcessInterface | Manejador de procesos de sistema |
FLRelationMetaData | |
FLRelationMetaDataPrivate | |
FLReportEngine | |
FLReportEnginePrivate | |
FLReportPages | |
FLReportViewer | |
FLReportViewerInterface | Visor de informes |
FLScriptEditor | |
FLScriptEditorInterface | Herramienta de edicin de Scripts |
FLSerialPortInterface | |
FLSettings | |
FLSha1 | |
FLSmtpClient | |
FLSmtpClientInterface | Cliente SMTP para correo electrnico |
FLSpinBox | |
FLSqlConnections | |
FLSqlConnectionsPrivate | |
FLSqlCursor | |
FLSqlCursorInterface | Acceso a un cursor sobre la base de datos |
FLSqlCursorPrivate | |
FLSqlCursorsCache | |
FLSqlDatabase | |
FLSqlDriver | |
FLSqlQuery | |
FLSqlQueryInterface | Manejo de consultas sql |
FLSqlQueryPrivate | |
FLSqlSavePoint | |
FLStaticLoaderSetup | |
FLStaticLoaderWarning | |
FLStylePainter | |
FLStylePainterPrivate | |
FLTable | |
FLTableDB | |
FLTableDBInterface | Acceso a tablas desde formularios |
FLTableDBWidgetInterface | |
FLTableInterface | |
FLTableMetaData | |
FLTableMetaDataPrivate | |
FLTablePlusInterface | |
FLTableWidgetInterface | |
FLTabWidgetInterface | Controles 'tab' (pestaas) de los formularios |
FLTimerDbLock | |
FLTranslations | |
FLTranslator | |
FLUIntValidator | |
FLUtil | |
FLUtilInterface | Conjunto de utilidades generales |
FLVar | |
FLVarInterface | Control de las variables de sesin |
FLWidget | |
FLWidgetAction | |
FLWorkspace | |
FmgrBuiltin | |
FontShared | |
FormatAndVer_st | |
FormDefinitionView | |
FormFile | |
FormItem | |
FormSettings | |
FormWindow | Editor window for a form |
HL::Fred | |
FreeBlk | |
HL::FreelistHeap< SuperHeap > | |
FreelistHeap | Manage freed memory on a linked list |
FreelistInfo | |
HL::UseSizeHeap< Super >::freeObject | |
FreeSLList | A "memory neutral" singly-linked list, |
FriendlyMenuData | |
FromExpr | |
FuncCall | |
FuncDef | |
FuncExpr | |
FuncExprState | |
FuncList | |
LanguageInterface::Function | |
Function | |
MetaDataBase::Function | |
FunctionParameter | |
FunctionScan | |
FunctionScanState | |
FuncWithArgs | |
GenericExprState | |
Glade2Ui | |
GladeAction | |
GladeConnection | |
GladeFilter | |
Global | Unique global object containing initial native properties |
Hoard::GlobalHeap< SuperblockSize, EmptinessClasses, LockType > | |
GlobalHeapWrapper | |
ScalableHeapNS::GlobalHeapWrapper< NumHeaps, SuperHeap > | |
glyph_metrics_t | |
GlyphAttributes | |
GPOS_Instance_ | |
Gradient | |
GradientStop | |
GrantRoleStmt | |
GrantStmt | |
Grid | |
GridLayout | |
Group | |
GroupState | |
HL::Guard< LockType > | |
guc_stack | |
gz_stream | |
handle_option_ctx | |
Hash | |
HashElem | |
HashJoin | |
HashJoinState | |
HashPath | |
HashState | |
HL::RequireCoalesceable< SuperHeap >::Header | |
RequireCoalesceable< SuperHeap >::Header | |
HeaderClass | |
Hoard::HeapManager< LockType, HeapType > | |
hent | |
HierarchyItem | |
HierarchyList | |
HierarchyView | |
hm_fragment_st | |
hm_header_st | |
hmac_ctx_st | |
Hoard::HoardHeap< N, NH > | |
Hoard::HoardHeapType | |
HoardManager | Manages superblocks by emptiness, returning them to the parent heap when empty enough |
Hoard::HoardManager< SourceHeap, ParentHeap, SuperblockType_, EmptinessClasses, LockType, thresholdFunctionClass, HeapType > | |
Hoard::HoardSuperblock< LockType, SuperblockSize, HeapType > | |
Hoard::HoardSuperblockHeader< LockType, SuperblockSize, HeapType > | |
Hoard::hoardThresholdFunctionClass | |
Holder | |
HorizontalLayout | |
HorizontalLayoutList | |
HTAB | |
huff_entropy_decoder | |
huff_entropy_encoder | |
HL::HybridHeap< BigSize, SmallHeap, BigHeap > | |
HybridHeap | |
IconViewEditor | |
idea_key_st | |
IdList | |
IdList::IdList_item | |
Hoard::IgnoreInvalidFree< S > | |
IgnoreInvalidFree | |
Image | |
Resource::Image | |
QwtPlotRasterItem::PrivateData::ImageCache | |
ImageIconProvider | |
ImgElement | |
ImportFilterInterface | |
InClauseInfo | |
MetaDataBase::Include | |
IncludeInfo_st | |
Index | |
IndexClass | |
IndexElem | |
IndexInfo | |
IndexOptInfo | |
IndexPath | |
IndexScan | |
IndexScanState | |
IndexStmt | |
indexTbl_t | |
IndicOrdering | |
inet_struct | |
inflate_blocks_state | |
inflate_codes_state | |
inflate_state | |
info | |
QSqlRecordPrivate::info | |
InhRelation | |
InitData | |
InnerIndexscanInfo | |
InsertCommand | |
InsertStmt | |
int2vector | |
IntArray | |
IntegrityCk | |
internal_state | |
InterpreterInterface | |
Interval | |
InUseHeap< SuperHeap > | |
QWidgetStackPrivate::Invisible | |
io_status | |
IPAddressChoice_st | |
IPAddressFamily_st | |
IPAddressOrRange_st | |
IPAddressRange_st | |
QMetaEnum::Item | |
PopulateListBoxCommand::Item | |
PopulateIconViewCommand::Item | |
QDesignerGridLayout::Item | |
QListViewPrivate::ItemColumnInfo | |
QIconViewPrivate::ItemContainer | |
QwtPlotDict::PrivateData::ItemList | |
itimerval | |
Join | |
JoinExpr | |
JoiningPair | |
JoinPath | |
JoinState | |
jpeg_c_coef_controller | |
jpeg_c_main_controller | |
jpeg_c_prep_controller | |
jpeg_color_converter | |
jpeg_color_deconverter | |
jpeg_color_quantizer | |
jpeg_common_struct | |
jpeg_comp_master | |
jpeg_component_info | |
jpeg_compress_struct | |
jpeg_d_coef_controller | |
jpeg_d_main_controller | |
jpeg_d_post_controller | |
jpeg_decomp_master | |
jpeg_decompress_struct | |
jpeg_destination_mgr | |
jpeg_downsampler | |
jpeg_entropy_decoder | |
jpeg_entropy_encoder | |
jpeg_error_mgr | |
jpeg_forward_dct | |
jpeg_input_controller | |
jpeg_inverse_dct | |
jpeg_marker_reader | |
jpeg_marker_struct | |
jpeg_marker_writer | |
jpeg_memory_mgr | |
jpeg_progress_mgr | |
jpeg_scan_info | |
jpeg_source_mgr | |
jpeg_upsampler | |
JPEGFormat | |
JPTextCodecs | |
JunkFilter | |
jvirt_barray_control | |
jvirt_sarray_control | |
KDESettings | |
KDevDlgFilter | |
QFontCache::Key | |
QtFontStyle::Key | |
Keylist | |
QwtEventPattern::KeyPattern | A pattern for key events |
KeyRec | |
Keyword | |
HL::KingsleyHeap< PerClassHeap, BigHeap > | |
KingsleyHeap | The Kingsley-style allocator |
KingsModHeap< PerClassHeap > | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::KnobInterface | |
krb5_ap_req_st | |
krb5_authenticator_st | |
krb5_authorization_st | |
krb5_checksum_st | |
krb5_encdata_st | |
krb5_encryptionkey_st | |
krb5_princname_st | |
krb5_tktbody_st | |
KRTextCodecs | |
kssl_ctx_st | |
kssl_err_st | |
LabelStack | The "label set" in Ecma-262 spec |
LanguageInterface | |
LanguageInterfaceImpl | |
large_pool_struct | |
Layout | Baseclass for layouting widgets in the Designer |
QwtText::LayoutCache | |
QwtPlotLayout::LayoutData | |
LayoutGridCommand | |
LayoutHorizontalCommand | |
LayoutHorizontalSplitCommand | |
QwtDynGridLayout::PrivateData::LayoutIterator | |
LayoutVerticalCommand | |
LayoutVerticalSplitCommand | |
LazyHeap< SuperHeap > | |
LazySlotHeap< chunkSize, slotSize, Super > | |
HL::LeaHeap< Sbrk, Mmap > | This heap approximates the algorithms used by DLmalloc 2.7.0 |
HL::LeaMallocHeap | |
LeaMallocHeap | A "source heap" that uses the Lea allocator |
QwtLegend::PrivateData::LegendMap | |
QwtLegend::PrivateData::LegendView | |
Length | |
lhash_node_st | |
lhash_st | |
Limit | |
LimitState | |
LimitVal | |
LINE | |
Line | |
LinizerState | |
link | |
List | |
ListBoxDnd | |
ListBoxEditor | |
ListBoxItemDrag | |
ListBoxRename | |
ListCell | |
ListDnd | |
ListenStmt | |
ListNode | |
ListViewDnd | |
ListViewEditor | |
ListViewItemDrag | |
LoadStmt | |
LocalFileHeader | |
LocalMailFolder | |
HL::LocalMallocHeap | |
HL::LockedHeap< LockType, Super > | |
LockedHeap | |
LockInfoData | |
LockingClause | |
Hoard::LockMallocHeap< Heap > | |
LockRelId | |
LockStmt | |
HL::Log< Obj > | |
HL::LogHeap< SuperHeap > | |
lookup_dir_st | |
LooseSlotHeap< chunkSize, slotSize, emptyFraction, Super > | |
LowerCommand | |
LP_dir_context_st | |
LPair | |
LSEG | |
LVI | |
macaddr | |
MacroCommand | |
MacStyle | |
MailFolder | |
QDns::MailServer | The QDns::MailServer class is described in QDns::mailServers() |
MainWindow | |
MakefileGenerator::MakefileDependDir | |
MakefileGenerator | |
mallinfo | |
HL::mallocHeap | |
mallocHeap | A "source heap" that uses malloc and free |
HL::SelectObjectManagerHeap< SuperHeap, OMWrapper >::ObjectManagerHeapProxy2::ManageMe | |
ManageOneSuperblock | A layer that caches exactly one superblock, thus avoiding costly lookups |
Hoard::ManageOneSuperblock< SuperHeap > | |
HL::ObjectManagerWrapper::Manager< S > | |
HL::ProvideObjectManagerWrapper::Manager< S > | |
HL::NullObjectManagerWrapper::Manager< S > | |
HL::SelectObjectManagerHeap< SuperHeap, OMWrapper >::ObjectManagerHeapProxy1::Manager< A > | |
map | |
MarkerWidget | |
MarkThreadHeap< NumHeaps, super > | |
mask_gc | |
QLineEditPrivate::MaskInputData | |
Material | |
MaterialPath | |
MaterialState | |
MCalcObject | |
QFileDialogPrivate::MCItem | |
MD2state_st | |
MD4state_st | |
MD5_CTX | |
md5_state_s | |
MD5state_st | |
mdc2_ctx_st | |
MED | |
Mem | |
mem_ctx_st | |
mem_data_st | |
mem_leak_st | |
mem_object_data_st | |
mem_st | |
memnod | |
memory_information | |
MemoryContextData | |
MemoryContextMethods | |
MemPage | |
MenuBarEditor | |
MenuBarEditorItem | |
MenuBarEditorItemPtrDrag | |
QActionPrivate::MenuItem | |
QActionGroupPrivate::MenuItem | |
MergeJoin | |
MergeJoinState | |
MergePath | |
MessageClass | |
MessageDescriptor | |
MessageDevice | |
MessageDLL | |
MessageEditor | |
MessageFactory | |
MessageLVI | |
MetaDataBase | Database which stores meta data of widgets |
MetaDataBaseRecord | |
MetaDataBase::MetaInfo | |
MetaTranslator | |
MetaTranslatorMessage | |
MetrowerksMakefileGenerator | |
MFieldObject | |
MimePart | |
MingwMakefileGenerator | |
MinMaxCtx | |
MinMaxExpr | |
MinMaxExprState | |
Option::mkfile | |
MLabelObject | |
MLineObject | |
Mmap | |
MmapAlloc | Obtains memory from Mmap but doesn't allow it to be freed |
Hoard::MmapAlloc | |
HL::MmapHeap | |
MmapHeap | A "source heap" that manages memory via calls to the VM interface |
HL::MmapWrapper | |
mng_back | |
mng_basi | |
mng_bkgd | |
mng_chrm | |
mng_chunk_header | |
mng_clip | |
mng_clon | |
mng_data_struct | |
mng_dbyk | |
mng_defi | |
mng_dhdr | |
mng_disc | |
mng_drop | |
mng_endl | |
mng_error_entry | |
mng_expi | |
mng_fpri | |
mng_fram | |
mng_gama | |
mng_hist | |
mng_iccp | |
mng_idat | |
mng_iend | |
mng_ihdr | |
mng_ijng | |
mng_ipng | |
mng_itxt | |
mng_loop | |
mng_magn | |
mng_mend | |
mng_mhdr | |
mng_move | |
mng_need | |
mng_ordr_entry | |
mng_ordr_struct | |
mng_palette8e | |
mng_past | |
mng_past_source | |
mng_phys | |
mng_plte | |
mng_pplt | |
mng_pplt_entry | |
mng_prom | |
mng_save | |
mng_save_entry | |
mng_savedata_struct | |
mng_sbit | |
mng_seek | |
mng_show | |
mng_splt | |
mng_srgb | |
mng_term | |
mng_text | |
mng_time | |
mng_trns | |
mng_unknown_chunk | |
mng_ztxt | |
MNGFormat | |
modes | |
ModifKeyName | |
MotifPlusStyle | |
MotifStyle | |
QwtEventPattern::MousePattern | A pattern for mouse events |
MoveCommand | |
MoveMenuCommand | |
MoveTabPageCommand | |
MoveWizardPageCommand | |
MPageCollection | |
MPageDisplay | |
MReportDetail | |
MReportEngine | |
MReportObject | |
MReportSection | |
MReportViewer | |
ms_tm | |
MSpecialObject | |
mss__AP_InfoType | |
mss__DataType | |
mss__DigestAlgAndValueType | |
mss__KeyReferenceType | |
mss__MeshMemberType | |
mss__MobileUserType | |
mss__MSS_USCORESignatureReq | |
mss__MSS_USCORESignatureResp | |
mss__MSS_USCOREStatusReq | |
mss__MSS_USCOREStatusResp | |
mss__MSSP_InfoType | |
mss__mssURIType | |
mss__SignatureType | |
mss__StatusCodeType | |
mss__StatusType | |
MSSP_st | |
ScalableHeapNS::MTHeap< NumHeaps, MmapThreshold, BaseNullHeap, BaseHeap > | |
MultiHeap< NumHeaps, Super > | |
MultiLineEditor | |
MultiMalloc< SuperHeap > | |
multiplier_table | |
MUtil | |
my_charset_handler_st | |
my_coef_controller | |
my_collation_handler_st | |
my_color_converter | |
my_color_deconverter | |
my_comp_master | |
my_cquantizer | |
my_cs_file_info | |
my_cs_file_section_st | |
my_decomp_master | |
my_destination_mgr | |
my_downsampler | |
my_error_mgr | |
my_fdct_controller | |
my_idct_controller | |
my_input_controller | |
my_jpeg_destination_mgr | |
my_jpeg_source_mgr | |
my_main_controller | |
my_marker_reader | |
my_marker_writer | |
my_match_t | |
my_MD5_CTX | |
my_memory_mgr | |
my_option | |
my_post_controller | |
my_prep_controller | |
my_source_mgr | |
my_uni_idx_st | |
my_upsampler | |
HL::MyHashMap< Key, Value, Allocator > | |
MyMenuBar | |
MyObject | |
MyPopupMenu | |
MyPushButton | |
mysig_t | |
name_funcs_st | |
nameData | |
Namespace | |
NamespaceInfo | |
nbio_test_st | |
HL::NestedHeap< SuperHeap > | |
NestedHeap | Hierarchical heaps |
NestLoop | |
NestLoopState | |
Netscape_certificate_sequence | |
netscape_encrypted_pkey_st | |
netscape_pkey_st | |
Netscape_spkac_st | |
Netscape_spki_st | |
newArray | |
NewForm | |
NewItem | |
newObject | |
NmakeMakefileGenerator | |
Node | |
Treap< KEY, VALUE >::Node | |
HL::NOP< S > | |
NormalizeObject | |
NotaryInfo_sk | |
NotifyStmt | |
HL::NullHeap< SuperHeap > | |
NullHeap | A source heap that does nothing |
HL::NullObjectManagerWrapper | |
NullTest | |
NumericData | |
obj_name_st | |
HL::ObjectManager< SuperHeap > | |
HL::ObjectManagerBase< SuperHeap > | |
HL::SelectObjectManagerHeap< SuperHeap, OMWrapper >::ObjectManagerHeapProxy1 | |
HL::SelectObjectManagerHeap< SuperHeap, OMWrapper >::ObjectManagerHeapProxy2 | |
HL::ObjectManagerWrapper | |
obstack | |
ObstackReap< ReapType > | |
ocsp_basic_response_st | |
ocsp_cert_id_st | |
ocsp_cert_status_st | |
ocsp_crl_id_st | |
ocsp_one_request_st | |
ocsp_req_ctx_st | |
ocsp_req_info_st | |
ocsp_request_st | |
ocsp_resp_bytes_st | |
ocsp_responder_id_st | |
ocsp_response_data_st | |
ocsp_response_st | |
ocsp_revoked_info_st | |
ocsp_service_locator_st | |
ocsp_signature_st | |
ocsp_single_response_st | |
ODSType< T > | |
ODSType< char[N]> | |
ODSType< const T & > | |
QTranslatorPrivate::Offset | |
oidvector | |
ok_struct | |
old_mutex_t_ | |
old_mutexattr_t_ | |
HL::OneHeap< SuperHeap > | |
openssl_item_st | |
OpExpr | |
opInfo | |
Option | |
options | |
Options | |
OrderIndicator | |
OsFile | |
otherName_st | |
OTL_BufferRec_ | |
OTL_GlyphItemRec_ | |
OTL_PositionRec_ | |
OTScripts | |
OutputWindow | |
OverflowPage | |
Pad< CacheLineSize, Super > | |
PadHeap< CacheLineSize, SuperHeap > | |
QWizardPrivate::Page | |
QToolBoxPrivate::Page | |
PageCurl | |
PageHdr | |
PageOne | |
Pager | |
PageRecord | |
paintevent_item | |
PaintEventInfo | |
PaintWidget | |
PaletteEditor | |
PaletteEditorAdvanced | |
PaletteShared | |
PaperSize | |
ParagData | |
Param | |
ParamExecData | |
ParamListInfoData | |
ParamRef | |
Paren | |
ParenMatcher | |
Parse | |
Parser | |
parser_info | |
parser_reg | |
PasteCommand | |
Path | |
PATH | |
PathKeyItem | |
PBE2PARAM_st | |
pem_ctx_st | |
PEM_Encode_Seal_st | |
pem_recip_st | |
QListViewPrivate::Pending | |
HL::PerClassHeap< SuperHeap > | |
PerClassHeap | Enable the use of one heap for all class memory allocation |
Hoard::PerThreadHoardHeap | |
pg_cancel | |
pg_conn | |
pg_enc2name | |
pg_encname | |
pg_local_to_utf | |
pg_result | |
pg_utf_to_local | |
pg_wchar_tbl | |
PgHdr | |
pgLobjfuncs | |
PGLZ_DecompState | |
PGLZ_Header | |
PGLZ_Strategy | |
pgMessageField | |
PGNoticeHooks | |
pgNotify | |
pgParameterStatus | |
pgresAttDesc | |
pgresAttValue | |
pgresult_data | |
PGRUsage | |
PgStat_Info | |
PHOThreadHeap< NumHeaps, super > | |
Phrase | |
PhraseBook | |
PhraseBookBox | |
PhraseLV | |
PhraseLVI | |
phuff_entropy_decoder | |
phuff_entropy_encoder | |
QwtPicker::PickerWidget | |
PixElement | |
QwtPlotCurve::PrivateData::PixelMatrix | |
PixmapCollection::Pixmap | |
PixmapCollection | |
PixmapShared | |
PixmapView | |
PKCS12 | |
pkcs12_bag_st | |
pkcs7_digest_st | |
pkcs7_enc_content_st | |
pkcs7_encrypted_st | |
pkcs7_enveloped_st | |
pkcs7_issuer_and_serial_st | |
pkcs7_recip_info_st | |
pkcs7_signed_st | |
pkcs7_signedandenveloped_st | |
pkcs7_signer_info_st | |
pkcs7_st | |
pkcs8_priv_key_info_st | |
Plan | |
PlannerInfo | |
PlanState | |
PlatinumStyle | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::PlotDialog | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::PlotInterface | |
png_color_16_struct | |
png_color_8_struct | |
png_color_struct | |
png_dsort_struct | |
png_info_struct | |
png_row_info_struct | |
png_sPLT_entry_struct | |
png_sPLT_struct | |
png_struct_def | |
png_text_struct | |
png_time_struct | |
png_unknown_chunk_t | |
PNGFormat | |
Point | |
PointShared | |
PolicyIdentifier_st | |
PopulateIconViewCommand | |
PopulateListBoxCommand | |
PopulateListViewCommand | |
PopulateMultiLineEditCommand | |
PopulateTableCommand | |
PopupMenuEditor | |
PopupMenuEditorItem | |
PopupMenuEditorItemPtrDrag | |
Port | |
PortalData | |
QextSerialPort::PortSettings | |
PosixLockType | Locking using POSIX mutex objects |
HL::PosixLockType | |
PQArgBlock | |
PQEnvironmentOption | |
PQExpBufferData | |
PreferenceInterface::Preference | |
PreferenceInterface | |
PreferenceInterfaceImpl | |
PrefetchHeap< Super > | |
PrepareStmt | |
PreviewFrame | |
PreviewWidget | |
PreviewWorkspace | |
previous_mode_data | |
PrinterDefaults | |
PrintOut | |
QWindowsStyle::Private | |
private_key_st | |
QwtAbstractScale::PrivateData | |
QwtAbstractScaleDraw::PrivateData | |
QwtAbstractSlider::PrivateData | |
QwtArrowButton::PrivateData | |
QwtLinearColorMap::PrivateData | |
QwtAlphaColorMap::PrivateData | |
QwtCompass::PrivateData | |
QwtCounter::PrivateData | |
QwtSplineCurveFitter::PrivateData | |
QwtDial::PrivateData | |
QwtDynGridLayout::PrivateData | |
QwtKnob::PrivateData | |
QwtLegend::PrivateData | |
QwtLegendItem::PrivateData | |
QwtMagnifier::PrivateData | |
QwtPanner::PrivateData | |
QwtPicker::PrivateData | |
QwtPlot::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotCurve::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotCanvas::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotGrid::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotItem::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotLayout::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotMagnifier::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotMarker::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotPanner::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotPrintFilter::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotRasterItem::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotScaleItem::PrivateData | |
QwtScaleDraw::PrivateData | |
QwtScaleEngine::PrivateData | |
QwtScaleWidget::PrivateData | |
QwtSlider::PrivateData | |
QwtSpline::PrivateData | |
QwtText::PrivateData | |
QwtPlainTextEngine::PrivateData | |
QwtTextLabel::PrivateData | |
QwtThermo::PrivateData | |
QwtWheel::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotDict::PrivateData | |
QwtRoundScaleDraw::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotSpectrogram::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotZoomer::PrivateData | |
QwtPlotSvgItem::PrivateData | |
HL::PrivateMmapHeap | |
PrivGrantee | |
PrivTarget | |
Hoard::ProcessHeap< SuperblockSize, EmptinessClasses, LockType, ThresholdClass > | |
ProfileHeap< super, HeapNumber > | |
Project | |
ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator | |
ProjectGenerator | |
ProjectionInfo | |
ProjectItem | |
ProjectSettings | |
ProjectSettingsInterface::ProjectSettings | |
ProjectSettingsInterface | |
ProjectSettingsInterfaceImpl | |
Option::projfile | |
Option::prop | |
Property | |
MetaDataBase::Property | |
QuickInterpreter::Property | |
PropertyBoolItem | |
PropertyColorItem | |
PropertyCoordItem | |
PropertyCursorItem | |
PropertyDatabaseItem | |
PropertyDateItem | |
PropertyDateTimeItem | |
PropertyDoubleItem | |
PropertyEditor | PropertyEdior toplevel window |
PropertyEnumItem | |
PropertyFontItem | |
PropertyIntItem | |
PropertyItem | Base class for all property items |
PropertyKeysequenceItem | |
PropertyLayoutItem | |
PropertyList | PropertyList is a QListView derived class which is used for editing widget properties |
PropertyListItem | |
PropertyObject | |
PropertyPaletteItem | |
PropertyPixmapItem | |
PropertySizePolicyItem | |
PropertyTextItem | |
PropertyTimeItem | |
PropertyWhatsThis | |
PropList | |
HL::ProvideObjectManager< SuperHeap > | |
HL::ProvideObjectManagerWrapper | |
psfont | |
PSPrinter | |
PSPrinterUnixPrivate | |
pthread_attr_t_ | |
pthread_barrier_t_ | |
pthread_barrierattr_t_ | |
pthread_cond_t_ | |
pthread_condattr_t_ | |
pthread_key_t_ | |
pthread_mutex_t_ | |
pthread_mutexattr_t_ | |
pthread_once_t_ | |
pthread_rwlock_t_ | |
pthread_rwlockattr_t_ | |
pthread_spinlock_t_ | |
ptw32_cleanup_t | |
ptw32_cond_wait_cleanup_args_t | |
ptw32_handle_t | |
ptw32_mcs_node_t_ | |
ptw32_thread_t_ | |
Q_HackPaintDevice | |
q_scriptEngine | |
QAccel | Handles keyboard accelerator and shortcut keys |
QAccelItem | |
QAccelManager | |
QAccelPrivate | |
QAccessibleButton | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for button type widgets |
QAccessibleComboBox | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for editable and read-only combo boxes |
QAccessibleDisplay | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for widgets that display static information |
QAccessibleHeader | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for header widgets |
QAccessibleIconView | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for icon views |
QAccessibleListBox | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for list boxes |
QAccessibleListView | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for list views |
QAccessibleMenuBar | |
QAccessiblePopup | |
QAccessibleRangeControl | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for range controls |
QAccessibleScrollBar | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for scroll bars |
QAccessibleScrollView | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for scrolled widgets |
QAccessibleSlider | The QAccessibleScrollBar class implements the QAccessibleInterface for sliders |
QAccessibleSpinWidget | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for up/down widgets |
QAccessibleTabBar | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for tab bars |
QAccessibleText | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for widgets with editable text |
QAccessibleTextEdit | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for richtext editors |
QAccessibleTitleBar | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for title bars |
QAccessibleViewport | Hides the viewport of scrollviews for accessibility |
QAccessibleWidget | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets |
QAccessibleWidgetStack | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for widget stacks |
QAccessWidget | |
QAction | Abstract user interface action that can appear both in menus and tool bars |
QActionGroup | Groups actions together |
QActionGroupPrivate | |
QActionPrivate | |
QAlphaWidget | |
QApplication | Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings |
QAquaAnimate | |
QAquaAnimatePrivate | |
QAquaFocusWidget | |
QArabicProperties | |
QAsciiBucket | |
QAsciiCache< type > | |
QAsciiCacheIterator< type > | |
QAsciiDict< type > | |
QAsciiDictIterator< type > | |
QAssistantClient | Means of using Qt Assistant as an application's help tool |
QAssistantClientPrivate | |
QAsyncIO | Encapsulates I/O asynchronicity |
QAuBucket | |
QAuServer | |
QAuServerMac | |
QAuServerMacCleanupHandler | |
QAuServerNull | |
QAuServerWindows | |
QAutoDeleter< T > | |
QBackInsertIterator< Container > | |
QBaseBucket | |
QBeginCommand | |
QBig5Codec | Conversion to and from the Big5 encoding |
QBig5Decoder | |
QBig5hkscsCodec | Conversion to and from the Big5-HKSCS encoding |
QBig5hkscsDecoder | |
QBitArray | Array of bits |
QBitmap | Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps |
QBitVal | Internal class, used with QBitArray |
QBoxLayout | Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically |
QBoxLayoutData | |
QBoxLayoutItem | |
QBoxLayoutIterator | |
QBrush | Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by a QPainter |
QBuffer | I/O device that operates on a QByteArray |
QButton | Abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons |
QButtonData | |
QButtonGroup | Organizes QButton widgets in a group |
QButtonItem | |
QButtonList | |
QByteArray | Array of bytes |
QCache< type > | |
QCacheItem | |
QCacheIterator< type > | |
QCanvas | 2D area that can contain QCanvasItem objects.canvas |
QCanvasChunk | |
QCanvasClusterizer | |
QCanvasData | |
QCanvasEllipse | Ellipse or ellipse segment on a QCanvas.canvasA canvas item that paints an ellipse or ellipse segment with a QBrush. The ellipse's height, width, start angle and angle length can be set at construction time. The size can be changed at runtime with setSize(), and the angles can be changed (if you're displaying an ellipse segment rather than a whole ellipse) with setAngles() |
QCanvasItem | Abstract graphic object on a QCanvas.canvasA variety of QCanvasItem subclasses provide immediately usable behaviour. This class is a pure abstract superclass providing the behaviour that is shared among all the concrete canvas item classes. QCanvasItem is not intended for direct subclassing. It is much easier to subclass one of its subclasses, e.g. QCanvasPolygonalItem (the commonest base class), QCanvasRectangle, QCanvasSprite, QCanvasEllipse or QCanvasText |
QCanvasItemExtra | |
QCanvasItemList | List of QCanvasItems.canvasQCanvasItemList is a QValueList of pointers to {QCanvasItem}s. This class is used by some methods in QCanvas that need to return a list of canvas items |
QCanvasItemPtr | |
QCanvasLine | Line on a QCanvas.canvasThe line inherits functionality from QCanvasPolygonalItem, for example the setPen() function. The start and end points of the line are set with setPoints() |
QCanvasPixmap | Pixmaps for QCanvasSprites.canvasIf you want to show a single pixmap on a QCanvas use a QCanvasSprite with just one pixmap |
QCanvasPixmapArray | Array of QCanvasPixmaps.canvas |
QCanvasPolygon | Polygon on a QCanvas.canvasPaints a polygon with a QBrush. The polygon's points can be set in the constructor or set or changed later using setPoints(). Use points() to retrieve the points, or areaPoints() to retrieve the points relative to the canvas's origin |
QCanvasPolygonalItem | Polygonal canvas item on a QCanvas.canvasThe mostly rectangular classes, such as QCanvasSprite and QCanvasText, use the object's bounding rectangle for movement, repainting and collision calculations. For most other items, the bounding rectangle can be far too large -- a diagonal line being the worst case, and there are many other cases which are also bad. QCanvasPolygonalItem provides polygon-based bounding rectangle handling, etc., which is much faster for non-rectangular items |
QCanvasPolygonScanner | |
QCanvasRectangle | Rectangle on a QCanvas.canvasThis item paints a single rectangle which may have any pen() and brush(), but may not be tilted/rotated. For rotated rectangles, use QCanvasPolygon |
QCanvasSpline | Multi-bezier splines on a QCanvas.canvasA QCanvasSpline is a sequence of 4-point bezier curves joined together to make a curved shape |
QCanvasSprite | Animated canvas item on a QCanvas.canvasA canvas sprite is an object which can contain any number of images (referred to as frames), only one of which is current, i.e. displayed, at any one time. The images can be passed in the constructor or set or changed later with setSequence(). If you subclass QCanvasSprite you can change the frame that is displayed periodically, e.g. whenever QCanvasItem::advance(1) is called to create the effect of animation |
QCanvasText | Text object on a QCanvas.canvasA canvas text item has text with font, color and alignment attributes. The text and font can be set in the constructor or set or changed later with setText() and setFont(). The color is set with setColor() and the alignment with setTextFlags(). The text item's bounding rectangle is retrieved with boundingRect() |
QCanvasView | On-screen view of a QCanvas.canvasA QCanvasView is widget which provides a view of a QCanvas |
QCanvasViewData | |
QCDEStyle | CDE look and feel |
QCDict | |
QChar | Lightweight Unicode character |
QCharAttributes | |
QCharRef | Helper class for QString |
QCheckBox | Checkbox with a text label |
QCheckListItem | Checkable list view items |
QCheckListItemPrivate | |
QCheckTableItem | Checkboxes in QTables.table |
QChildEvent | Event parameters for child object events |
QClassInfo | Struct that stores some basic information about a single class |
QCleanupHandler< Type > | |
QClipboard | Access to the window system clipboard |
QClipboardData | |
QClipboardINCRTransaction | |
QClipboardWatcher | |
QClipperWidget | |
QCList | |
QCListIt | |
QCloseEvent | Parameters that describe a close event |
QColIntValidator | |
QColNumLineEdit | |
QColor | Colors based on RGB or HSV values |
QColorData | |
QColorDialog | Dialog widget for specifying colors. The color dialog's function is to allow users to choose colors. For example, you might use this in a drawing program to allow the user to set the brush color |
QColorDialogPrivate | |
QColorDrag | |
QColorGroup | Group of widget colors |
QColorGroupPrivate | |
QColorLuminancePicker | |
QColorPicker | |
QColorScreenData | |
QColorShower | |
QColorShowLabel | |
QColorWell | |
QCoMatrix | |
QComboBox | Combined button and popup list |
QComboBoxData | |
QComboBoxPopup | |
QComboBoxPopupItem | |
QComboTableItem | Means of using comboboxes in QTables.table |
QComLibrary | |
QCommonStyle | Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI |
QCompactStyle | |
QCompletionEdit | |
QComponentFactory | Static functions to create and register components |
QComponentFactoryInterface | |
QComponentInformationInterface | |
QComponentRegistrationInterface | |
QConnection | Internal class, used in the signal/slot mechanism |
QConnectionList | |
QConnectionListIt | |
QConstString | String objects using constant Unicode data |
QContextMenuEvent | Parameters that describe a context menu event |
QCornerSquare | |
QCString | Abstraction of the classic C zero-terminated char array (char *) |
QCursor | Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape |
QCursorData | |
QCustomEvent | Support for custom events |
QCustomMenuItem | Abstract base class for custom menu items in popup menus |
QDataBrowser | Data manipulation and navigation for data entry forms |
QDataBrowserPrivate | |
QDataManager | Internal class for implementing the data-aware widgets |
QDataManagerPrivate | |
QDataPump | Moves data from a QDataSource to a QDataSink during event processing |
QDataSink | Asynchronous consumer of data |
QDataSource | Asynchronous producer of data |
QDataStream | Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice |
QDataTable | Flexible SQL table widget that supports browsing and editing |
QDataTablePrivate | |
QDataView | Read-only SQL forms |
QDataViewPrivate | |
QDate | Date functions |
QDateEdit | Date editor |
QDateEditPrivate | |
QDateTime | Date and time functions |
QDateTimeEdit | Combines a QDateEdit and QTimeEdit widget into a single widget for editing datetimes |
QDateTimeEditBase | Abstraction for date and edit editors |
QDateTimeEditor | |
QDateTimeEditorPrivate | |
QDateTimeEditPrivate | |
QDateTimeSpinWidget | |
QDeepCopy< T > | The QDeepCopy class is a template class which ensures that implicitly shared and explicitly shared classes reference unique data |
QDelTextCmd | |
QDesignerAction | |
QDesignerActionGroup | |
QDesignerCheckBox | |
QDesignerDataBrowser | |
QDesignerDataBrowser2 | |
QDesignerDataView | |
QDesignerDataView2 | |
QDesignerDialog | |
QDesignerGridLayout | |
QDesignerIndicatorWidget | |
QDesignerLabel | |
QDesignerPushButton | |
QDesignerRadioButton | |
QDesignerTabWidget | |
QDesignerToolBar | |
QDesignerToolBarSeparator | |
QDesignerToolBox | |
QDesignerToolButton | |
QDesignerWidget | |
QDesignerWidgetStack | |
QDesignerWizard | |
QDesktopWidget | |
QDesktopWidgetPrivate | |
QDial | Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer) |
QDialog | Base class of dialog windows |
QDialogButtons | |
QDialogButtonsPrivate | |
QDialogPrivate | |
QDialPrivate | |
QDict< type > | |
QDictIterator< type > | |
QDir | Access to directory structures and their contents in a platform-independent way |
QDirSortItem | |
QDispatchInterface | |
QDns | Asynchronous DNS lookups.networkBoth Windows and Unix provide synchronous DNS lookups; Windows provides some asynchronous support too. At the time of writing neither operating system provides asynchronous support for anything other than hostname-to-address mapping |
QDnsAnswer | |
QDnsDomain | |
QDnsManager | |
QDnsPrivate | |
QDnsQuery | |
QDnsRR | |
QDnsSocket | |
QDnsUgleHack | |
QDockArea | Manages and lays out QDockWindows |
QDockAreaLayout | |
QDockWindow | Widget which can be docked inside a QDockArea or floated as a top level window on the desktop |
QDockWindowGridLayout | |
QDockWindowHandle | |
QDockWindowPrivate | |
QDockWindowResizeHandle | |
QDockWindowTitleBar | |
QDomAttr | One attribute of a QDomElement.XMLFor example, the following piece of XML produces an element with no children, but two attributes: |
QDomAttrPrivate | |
QDomCDATASection | XML CDATA section.XMLCDATA sections are used to escape blocks of text containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup. The only delimiter that is recognized in a CDATA section is the "]]>" string that terminates the CDATA section. CDATA sections cannot be nested. Their primary purpose is for including material such as XML fragments, without needing to escape all the delimiters |
QDomCDATASectionPrivate | |
QDomCharacterData | Generic string in the DOM.XMLCharacter data as used in XML specifies a generic data string. More specialized versions of this class are QDomText, QDomComment and QDomCDATASection |
QDomCharacterDataPrivate | |
QDomComment | XML comment.XMLA comment in the parsed XML such as this: |
QDomCommentPrivate | |
QDomDocument | XML document.XMLThe QDomDocument class represents the entire XML document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data |
QDomDocumentFragment | Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument.XMLIf you want to do complex tree operations it is useful to have a lightweight class to store nodes and their relations. QDomDocumentFragment stores a subtree of a document which does not necessarily represent a well-formed XML document |
QDomDocumentFragmentPrivate | |
QDomDocumentPrivate | |
QDomDocumentType | Representation of the DTD in the document tree.XMLThe QDomDocumentType class allows read-only access to some of the data structures in the DTD: it can return a map of all entities() and notations(). In addition the function name() returns the name of the document type as specified in the <!DOCTYPE name> tag. This class also provides the publicId(), systemId() and internalSubset() functions |
QDomDocumentTypePrivate | |
QDomElement | One element in the DOM tree.XMLElements have a tagName() and zero or more attributes associated with them. The tag name can be changed with setTagName() |
QDomElementPrivate | |
QDomEntity | XML entity.XMLThis class represents an entity in an XML document, either parsed or unparsed. Note that this models the entity itself not the entity declaration |
QDomEntityPrivate | |
QDomEntityReference | XML entity reference.XMLA QDomEntityReference object may be inserted into the DOM tree when an entity reference is in the source document, or when the user wishes to insert an entity reference |
QDomEntityReferencePrivate | |
QDomHandler | |
QDomImplementation | Information about the features of the DOM implementation.XMLThis class describes the features that are supported by the DOM implementation. Currently the XML subset of DOM Level 1 and DOM Level 2 Core are supported |
QDomImplementationPrivate | |
QDomNamedNodeMap | Collection of nodes that can be accessed by name.XMLNote that QDomNamedNodeMap does not inherit from QDomNodeList. QDomNamedNodeMaps do not provide any specific node ordering. Although nodes in a QDomNamedNodeMap may be accessed by an ordinal index, this is simply to allow a convenient enumeration of the contents of a QDomNamedNodeMap, and does not imply that the DOM specifies an ordering of the nodes |
QDomNamedNodeMapPrivate | |
QDomNode | Base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree.XMLMany functions in the DOM return a QDomNode |
QDomNodeList | List of QDomNode objects.XMLLists can be obtained by QDomDocument::elementsByTagName() and QDomNode::childNodes(). The Document Object Model (DOM) requires these lists to be "live": whenever you change the underlying document, the contents of the list will get updated |
QDomNodeListPrivate | |
QDomNodePrivate | |
QDomNotation | XML notation.XMLA notation either declares, by name, the format of an unparsed entity (see section 4.7 of the XML 1.0 specification), or is used for formal declaration of processing instruction targets (see section 2.6 of the XML 1.0 specification) |
QDomNotationPrivate | |
QDomProcessingInstruction | XML processing instruction.XMLProcessing instructions are used in XML to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document |
QDomProcessingInstructionPrivate | |
QDomText | Text data in the parsed XML document.XMLYou can split the text in a QDomText object over two QDomText objecs with splitText() |
QDomTextPrivate | |
QDoubleValidator | Range checking of floating-point numbers |
QDragEnterEvent | Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop first drags onto the widget |
QDragLeaveEvent | Event which is sent to the widget when a drag and drop leaves the widget |
QDragManager | |
QDragMoveEvent | Event which is sent while a drag and drop is in progress |
QDragObject | Encapsulates MIME-based data transfer |
QDragObjectData | |
QDragResponseEvent | |
QDropEvent | Event which is sent when a drag and drop is completed |
QDropSite | Nothing and does nothing |
QEditorFactory | Used to create editor widgets for QVariant data types |
QEffects | |
QEndCommand | |
QErrorMessage | Error message display dialog |
QErrorMessageTextView | |
QETWidget | |
QEucJpCodec | Conversion to and from EUC-JP character sets |
QEucJpDecoder | |
QEucKrCodec | Conversion to and from EUC-KR character sets |
QEucKrDecoder | |
QEvent | Base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters |
QEventLoop | Manages the event queue |
QEventLoopPrivate | |
QExtraWidget | |
QextSerialPort | |
QFDProgressAnimation | |
QFDProgressDialog | |
QFeatureListInterface | |
QFile | I/O device that operates on files |
QFileDialog | Dialogs that allow users to select files or directories. |
QFileDialogPrivate | |
QFileDialogQFileListView | |
QFileIconProvider | Icons for QFileDialog to use |
QFileInfo | System-independent file information |
QFileInfoCache | |
QFileListBox | |
QFilePreview | File previewing in QFileDialog |
QFilePrivate | |
QFixed | |
QFocusData | Maintains the list of widgets in the focus chain |
QFocusEvent | Event parameters for widget focus events |
QFont | Font used for drawing text |
QFontBig5Codec | |
QFontBig5hkscsCodec | |
QFontCache | |
QFontDatabase | Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system |
QFontDatabasePrivate | |
QFontDef | |
QFontDialog | Dialog widget for selecting a font |
QFontDialogPrivate | |
QFontEngineData | |
QFontGb18030_0Codec | |
QFontGb2312Codec | |
QFontGbkCodec | |
QFontInfo | General information about fonts |
QFontJis0201Codec | |
QFontJis0208Codec | |
QFontKsc5601Codec | |
QFontLaoCodec | |
QFontMetrics | Font metrics information |
QFontPrivate | |
QFrame | Base class of widgets that can have a frame |
QFtp | Implementation of the FTP |
QFtpCommand | |
QFtpDTP | |
QFtpPI | |
QFtpPrivate | |
QGArray | Internal class for implementing the QMemArray class |
QGb18030Codec | Conversion to and from the Chinese GB18030/GBK/GB2312 encoding |
QGb18030Decoder | |
QGb2312Codec | Conversion to and from the Chinese GB2312 encoding |
QGb2312Decoder | |
QGbkCodec | Conversion to and from the Chinese GBK encoding |
QGbkDecoder | |
QGC | |
QGCache | Internal class for implementing QCache template classes |
QGCacheIterator | Internal class for implementing QCacheIterator and QIntCacheIterator |
QGCC | |
QGDict | Internal class for implementing QDict template classes |
QGDictIterator | Internal class for implementing QDictIterator and QIntDictIterator |
QGDItList | |
QGfxDriverInterface | |
QGL | Namespace for miscellaneous identifiers in the Qt OpenGL module.OpenGL |
QGLayoutIterator | Abstract base class of internal layout iterators |
QGLColormap | Used for installing custom colormaps into QGLWidgets.OpenGLQGLColormap provides a platform independent way of specifying and installing indexed colormaps into QGLWidgets. QGLColormap is especially useful when using the OpenGL color-index mode |
QGLContext | Encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context.OpenGL |
QGLFormat | Display format of an OpenGL rendering context.OpenGL |
QGList | Internal class for implementing Qt collection classes |
QGListIterator | Internal class for implementing QPtrListIterator |
QGListIteratorList | |
QGListStdIterator | |
QGLWidget | Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics.OpenGL |
QGLWidgetPrivate | |
QGPlugin | |
QGPluginManager | |
QGrid | Simple geometry management of its children |
QGridBox | |
QGridLayout | Lays out widgets in a grid |
QGridLayoutData | |
QGridLayoutDataIterator | |
QGridMultiBox | |
QGridView | Abstract base for fixed-size grids |
QGroupBox | Group box frame with a title |
QGroupBoxPrivate | |
QGuardedPtr< T > | The QGuardedPtr class is a template class that provides guarded pointers to QObjects |
QGuardedPtrPrivate | |
QGVector | Internal class for implementing Qt collection classes |
QHBox | Horizontal geometry management for its child widgets |
QHBoxLayout | Lines up widgets horizontally |
QHButtonGroup | Organizes QButton widgets in a group with one horizontal row |
QHeader | Header row or column, e.g. for tables and listviews |
QHeaderData | |
QHebrewCodec | Conversion to and from visually ordered Hebrew |
QHGroupBox | Organizes widgets in a group with one horizontal row |
QHideDock | |
QHideEvent | Event which is sent after a widget is hidden |
QHideToolTip | |
QHostAddress | IP |
QHostAddressPrivate | |
QHttp | Implementation of the HTTP |
QHttpCloseRequest | |
QHttpHeader | Header information for |
QHttpNormalRequest | |
QHttpPGHRequest | |
QHttpPrivate | |
QHttpRequest | |
QHttpRequestHeader | Request header information for |
QHttpResponseHeader | Response header information for |
QHttpSetHostRequest | |
QIBaseDriver | |
QIBaseDriverPlugin | |
QIBaseDriverPrivate | |
QIBasePreparedExtension | |
QIBaseResult | |
QIBaseResultPrivate | |
QIconDrag | Supports drag and drop operations within a QIconView |
QIconDragData | |
QIconDragDataItem | |
QIconDragEvent | Signals that a main icon drag has begun |
QIconDragItem | Encapsulates a drag item |
QIconDragPrivate | |
QIconFactory | Used to create pixmaps for a QIconSet |
QIconSet | Set of icons with different styles and sizes |
QIconSetIcon | |
QIconSetPrivate | |
QIconView | Area with movable labelled icons |
QIconViewItem | Single item in a QIconView |
QIconViewItemLineEdit | |
QIconViewItemPrivate | |
QIconViewPrivate | |
QIconViewToolTip | |
QImage | Hardware-independent pixmap representation with direct access to the pixel data |
QImageConsumer | Abstraction used by QImageDecoder |
QImageDataMisc | |
QImageDecoder | Incremental image decoder for all supported image formats |
QImageDecoderPrivate | |
QImageDrag | Drag and drop object for transferring images |
QImageDragData | |
QImageFormat | Incremental image decoder for a specific image format |
QImageFormatInterface | |
QImageFormatPlugin | Abstract base for custom image format plugins |
QImageFormatPluginPrivate | |
QImageFormatType | Factory that makes QImageFormat objects |
QImageHandler | |
QImageIO | Parameters for loading and saving images |
QImageIOData | |
QImageIOFrameGrabber | |
QImageTextKeyLang | |
QIMComposeEvent | |
QIMEvent | Parameters for input method events |
QInputContext | |
QInputDialog | Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user. |
QInputDialogPrivate | |
QInsTextCmd | |
QIntBucket | |
QIntCache< type > | |
QIntCacheIterator< type > | |
QIntDict< type > | |
QIntDictIterator< type > | |
QInterfacePtr< T > | |
QInternal | |
QIntValidator | Validator which ensures that a string contains a valid integer within a specified range |
QIODevice | Base class of I/O devices |
QIODeviceSource | QDataSource that draws data from a QIODevice |
QIsciiCodec | Conversion to and from the ISCII encoding |
QJisCodec | Conversion to and from JIS character sets |
QJisDecoder | |
QJpUnicodeConv | Implementation support for QJisCodec, QSjisCodec, and QEucJpCodec |
QJpUnicodeConv_JISX0221_ASCII | |
QJpUnicodeConv_JISX0221_JISX0201 | |
QJpUnicodeConv_Microsoft | |
QJpUnicodeConv_Sun | |
QJpUnicodeConv_Unicode_ASCII | |
QJpUnicodeConv_Unicode_JISX0201 | |
QKbdDriverInterface | |
QKeyEvent | Describes a key event |
QKeySequence | Encapsulates a key sequence as used by accelerators |
QKeySequencePrivate | |
QLabel | Text or image display |
QLabelPrivate | |
QLatin15Codec | |
QLatin1Codec | |
QLayout | Base class of geometry managers |
QLayoutItem | Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates |
QLayoutIterator | Iterators over QLayoutItem |
QLayoutStruct | |
QLayoutWidget | |
QLCDNumber | Displays a number with LCD-like digits |
QLibrary | Wrapper for handling shared libraries |
QLibraryInterface | |
QLibraryPrivate | |
QLigature | |
QLineEdit | One-line text editor |
QLineEditPrivate | |
QListBox | List of selectable, read-only items |
QListBoxItem | Base class of all list box items |
QListBoxPixmap | List box items with a pixmap and optional text |
QListBoxPrivate | |
QListBoxText | List box items that display text |
QListView | Implements a list/tree view |
QListViewItem | Implements a list view item |
QListViewItemIterator | Iterator for collections of QListViewItems |
QListViewItemIteratorPrivate | |
QListViewPrivate | |
QListViewToolTip | |
QLNode | Internal class for the QPtrList template collection |
QLocale | Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languages |
QLocalePrivate | |
QLocalFs | Implementation of a QNetworkProtocol that works on the local file |
QLock | Wrapper for a System V shared semaphore |
QLockData | |
QLockHolder | |
QMacAnimateCursor | |
QMacCursorWidget | |
QMacDndExtra | |
QMacMime | Maps open-standard MIME to Mac flavors.Qt's drag-and-drop and clipboard facilities use the MIME standard. On X11, this maps trivially to the Xdnd protocol, but on Mac although some applications use MIME types to describe clipboard formats, others use arbitrary non-standardized naming conventions, or unnamed built-in Mac formats |
QMacMimeAnyMime | |
QMacMimeFileUri | |
QMacMimeHFSUri | |
QMacMimeImage | |
QMacMimeText | |
QMacSettingPerms | |
QMainWindow | Main application window, with a menu bar, dock windows (e.g. for toolbars), and a status bar |
QMainWindowLayout | |
QMainWindowPrivate | |
QMakeMetaInfo | |
QMakeProject | |
QMakeProperty | |
QMap< Key, T > | |
QMapConstIterator< K, T > | |
QMapIterator< K, T > | |
QMapNode< K, T > | |
QMapNodeBase | |
QMapPrivate< Key, T > | |
QMapPrivateBase | |
QMemArray< type > | |
QMemberDict | |
QMembuf | |
QMenuBar | Horizontal menu bar |
QMenuData | Base class for QMenuBar and QPopupMenu |
QMenuDataData | |
QMenuItem | |
QMenuItemData | |
QMessageBox | Modal dialog with a short message, an icon, and some buttons. |
QMessageBoxData | |
QMessageBoxLabel | |
QMetaData | Information about a member function that is known to the meta object system |
QMetaEnum | |
QMetaObject | Meta information about Qt objects |
QMetaObjectCleanUp | |
QMetaObjectPrivate | |
QMetaProperty | Stores meta data about a property |
QMimeSource | Abstraction of objects which provide formatted data of a certain MIME type |
QMimeSourceFactory | Extensible provider of mime-typed data |
QMimeSourceFactoryData | |
QMNGFormat | |
QMNGFormatType | |
QMotifPlusStyle | More sophisticated Motif-ish look and feel |
QMotifPlusStylePrivate | |
QMotifStyle | Motif look and feel |
QMouseDriverInterface | |
QMouseEvent | Parameters that describe a mouse event |
QMoveEvent | Event parameters for move events |
QMovie | Incremental loading of animations or images, signalling as it progresses |
QMoviePrivate | |
QMultiByteUnicodeTable | |
QMultiLineEdit | Simple editor for inputting text |
QMultiLineEditData | |
QMutexPrivate | |
QMYSQLDriver | |
QMYSQLDriverPlugin | |
QMYSQLDriverPrivate | |
QMYSQLOpenExtension | |
QMYSQLResult | |
QMYSQLResultPrivate | |
QNetworkOperation | Common operations for network protocols.networkAn object is created to describe the operation and the current state for each operation that a network protocol should process |
QNetworkOperationPrivate | |
QNetworkProtocol | Common API for network protocols.networknetwork |
QNetworkProtocolFactory< T > | |
QNetworkProtocolFactoryBase | |
QNetworkProtocolPrivate | |
QNullDriver | |
QNullResult | |
QNumberSection | |
QObject | Base class of all Qt objects |
QObjectCleanupHandler | Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects |
QObjectDictionary | |
QObjectInterface | |
QObjectList | |
QObjectListIt | |
QObjectListIterator | |
QObjectPrivate | |
QObjectUserData | |
QODBCDriver | |
QODBCDriverPlugin | |
QODBCOpenExtension | |
QODBCPreparedExtension | |
QODBCPrivate | |
QODBCResult | |
QOleDataObject | |
QOleDropSource | |
QOleDropTarget | |
QPaintDevice | The base class of objects that can be painted |
QPaintDeviceMetrics | Information about a paint device |
QPainter | Does low-level painting e.g. on widgets |
QPainterPrivate | |
QPaintEvent | Event parameters for paint events |
QPair< T1, T2 > | |
QPalette | Color groups for each widget state |
QPDevCmdParam | |
QPen | Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes |
QphHandler | |
QPicture | Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands |
QPipe | |
QPixmap | Off-screen, pixel-based paint device |
QPixmapCache | Application-global cache for pixmaps |
QPixmap::QPixmapData | The QPixmap::QPixmapData class is an internal class |
QPixmapInt | |
QPlatinumStyle | Mac/Platinum look and feel |
QPluginManager< Type > | The QPluginManager class provides basic functions to access a certain kind of functionality in libraries |
QPMCache | |
QPNGFormat | |
QPNGFormatType | |
QPNGImagePacker | Creates well-compressed PNG animations |
QPNGImageWriter | |
QPoint | Defines a point in the plane |
QPointArray | Array of points |
QPolygonalProcessor | |
QPolygonScanner | |
QPopupMenu | Popup menu widget |
QPopupMenuPrivate | |
QPostEvent | |
QPostEventList | |
QPostEventListIt | |
QPrintDialog | Dialog for specifying the printer's configuration |
QPrintDialogPrivate | |
QPrintDialogSpinBox | |
QPrinter | Paint device that paints on a printer |
QPrinterListViewItem | |
QPrinterPrivate | |
QPrinterUnixPrivate | |
QProc | |
QProcess | Used to start external programs and to communicate with them |
QProcessManager | |
QProcessPrivate | |
QProgressBar | Horizontal progress bar |
QProgressDialog | Feedback on the progress of a slow operation. |
QProgressDialogData | |
QPSPrinter | |
QPSPrinterFont | |
QPSPrinterFontAsian | |
QPSPrinterFontJapanese | |
QPSPrinterFontKorean | |
QPSPrinterFontNotFound | |
QPSPrinterFontPFA | |
QPSPrinterFontPFB | |
QPSPrinterFontPrivate | |
QPSPrinterFontSimplifiedChinese | |
QPSPrinterFontTraditionalChinese | |
QPSPrinterFontTTF | |
QPSPrinterPrivate | |
QPSQLDriver | |
QPSQLDriverExtension | |
QPSQLDriverPlugin | |
QPSQLOpenExtension | |
QPSQLPrivate | |
QPSQLResult | |
QPState | |
QPtrBucket | |
QPtrCollection | Base class of most pointer-based Qt collections |
QPtrDict< type > | |
QPtrDictIterator< type > | |
QPtrList< type > | |
QPtrListIterator< type > | |
QPtrListStdIterator< type > | |
QPtrQueue< type > | |
QPtrStack< type > | |
QPtrVector< type > | |
QPushButton | Command button |
QPushButtonPrivate | |
QRadioButton | Radio button with a text or pixmap label |
QRangeControl | Integer value within a range |
QRect | Defines a rectangle in the plane |
QRegExp | Pattern matching using regular expressions |
QRegExpEngine | |
QRegExpPrivate | |
QRegExpValidator | Used to check a string against a regular expression |
QRegion | Clip region for a painter |
QRegionPrivate | |
QRenameEdit | |
QResizeEvent | Event parameters for resize events |
QRgbMap | |
QRichTextDrag | |
QRollEffect | |
qs_method_info | |
qs_ptr_ref | |
QSAbstractBaseClass | |
QSAccessorNode1 | |
QSAccessorNode2 | |
QSACompletion | |
QSAddNode | |
QSAEditor | |
QSAEditorBrowser | |
QSAEditorInterface | |
QSAEditorToolTip | |
QSApplicationClass | |
QSArgument | Storage for various datatypes used in QSObjectFactory::create() calls |
QSArgumentList | QValueList of QSArguments with some convenience constructors |
QSArgumentListNode | |
QSArgumentsClass | |
QSArgumentsNode | |
QSArray | |
QSArrayClass | |
QSArrayNode | |
QSAssignExprNode | |
QSAssignNode | |
QSASyntaxHighlighter | |
QSAttributeNode | |
QSBinaryLogicalNode | |
QSBitOperNode | |
QSBitwiseNotNode | |
QSBlockingProcess | |
QSBlockNode | |
QSBlockScopeClass | |
QSBoolean | |
QSBooleanClass | |
QSBooleanNode | |
QSBreakNode | |
QSByteArrayClass | |
QSCaseBlockNode | |
QSCaseClauseNode | |
QSCatchNode | |
QSCharacterClass | |
QSCheckBox | |
QSCheckData | |
QSClass | |
QSClassClass | |
QSClassDefNode | |
QSClassList | |
QSClauseListNode | |
QSColorClass | |
QSColorGroupClass | |
QSComboBox | |
QSCommaNode | |
QSCompletionObject | |
QSConditionalNode | |
QSContinueNode | |
QScopedArrayPointer< T, Cleanup > | |
QScopedPointer< T, Cleanup > | |
QScopedPointerArrayDeleter< T > | |
QScopedPointerDeleter< T > | |
QScopedPointerPodDeleter | |
QScriptItem | |
QScriptItemArray | |
QScriptItemArrayPrivate | |
QScrollBar | Vertical or horizontal scroll bar |
QScrollInProgress | |
QScrollView | Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars |
QScrollViewData | |
QSDateClass | |
QSDateEdit | |
QSDateEditEnums | |
QSDateShared | |
QSDebugClass | |
QSDeleteNode | |
QSDialog | |
QSDialogPrivate | |
QSDir | |
QSDirStatic | |
QSDoWhileNode | |
QSDynamicClass | |
QSEditor | Enhanced editor for editing Qt Script source code |
QSEditorPrivate | |
QSEditorProvider | |
QSElementNode | |
QSElisionNode | |
QSemiModal | |
QSEmitNode | |
QSEmptyStatementNode | |
QSenderObjectList | |
QSEngine | ECMAScript interpreter |
QSEngineImp | |
QSEnv | |
QSeparatorAction | |
QSEqualNode | |
QSErrorClass | |
QSErrorShared | |
QServerSocket | TCP-based |
QServerSocketPrivate | |
QSessionManager | Access to the session manager |
QSessionManagerData | |
QSettings | Persistent platform-independent application settings |
QSettingsGroup | |
QSettingsHeading | |
QSettingsPrivate | |
QSettingsSysPrivate | |
QSEvalScopeClass | |
QSExprStatementNode | |
QSFactoryObjectProxy | |
QSFakeQString | |
QSFile | |
QSFileDialog | |
QSFileStatic | |
QSFinallyNode | |
QSFontClass | |
QSForInNode | |
QSForNode | |
QSFuncDeclNode | |
QSFuncExprNode | |
QSFuncRefClass | |
QSFunctionBodyNode | |
QSFunctionCallNode | |
QSFunctionScopeClass | |
QSGIStyle | SGI/Irix look and feel |
QSGIStylePrivate | |
QSGlobalClass | |
QSGroupBox | |
QSGroupNode | |
QShapedPixmapWidget | |
QShaperItem | |
QShared | Used internally for implementing shared classes |
QSharedCleanupHandler< Type > | |
QSharedDoubleBuffer | |
QSharedDoubleBufferCleaner | |
QSharedMemory | |
QShortPoint | |
QShowEvent | Event which is sent when a widget is shown |
QSIfNode | |
QSignal | Can be used to send signals for classes that don't inherit QObject |
QSignalMapper | Bundles signals from identifiable senders |
QSignalMapperData | |
QSignalMapperRec | |
QSignalVec | |
QSimpleRichText | Small displayable piece of rich text |
QSimpleRichTextData | |
QSimpleTextCodec | |
QSImportNode | |
QSingleCleanupHandler< Type > | |
QSingleDesktopWidget | |
QSingleShotTimer | |
QSInput | |
QSInputDialogFactory | Extends QSA with a basic and easy-to-use input dialog framework |
QSInstanceData | |
QSInterpreter | Public API for the Qt Script for Applications script engine |
QSInterpreterPrivate | |
QSize | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object |
QSizeGrip | Corner-grip for resizing a top-level window |
QSizePolicy | Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy |
QSjisCodec | Conversion to and from Shift-JIS |
QSjisDecoder | |
QSLabel | |
QSLabeled | |
QSLabelNode | |
QSLexer | |
QSlider | Vertical or horizontal slider |
QSliderPrivate | |
QSLineEdit | |
QSList | Native list type |
QSListIterator | Iterator for QSList objects |
QSLogicalNotNode | |
QSLookupInfo | |
QSMathClass | |
QSMember | |
QSMessageBox | |
QSmSocketReceiver | |
QSMultNode | |
QSNegateNode | |
QSNewExprNode | |
QSNode | |
QSNodeList | |
QSNull | |
QSNullClass | |
QSNullNode | |
QSNumber | |
QSNumberClass | |
QSNumberEdit | |
QSNumberNode | |
QSObject | |
QSObjectClass | |
QSObjectConstructor | |
QSObjectFactory | Method for Qt Script programs to create C++ QObjects |
QSObjectFactoryPrivate | |
QSObjectList | |
QSObjectLiteralNode | |
QSocket | Buffered TCP |
QSocketDevice | Platform-independent low-level socket |
QSocketDevicePrivate | |
QSocketNotifier | Support for socket callbacks |
QSocketPrivate | |
QSortedList< type > | |
QSOT | |
QSound | Access to the platform audio facilities |
QSoundData | |
QSpacerItem | Blank space in a layout |
QSPackageNode | |
QSPaletteClass | |
QSParameterNode | |
QSpinBox | Spin box widget (spin button) |
QSpinBoxPrivate | |
QSpinBoxValidator | |
QSpinWidget | Internal range control related class |
QSpinWidgetPrivate | |
QSPixmapClass | |
QSplashScreen | Splash screen that can be shown during application startup |
QSplashScreenPrivate | |
QSplitter | Implements a splitter widget |
QSplitterHandle | |
QSplitterLayoutStruct | |
QSplitterPrivate | |
QSPointClass | |
QSPointerClass | |
QSPostfixNode | |
QSPrefixNode | |
QSProcess | |
QSProcessStatic | |
QSProgramNode | |
QSProject | Project management over scripts written in Qt Script for Applications |
QSProjectPrivate | |
QSProperty | |
QSPropertyNode | |
QSPropertyValueNode | |
QSql | Namespace for Qt SQL identifiers that need to be global-like |
QSqlCursor | Browsing and editing of SQL tables and views |
QSqlCursorManager | Manages a database cursor |
QSqlCursorManagerPrivate | |
QSqlCursorPrivate | |
QSqlDatabase | Used to create SQL database connections and to provide transaction handling |
QSqlDatabaseManager | |
QSqlDatabasePrivate | |
QSqlDriver | Abstract base class for accessing SQL databases |
QSqlDriverCreator< type > | |
QSqlDriverCreatorBase | |
QSqlDriverExtension | |
QSqlDriverFactoryInterface | |
QSqlDriverPlugin | Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins |
QSqlDriverPluginPrivate | |
QSqlEditorFactory | Used to create the editors used by QDataTable and QSqlForm |
QSqlError | SQL database error information |
QSqlExtension | |
QSqlField | Manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views |
QSqlFieldInfo | Stores meta data associated with a SQL field |
QSqlFieldInfoPrivate | |
QSqlFieldPrivate | |
QSqlForm | Creates and manages data entry forms tied to SQL databases |
QSqlFormManager | |
QSqlFormManagerPrivate | |
QSqlFormPrivate | |
QSqlIndex | Functions to manipulate and describe QSqlCursor and QSqlDatabase indexes |
QSQLiteDriver | |
QSQLiteDriverPlugin | |
QSQLiteDriverPrivate | |
QSQLiteResult | |
QSQLiteResultPrivate | |
QSqlOpenExtension | |
QSqlPropertyMap | Used to map widgets to SQL fields |
QSqlPropertyMapPrivate | |
QSqlQuery | Means of executing and manipulating SQL statements |
QSqlRecord | Encapsulates a database record, i.e. a set of database fields |
QSqlRecordInfo | Encapsulates a set of database field meta data |
QSqlRecordPrivate | |
QSqlRecordShared | |
QSqlResult | Abstract interface for accessing data from SQL databases |
QSqlResultPrivate | |
QSqlResultShared | |
QSqlSelectCursor | Browsing of general SQL SELECT statements |
QSqlSelectCursorPrivate | |
QSRadioButton | |
QSRectClass | |
QSReference | |
QSReferenceData | |
QSRegExpClass | |
QSRegExpNode | |
QSRegExpShared | |
QSRelationalNode | |
QSResolveNode | |
QSReturnNode | |
QSScopeNode | |
QSScopeResolution | |
QSScript | Encapsulation of a script written in Qt Script |
QSScriptPrivate | |
QSShared | |
QSSharedClass | |
QSShiftNode | |
QSSignalHandler | |
QSSizeClass | |
QSSourceElementNode | |
QSSourceElementsNode | |
QSSpinBox | |
QSStackFrame | Information about a function call in the stack trace |
QSStackTrace | Describes a stack trace after an error has occurred in the interpreter |
QSStatementNode | |
QSStatListNode | |
QSString | |
QSStringClass | |
QSStringNode | |
QSSwitchNode | |
QSSystemClass | |
QStatusBar | Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information |
QStatusBarPrivate | |
QSTextEdit | |
QSThisNode | |
QSThrowNode | |
QSTimeEdit | |
QSTimeoutTrigger | |
QStoredDrag | Simple stored-value drag object for arbitrary MIME data |
QStoredDragData | |
QStrIList | |
QString | Abstraction of Unicode text and the classic C '\0'-terminated char array |
QStringBucket | |
QStringBuffer | |
QStringData | |
QStringList | List of strings |
QStrIVec | |
QStrList | |
QStrVec | |
QSTryNode | |
QStyle | Look and feel of a GUI.A large number of GUI elements are common to many widgets. The QStyle class allows the look of these elements to be modified across all widgets that use the QStyle functions. It also provides two feel options: Motif and Windows |
QStyleFactory | Creates QStyle objects |
QStyleFactoryInterface | |
QStyleFactoryPrivate | |
QStyleOption | Optional parameters for QStyle functions.Some QStyle functions take an optional argument specifying extra information that is required for a paritical primitive or control. So that the QStyle class can be extended, QStyleOption is used to provide a variable-argument for these options |
QStylePlugin | Abstract base for custom QStyle plugins |
QStylePluginPrivate | |
QStylePrivate | |
QStyleSheet | Collection of styles for rich text rendering and a generator of tags |
QStyleSheetItem | Encapsulation of a set of text styles |
QStyleSheetItemData | |
QSTypeClass | |
QSTypeClassShared | |
QSTypedVarNode | |
QSTypeNode | |
QSTypeOfNode | |
QSUnaryPlusNode | |
QSUndefined | |
QSUndefinedClass | |
QSUserData | |
QSUtilFactory | Extends QSA with classes to allow file access, directory traversal and executing external processes |
QSVarBindingListNode | |
QSVarBindingNode | |
QSVarDefNode | |
QSVariantClass | |
QSVariantShared | |
QSVChildRec | |
QSvgDevice | Paint device for SVG vector graphics.XML |
QSvgDevicePrivate | |
QSvgDeviceState | |
QSVoidNode | |
QSWhileNode | |
QSWidget | |
QSWithNode | |
QSWorkbench | |
QSWrapperClass | |
QSWrapperFactory | Method for Qt Script to extend QObject C++ types and to automatically wrap non-QObject C++ types |
QSWrapperFactoryPrivate | |
QSWrapperShared | |
QSWrapperSharedWatcher | |
QSWritable | |
QSWritableClass | |
QSyntaxHighlighter | Base class for implementing QTextEdit syntax highlighters |
QSyntaxHighlighterInternal | |
QSyntaxHighlighterPrivate | |
Qt | Namespace for miscellaneous identifiers that need to be global-like |
qt_auto_repeat_data | |
qt_in6_addr | |
qt_mac_filter_name | |
qt_mac_nav_filter_type | |
QT_smcConn | |
qt_sockaddr_in6 | |
qt_sockaddr_storage | |
qt_token_info | |
QTab | Structures in a QTabBar |
QTabBar | Tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs |
QTabBarBase | |
QTabBarToolTip | |
QTabDialog | Stack of tabbed widgets |
QTabDialogPrivate | |
QTable | Flexible editable table widget.table |
QTableHeader | |
QTableHeaderPrivate | |
QTableItem | Cell content for QTable cells.table |
QTablePrivate | |
QTableSelection | Access to a selected area in a QTable.table |
QTabletEvent | Parameters that describe a Tablet event |
QTabPrivate | |
QTabWidget | Stack of tabbed widgets |
QTabWidgetData | |
QtCImage | |
QtCKStyle | |
QtCKStylePrivate | |
QtcMenuBar | |
QtCPixmap | |
QtCurveStyle | |
QtCurveStylePlugin | |
QTearOffMenuItem | |
QTextBrowser | Rich text browser with hypertext navigation |
QTextBrowserData | |
QTextCodec | Conversion between text encodings. Qt uses Unicode to store, draw and manipulate strings. In many situations you may wish to deal with data that uses a different encoding. For example, most Japanese documents are still stored in Shift-JIS or ISO2022, while Russian users often have their documents in KOI8-R or CP1251 |
QTextCodecCleanup | |
QTextCodecFactory | |
QTextCodecFactoryInterface | |
QTextCodecFromIOD | |
QTextCodecFromIODDecoder | |
QTextCodecPlugin | Abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins. The text codec plugin is a simple plugin interface that makes it easy to create custom text codecs that can be loaded dynamically into applications |
QTextCodecPluginPrivate | |
QTextCommand | |
QTextCommandHistory | |
QTextCursor | |
QTextCustomItem | |
QTextDecoder | State-based decoder. The decoder converts a text format into Unicode, remembering any state that is required between calls |
QTextDeleteCommand | |
QTextDetailPopup | |
QTextDocument | |
QTextDocumentSelection | |
QTextDocumentTag | |
QTextDrag | Drag and drop object for transferring plain and Unicode text |
QTextDragPrivate | |
QTextEdit | Powerful single-page rich text editor |
QTextEditOptimPrivate | |
QTextEditPrivate | |
QTextEncoder | State-based encoder. The encoder converts Unicode into another format, remembering any state that is required between calls |
QTextEngine | |
QTextFlow | |
QTextFormat | |
QTextFormatCollection | |
QTextFormatCommand | |
QTextFormatter | |
QTextFormatterBreakInWords | |
QTextFormatterBreakWords | |
QTextHorizontalLine | |
QTextImage | |
QTextIndent | |
QTextInsertCommand | |
QTextIStream | Convenience class for input streams |
QTextItem | |
QTextLayout | |
QTextLineStart | |
QTextOStream | Convenience class for output streams |
QTextOStreamIterator< T > | |
QTextParagraph | |
QTextParagraphData | |
QTextParagraphPseudoDocument | |
QTextParagraphSelection | |
QTextPreProcessor | |
QTextStatelessDecoder | |
QTextStatelessEncoder | |
QTextStream | Basic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice |
QTextStreamPrivate | |
QTextString | |
QTextStringChar | |
QTextStyleCommand | |
QTextTable | |
QTextTableCell | |
QTextView | Rich-text viewer |
QtFontFamily | |
QtFontFoundry | |
QtFontSize | |
QtFontStyle | |
QTime | Clock time functions |
QTimeEdit | Time editor |
QTimeEditPrivate | |
QTimer | Timer signals and single-shot timers |
QTimerEvent | Parameters that describe a timer event |
QTipLabel | |
QTipManager | |
QTitleBar | |
QTitleBarPrivate | |
QTitleBarTip | |
QTLWExtra | |
QtMultiLineData | |
QtMultiLineEdit | |
QtMultiLineEditCommand | |
QToolBar | Movable panel containing widgets such as tool buttons |
QToolBarExtensionWidget | |
QToolBarPrivate | |
QToolBarSeparator | |
QToolBox | Column of tabbed widget items |
QToolBoxButton | |
QToolBoxPrivate | |
QToolButton | Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar |
QToolButtonPrivate | |
QToolTip | Tool tips (balloon help) for any widget or rectangular part of a widget |
QToolTipGroup | Collects tool tips into related groups |
QTranslator | Internationalization support for text output |
QTranslatorMessage | Translator message and its properties |
QTranslatorPrivate | |
QTsciiCodec | Conversion to and from the Tamil TSCII encoding |
QTSManip | |
QTSMDocumentWrapper | |
QtSqlCachedResult | |
QtSqlCachedResultPrivate | |
QtTableView | |
QtULong | |
QualCost | |
QUBuffer | |
QUComponentDescription | |
QUComponentServerDescription | |
QUEnum | |
QUEnumItem | |
Query | |
queue | |
QuickClass | |
QuickClassParser | |
QuickCoreInterfaceImpl | |
QuickCustomWidgetInterface | |
QuickDispatchObjectFactory | |
QuickDispatchObjectFactoryPrivate | |
QuickEnvClass | |
QuickInterpreter | |
QuickMetaData | |
QuickPtrDispatchObject | |
QuickScriptProperty | |
QuickScriptReceiver | |
QuickScriptVariant | |
QuickUnnamedObject | |
QUInterfaceDescription | |
QUMethod | |
QUndoRedoInfoPrivate | |
QUnicodeTables | |
QUnknownInterface | |
QUObject | |
QUParameter | |
QUProperty | |
QUriDrag | Drag object for a list of URI references |
QUrl | URL parser and simplifies working with URLs. |
QUrlInfo | Stores information about URLs |
QUrlInfoPrivate | |
QUrlOperator | Common operations on URLs. |
QUrlOperatorPrivate | |
QUrlPrivate | |
QUtf16Codec | |
QUtf16Decoder | |
QUtf16Encoder | |
QUtf8Codec | |
QUtf8Decoder | |
QUType | |
QUType_bool | |
QUType_charstar | |
QUType_double | |
QUType_enum | |
QUType_idisp | |
QUType_iface | |
QUType_int | |
QUType_Null | |
QUType_ptr | |
QUType_QString | |
QUType_QVariant | |
QUType_varptr | |
QUuid | Defines a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) |
QValidator | Validation of input text |
QValueList< T > | |
QValueListConstIterator< T > | |
QValueListIterator< T > | |
QValueListNode< T > | |
QValueListPrivate< T > | |
QValueStack< T > | |
QValueVector< T > | |
QValueVectorPrivate< T > | |
QVariant | Acts like a union for the most common Qt data types |
QVarLengthArray< T > | |
QVBox | Vertical geometry management of its child widgets |
QVBoxLayout | Lines up widgets vertically |
QVButtonGroup | Organizes QButton widgets in a vertical column |
QVFbHeader | |
QVFbKeyData | |
QVGroupBox | Organizes a group of widgets in a vertical column |
QViewportWidget | |
QVirtualDestructor | |
QWellArray | |
QWellArrayData | |
QWExtra | |
QWFlagWidget | |
QWhatsThat | |
QWhatsThis | Simple description of any widget, i.e. answering the question "What's this?" |
QWhatsThisButton | |
QWhatsThisPrivate | |
QWheelEvent | Parameters that describe a wheel event |
QWidget | Base class of all user interface objects |
QWidgetFactory | For the dynamic creation of widgets from Qt Designer .ui files |
QWidgetFactoryInterface | |
QWidgetFactoryPrivate | |
QWidgetIntDict | |
QWidgetIntDictIt | |
QWidgetItem | Layout item that represents a widget |
QWidgetList | |
QWidgetListIt | |
QWidgetMapper | |
QWidgetPlugin | Abstract base for custom QWidget plugins |
QWidgetPluginPrivate | |
QWidgetResizeHandler | |
QWidgetStack | Stack of widgets of which only the top widget is user-visible |
QWidgetStackEventFilter | |
QWidgetStackPrivate | |
QWin32PrinterPrivate | |
QWinConfigRequest | |
QWindowsStyle | Microsoft Windows-like look and feel |
QWinMimeAnyMime | |
QWinMimeDIB | |
QWinMimeHdrop | |
QWinMimeText | |
QWizard | Framework for wizard dialogs |
QWizardPrivate | |
QWMatrix | 2D transformations of a coordinate system |
QWMDoublePoint | |
QWorkspace | Workspace window that can contain decorated windows, e.g. for MDI |
QWorkspaceChild | |
QWorkspacePrivate | |
QwtAbstractScale | An abstract base class for classes containing a scale |
QwtAbstractScaleDraw | A abstract base class for drawing scales |
QwtAbstractSlider | An abstract base class for slider widgets |
QwtAlphaColorMap | QwtAlphaColorMap variies the alpha value of a color |
QwtAnalogClock | An analog clock |
QwtArrayData | Data class containing two QwtArray<double> objects |
QwtArrowButton | Arrow Button |
QwtClipper | Some clipping algos |
QwtColorMap | QwtColorMap is used to map values into colors |
QwtCompass | A Compass Widget |
QwtCompassMagnetNeedle | A magnet needle for compass widgets |
QwtCompassRose | Abstract base class for a compass rose |
QwtCompassWindArrow | An indicator for the wind direction |
QwtCounter | The Counter Widget |
QwtCPointerData | Data class containing two pointers to memory blocks of doubles |
QwtCurveFitter | Abstract base class for a curve fitter |
QwtData | QwtData defines an interface to any type of curve data |
QwtDial | QwtDial class provides a rounded range control |
QwtDialNeedle | Base class for needles that can be used in a QwtDial |
QwtDialScaleDraw | A special scale draw made for QwtDial |
QwtDialSimpleNeedle | A needle for dial widgets |
QwtDoubleInterval | A class representing an interval |
QwtDoublePoint | Defines a point in double coordinates |
QwtDoubleRange | A class which controls a value within an interval |
QwtDoubleRect | |
QwtDoubleSize | |
QwtDynGridLayout | Lays out widgets in a grid, adjusting the number of columns and rows to the current size |
QwtEventPattern | A collection of event patterns |
QwtGuardedPainter | |
QwtIntervalData | Interval data class |
QwtKnob | The Knob Widget |
QwtLegend | The legend widget |
QwtLegendItem | A legend label |
QwtLegendItemManager | |
QwtLinearColorMap | QwtLinearColorMap builds a color map from color stops |
QwtLinearScaleEngine | A scale engine for linear scales |
QwtLog10ScaleEngine | A scale engine for logarithmic (base 10) scales |
QwtMagnifier | QwtMagnifier provides zooming, by magnifying in steps |
QwtMetricsMap | A Map to translate between layout, screen and paint device metrics |
QwtPaintBuffer | Paint buffer for Qwt widgets |
QwtPainter | A collection of QPainter workarounds |
QwtPanner | QwtPanner provides panning of a widget |
QwtPicker | QwtPicker provides selections on a widget |
QwtPickerClickPointMachine | A state machine for point selections |
QwtPickerClickRectMachine | A state machine for rectangle selections |
QwtPickerDragPointMachine | A state machine for point selections |
QwtPickerDragRectMachine | A state machine for rectangle selections |
QwtPickerMachine | A state machine for QwtPicker selections |
QwtPickerPolygonMachine | A state machine for polygon selections |
QwtPlainTextEngine | A text engine for plain texts |
QwtPlot | A 2-D plotting widget |
QwtPlotCanvas | |
QwtPlotCurve | A class which draws curves |
QwtPlotDict | A dictionary for plot items |
QwtPlotGrid | A class which draws a coordinate grid |
QwtPlotItem | Base class for items on the plot canvas |
QwtPlotLayout | Layout class for QwtPlot |
QwtPlotMagnifier | QwtPlotMagnifier provides zooming, by magnifying in steps |
QwtPlotMarker | A class for drawing markers |
QwtPlotPanner | QwtPlotPanner provides panning of a plot canvas |
QwtPlotPicker | QwtPlotPicker provides selections on a plot canvas |
QwtPlotPrintFilter | A base class for plot print filters |
QwtPlotRasterItem | A class, which displays raster data |
QwtPlotScaleItem | A class which draws a scale inside the plot canvas |
QwtPlotSpectrogram | A plot item, which displays a spectrogram |
QwtPlotSpectrogramImage | |
QwtPlotSvgItem | A plot item, which displays data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format |
QwtPlotZoomer | QwtPlotZoomer provides stacked zooming for a plot widget |
QwtPlugin | |
QwtPolygonClipper | |
QwtPolygonClipperF | |
QwtPolygonFData | Data class containing a single QwtArray<QwtDoublePoint> object |
QwtRasterData | QwtRasterData defines an interface to any type of raster data |
QwtRect | |
QwtRichTextDocument | |
QwtRichTextEngine | A text engine for Qt rich texts |
QwtRoundScaleDraw | A class for drawing round scales |
QwtScaleArithmetic | Arithmetic including a tolerance |
QwtScaleDiv | A class representing a scale division |
QwtScaleDraw | A class for drawing scales |
QwtScaleEngine | Base class for scale engines |
QwtScaleMap | A scale map |
QwtScaleTransformation | Operations for linear or logarithmic (base 10) transformations |
QwtScaleWidget | A Widget which contains a scale |
QwtSimpleCompassRose | A simple rose for QwtCompass |
QwtSlider | The Slider Widget |
QwtSpline | A class for spline interpolation |
QwtSplineCurveFitter | A curve fitter using cubic splines |
QwtSymbol | A class for drawing symbols |
QwtText | A class representing a text |
QwtTextEngine | Abstract base class for rendering text strings |
QwtTextEngineDict | |
QwtTextLabel | A Widget which displays a QwtText |
QwtThermo | The Thermometer Widget |
QwtWheel | The Wheel Widget |
QXmlAttributes | XML attributes.XMLIf attributes are reported by QXmlContentHandler::startElement() this class is used to pass the attribute values |
QXmlAttributesPrivate | |
QXmlContentHandler | Interface to report the logical content of XML data.XMLIf the application needs to be informed of basic parsing events, it can implement this interface and activate it using QXmlReader::setContentHandler(). The reader can then report basic document-related events like the start and end of elements and character data through this interface |
QXmlDeclHandler | Interface to report declaration content of XML data.XMLYou can set the declaration handler with QXmlReader::setDeclHandler() |
QXmlDefaultHandler | Default implementation of all the XML handler classes.XMLVery often we are only interested in parts of the things that the reader reports. This class implements a default behaviour for the handler classes (i.e. most of the time do nothing). Usually this is the class you subclass for implementing your own customized handler |
QXmlDefaultHandlerPrivate | |
QXmlDTDHandler | Interface to report DTD content of XML data.XMLIf an application needs information about notations and unparsed entities, it can implement this interface and register an instance with QXmlReader::setDTDHandler() |
QXmlEntityResolver | Interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data.XMLIf an application needs to implement customized handling for external entities, it must implement this interface, i.e. resolveEntity(), and register it with QXmlReader::setEntityResolver() |
QXmlErrorHandler | Interface to report errors in XML data.XMLIf you want your application to report errors to the user or to perform customized error handling, you should subclass this class |
QXmlInputSource | Input data for the QXmlReader subclasses.XMLAll subclasses of QXmlReader read the input XML document from this class |
QXmlInputSourcePrivate | |
QXmlLexicalHandler | Interface to report the lexical content of XML data.XMLThe events in the lexical handler apply to the entire document, not just to the document element, and all lexical handler events appear between the content handler's startDocument and endDocument events |
QXmlLocator | XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file.XMLThe reader reports a QXmlLocator to the content handler before it starts to parse the document. This is done with the QXmlContentHandler::setDocumentLocator() function. The handler classes can now use this locator to get the position (lineNumber() and columnNumber()) that the reader has reached |
QXmlLocatorPrivate | |
QXmlNamespaceSupport | Helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support.XMLYou can set the prefix for the current namespace with setPrefix(), and get the list of current prefixes (or those for a given URI) with prefixes(). The namespace URI is available from uri(). Use pushContext() to start a new namespace context, and popContext() to return to the previous namespace context. Use splitName() or processName() to split a name into its prefix and local name |
QXmlNamespaceSupportPrivate | |
QXmlParseException | Used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface.XMLThe XML subsystem constructs an instance of this class when it detects an error. You can retrieve the place where the error occurred using systemId(), publicId(), lineNumber() and columnNumber(), along with the error message() |
QXmlParseExceptionPrivate | |
QXmlReader | Interface for XML readers (i.e. parsers).XMLThis abstract class provides an interface for all of Qt's XML readers. Currently there is only one implementation of a reader included in Qt's XML module: QXmlSimpleReader. In future releases there might be more readers with different properties available (e.g. a validating parser) |
QXmlSimpleReader | Implementation of a simple XML reader (parser).XML |
QXmlSimpleReaderLocator | |
QXmlSimpleReaderPrivate | |
RaiseCommand | |
rand_meth_st | |
rand_struct | |
RangeFunction | |
RangeSubselect | |
RangeTblEntry | |
RangeTblRef | |
RangeVar | |
RbtCursor | |
Rbtree | |
rc2_key_st | |
RC2UI | |
rc4_key_st | |
rc5_key_st | |
RCFilter | |
HL::STLAllocator< T, Super >::rebind< U > | |
ReceiverItem | |
record_pqueue_st | |
RectShared | |
RecursiveLockType | Implements a recursive lock using some base lock representation |
HL::RecursiveLockType< BaseLock > | |
Hoard::RedirectFree< Heap, SuperblockType_ > | Routes free calls to the Superblock's owner heap |
ReindexStmt | |
RelabelType | |
RelationAmInfo | |
RelationData | |
RelOptInfo | |
RemoveActionFromPopupCommand | |
RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand | |
RemoveAggrStmt | |
RemoveConnectionCommand | |
RemoveFuncStmt | |
RemoveFunctionCommand | |
RemoveMenuCommand | |
RemoveOpClassStmt | |
RemoveOperStmt | |
RemoveToolBarCommand | |
RemoveVariableCommand | |
RenameActionCommand | |
RenameContainerPageCommand | |
RenameMenuCommand | |
RenameStmt | |
RenameWizardPageCommand | |
RequireCoalesceable< SuperHeap > | Provides support for coalescing objects |
HL::RequireCoalesceable< SuperHeap > | |
ResizeCommand | |
Resource | Class for saving/loading, etc. forms |
ResTarget | |
RestrictInfo | |
Result | |
dbiplus::result_set | |
ResultPath | |
ResultRelInfo | |
ResultState | |
ReturnSetInfo | |
RIPEMD160state_st | |
QListViewPrivate::Root | |
Row | |
PopulateTableCommand::Row | |
RowExpr | |
RowExprState | |
RowK | |
RowSpan< T > | |
rpc_ctx | |
rpc_msg | |
rsa_meth_st | |
rsa_st | |
RuleStmt | |
runtime_pseudo_reloc | |
S | |
SanityCheckHeap | Checks for memory allocation usage errors at runtime. See the "error messages" for the kinds of errors this layer can catch |
HL::SanityCheckHeap< SuperHeap > | |
sassert | Implements compile-time assertion checking |
HL::sassert< 1 > | |
savable_state | |
QStatusBarPrivate::SBItem | |
Sbrk | |
SbrkHeap | |
ScalableHeap< NumHeaps, BaseNullHeap, BaseHeap, Mmap > | |
ScalarArrayOpExpr | |
ScalarArrayOpExprState | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::ScaleWidgetInterface | |
Scan | |
ScanState | |
sched_param | |
FKey::sColMap | |
QPopupMenuPrivate::Scroll | |
ScrollbarLastPosition | |
search_keys | |
section_chunk | |
seed_key_st | |
HL::Seg< ReapletSize, SizeClassComputer, TopHeap > | |
SegHeap | A segregated-fits collection of (homogeneous) heaps |
HL::SegHeap< NumBins, getSizeClass, getClassMaxSize, LittleHeap, BigHeap > | |
Select | |
QTextEditOptimPrivate::Selection | |
HL::SelectMmapHeap< ThresholdBytes, SmallHeap, super > | Use Mmap (here the superheap) for objects above a certain size |
HL::SelectObjectManagerHeap< SuperHeap, OMWrapper > | |
SelectStmt | |
sem_t_ | |
sem_timedwait_cleanup_args_t | |
sembuf | |
semun | |
SenderItem | |
SenderObject | |
Series | |
QDns::Server | The QDns::Server class is described in QDns::servers() |
sess_cert_st | |
Set | |
SetActionIconsCommand | |
SetOp | |
SetOperationStmt | |
SetOpState | |
SetPropertyCommand | |
SetToDefault | |
SetVariablesCommand | |
SGIStyle | |
sgMprintf | |
SHA256state_st | |
SHA512state_st | |
ShadowWidget | |
sharedInt_t | |
SHAstate_st | |
Sheet | |
shmid_ds | |
ShortcutHandler | |
SigDocParse_st | |
SignalItem | |
SignatureInfo_st | |
SignatureProductionPlace_st | |
SignatureValue_st | |
SignedDoc_st | |
SignerRole_st | |
SizeHandle | |
HL::SizeHeap< SuperHeap > | Allocates extra room for the size of an object |
HL::SizeOwner< Heap > | |
HL::SizeOwnerHeap< Super > | |
SizeOwnerHeap | Adds object size and owner heap information |
SizeShared | |
SizeThreadHeap< Super > | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::SliderInterface | |
SliderLastPosition | |
SLList | A "memory neutral" singly-linked list |
HL::SLList | |
SlopHeap | |
HL::SlopHeap< SuperHeap, SLOP > | |
SlotHeap< chunkSize, slotSize, Super > | |
SlotInterface< chunkSize, slotSize, Super > | |
SlotItem | |
small_pool_struct | |
ScalableHeapNS::SmallHeap< NumHeaps, MmapThreshold, BaseNullHeap, BaseHeap > | |
Hoard::SmallHeap | |
Smtp | |
SnapshotData | |
soap | |
soap_array | |
soap_attribute | |
soap_blist | |
soap_clist | |
soap_code_map | |
soap_cookie | |
soap_dime | |
soap_dom_attribute | |
soap_dom_element | |
soap_double_nan | |
SOAP_ENV__Code | |
SOAP_ENV__Detail | |
SOAP_ENV__Fault | |
SOAP_ENV__Header | |
SOAP_ENV__Reason | |
soap_flist | |
soap_ilist | |
soap_mime | |
soap_multipart | |
soap_nlist | |
soap_pblk | |
soap_plist | |
soap_plugin | |
soap_xlist | |
SockAddr | |
sockaddr_storage | |
Sort | |
QListBoxPrivate::SortableItem | |
QListViewPrivate::SortableItem | |
QIconViewPrivate::SortableItem | |
SortableTableItem | |
SortBy | |
SortClause | |
Sorter | |
SortState | |
SoundInfo | |
SourceTemplateInterface::Source | |
SourceEditor | |
SourceFile | |
SourceFileItem | |
SourceTemplateInterface | |
SourceTemplateInterfaceImpl | |
SourceTemplateItem | |
Spacer | |
SPair | |
Span< K, T > | |
HL::SpinLockType | |
SplitHeap< SuperHeap > | |
Spreadsheet | |
SqlFormWizard | |
sqlite | |
sqlite_func | |
dbiplus::SqliteDatabase | |
dbiplus::SqliteDataset | |
SqliteDriver | |
sqlite::sqliteInitInfo | |
SqlitePlugin | |
SqliteResult | |
SrcList | |
SrcList::SrcList_item | |
ssl2_state_st | |
ssl3_buffer_st | |
ssl3_comp_st | |
ssl3_enc_method | |
ssl3_record_st | |
ssl3_state_st | |
ssl_cipher_st | |
ssl_comp_st | |
ssl_ctx_st | |
ssl_method_st | |
ssl_session_asn1_st | |
ssl_session_st | |
ssl_st | |
st_alarm_info | |
st_bitmap | |
st_code_state | |
st_columndef | |
st_decimal_t | |
st_decode_tree | |
st_default_local_infile | |
st_dynamic_array | |
st_dynamic_data_ctx | |
st_dynamic_fns | |
st_dynamic_LOCK_fns | |
st_dynamic_MEM_fns | |
st_dynamic_string | |
st_engine_cleanup_item | |
st_engine_pile | |
st_engine_table | |
st_ERR_FNS | |
st_ex_class_item | |
st_ft_info | |
st_HA_KEYSEG | |
st_hash | |
st_hash_info | |
st_heap_block | |
st_heap_create_info | |
st_heap_info | |
st_heap_ptrs | |
st_heap_share | |
st_heapinfo | |
st_hp_keydef | |
st_io_cache | |
st_irem | |
st_key_cache | |
st_key_multi_range | |
st_key_range | |
st_keycache_wqueue | |
st_level_info | |
st_list | |
st_lock_list | |
st_mem_root | |
st_merge | |
st_mi_check_param | |
st_mi_create_info | |
st_mi_decode_tree | |
st_mi_isaminfo | |
st_mi_keydef | |
st_mrg_info | |
st_mrg_table_info | |
st_my_dir | |
st_my_file_info | |
st_my_thread_var | |
st_my_tmpdir | |
st_mymerge_info | |
st_myrg_info | |
st_myrg_table_info | |
st_mysql | |
st_mysql_bind | |
st_mysql_data | |
st_mysql_field | |
st_mysql_manager | |
st_mysql_methods | |
st_mysql_options | |
st_mysql_parameters | |
st_mysql_res | |
st_mysql_rows | |
st_mysql_stmt | |
st_mysql_time | |
st_n_isaminfo | |
st_n_keydef | |
st_n_keyseg | |
st_n_recinfo | |
st_n_save_keydef | |
st_n_save_keyseg | |
st_n_save_recinfo | |
st_net | |
st_queue | |
st_record_cache | |
st_remember | |
st_safe_mutex_t | |
st_sort_ft_buf | |
st_sort_info | |
st_sort_key_blocks | |
st_thr_lock | |
st_thr_lock_data | |
st_thr_lock_info | |
st_thr_lock_owner | |
st_tree | |
st_tree_element | |
st_typelib | |
st_udf_args | |
st_udf_init | |
st_unique_def | |
st_used_mem | |
st_vio | |
stack_st | |
StandardChunkHeader | |
StandardTemplateWizardInterface | |
StartDialog | |
StartupPacket | |
state | |
static_tree_desc_s | |
HL::StaticHeap< MemorySize > | |
Hoard::Statistics | |
StatsHeap< SuperHeap > | |
StdDevCtx | |
HL::STLAllocator< T, Super > | |
STLAllocator | An allocator adapter for STL |
STORE_attr_info_st | |
store_method_st | |
store_st | |
HL::StrictSegHeap< NumBins, getSizeClass, getClassMaxSize, LittleHeap, BigHeap > | |
StrictSegHeap | A "strict" segregated-fits collection of (homogeneous) heaps |
stubData | |
Style | |
StyledButton | |
SubDir | |
SubLink | |
SubPlan | |
SubPlanState | |
SubqueryScan | |
SubqueryScanState | |
SumCtx | |
Summary16 | |
super | |
Super | |
Hoard::SuperblockStore< SuperblockSize, TheLockType > | |
SuperHeap | |
SwapWizardPagesCommand | |
SXNET_ID_st | |
SXNET_st | |
SyntaxHighlighter_CPP | |
SyntaxHighlighter_HTML | |
QwtPlotLayout::LayoutData::t_canvasData | |
QwtScaleWidget::PrivateData::t_colorBar | |
QwtPlotLayout::LayoutData::t_legendData | |
QwtPlotLayout::LayoutData::t_scaleData | |
QwtPlotLayout::LayoutData::t_titleData | |
Table | |
TableEditor | |
TabOrderCommand | |
TabResult | |
QTextEditOptimPrivate::Tag | |
tag_exp_arg | |
tag_exp_type | |
tag_name_st | |
tag_TSAProfile | |
EventTarget::Target | |
TargetEntry | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::TaskMenuExtension | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::TaskMenuFactory | |
TBMIterateResult | |
TemplateWizardInterface | |
TextEdit | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::TextLabelInterface | |
THeap< SuperHeap, FH, Threshold > | |
TheCustomHeapType | |
HL::SelectObjectManagerHeap< SuperHeap, OMWrapper >::TheHeap | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::ThermoInterface | |
ThinLock | |
thread_control | |
thread_tag | |
ThreadErrors_st | |
ThreadHeap< NumHeaps, PerThreadHeap > | |
HL::ThreadHeap< NumHeaps, PerThreadHeap > | |
ThreadKeyAssoc | |
ThreadLocalAllocationBuffer | An allocator, meant to be used for thread-local allocation |
Hoard::ThreadLocalAllocationBuffer< NumBins, getSizeClass, getClassSize, LargestObject, LocalHeapThreshold, SuperblockType, SuperblockSize, ParentHeap > | |
ThreadParms | |
Hoard::ThreadPoolHeap< NumThreads, NumHeaps, PerThreadHeap_ > | |
ThreadPoolHeap | |
HL::Threshold< ThresholdBytes, super > | |
ThresholdClass | |
TidPath | |
TidScan | |
TidScanState | |
TimeIntervalData | |
TimeItAll | |
timeout_param_st | |
HL::Timer | |
Timer | A portable class for high-resolution timing |
TimerInfo | |
TimerObject | |
timespec | |
TimeStamp | |
Timestamp_st | |
TimestampInfo_st | |
TimestampInfoList_st | |
TimeTzADT | |
timezone | |
QTipManager::Tip | |
Hoard::TLAB | |
Token | |
ToolBarItem | |
TopSlotHeap< chunkSize, slotSize, Super > | |
TPair | |
TraceHeap< Super, Number > | |
TransactionStmt | |
Treap< KEY, VALUE > | |
tree_desc_s | |
TrigEvent | |
Trigger | |
TriggerDesc | |
TriggerStack | |
TriggerStep | |
trio_custom_t | |
trio_parameter_t | |
TruncateStmt | |
TrWindow | |
TryHeap< Heap1, Heap2 > | |
ScalableHeapNS::TryHeap< Threshold, Heap1, Heap2 > | |
TsHandler | |
TTO_AlternateSet_ | |
TTO_AlternateSubst_ | |
TTO_Anchor_ | |
TTO_AnchorFormat1_ | |
TTO_AnchorFormat2_ | |
TTO_AnchorFormat3_ | |
TTO_AnchorFormat4_ | |
TTO_AttachList_ | |
TTO_AttachPoint_ | |
TTO_BaseArray_ | |
TTO_BaseRecord_ | |
TTO_CaretValue_ | |
TTO_CaretValueFormat1_ | |
TTO_CaretValueFormat2_ | |
TTO_CaretValueFormat3_ | |
TTO_CaretValueFormat4_ | |
TTO_ChainContextPos_ | |
TTO_ChainContextPosFormat1_ | |
TTO_ChainContextPosFormat2_ | |
TTO_ChainContextPosFormat3_ | |
TTO_ChainContextSubst_ | |
TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat1_ | |
TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat2_ | |
TTO_ChainContextSubstFormat3_ | |
TTO_ChainPosClassRule_ | |
TTO_ChainPosClassSet_ | |
TTO_ChainPosRule_ | |
TTO_ChainPosRuleSet_ | |
TTO_ChainSubClassRule_ | |
TTO_ChainSubClassSet_ | |
TTO_ChainSubRule_ | |
TTO_ChainSubRuleSet_ | |
TTO_Class1Record_ | |
TTO_Class2Record_ | |
TTO_ClassDefFormat1_ | |
TTO_ClassDefFormat2_ | |
TTO_ClassDefinition_ | |
TTO_ClassRangeRecord_ | |
TTO_ComponentRecord_ | |
TTO_ContextPos_ | |
TTO_ContextPosFormat1_ | |
TTO_ContextPosFormat2_ | |
TTO_ContextPosFormat3_ | |
TTO_ContextSubst_ | |
TTO_ContextSubstFormat1_ | |
TTO_ContextSubstFormat2_ | |
TTO_ContextSubstFormat3_ | |
TTO_Coverage_ | |
TTO_CoverageFormat1_ | |
TTO_CoverageFormat2_ | |
TTO_CursivePos_ | |
TTO_Device_ | |
TTO_EntryExitRecord_ | |
TTO_Feature_ | |
TTO_FeatureList_ | |
TTO_FeatureRecord_ | |
TTO_GDEFHeader_ | |
TTO_GPOS_SubTable_ | |
TTO_GPOSHeader_ | |
TTO_GSUB_SubTable_ | |
TTO_GSUBHeader_ | |
TTO_LangSys_ | |
TTO_LangSysRecord_ | |
TTO_Ligature_ | |
TTO_LigatureArray_ | |
TTO_LigatureAttach_ | |
TTO_LigatureSet_ | |
TTO_LigatureSubst_ | |
TTO_LigCaretList_ | |
TTO_LigGlyph_ | |
TTO_Lookup_ | |
TTO_LookupList_ | |
TTO_Mark2Array_ | |
TTO_Mark2Record_ | |
TTO_MarkArray_ | |
TTO_MarkBasePos_ | |
TTO_MarkLigPos_ | |
TTO_MarkMarkPos_ | |
TTO_MarkRecord_ | |
TTO_MultipleSubst_ | |
TTO_PairPos_ | |
TTO_PairPosFormat1_ | |
TTO_PairPosFormat2_ | |
TTO_PairSet_ | |
TTO_PairValueRecord_ | |
TTO_PosClassRule_ | |
TTO_PosClassSet_ | |
TTO_PosLookupRecord_ | |
TTO_PosRule_ | |
TTO_PosRuleSet_ | |
TTO_RangeRecord_ | |
TTO_Script_ | |
TTO_ScriptList_ | |
TTO_ScriptRecord_ | |
TTO_Sequence_ | |
TTO_SinglePos_ | |
TTO_SinglePosFormat1_ | |
TTO_SinglePosFormat2_ | |
TTO_SingleSubst_ | |
TTO_SingleSubstFormat1_ | |
TTO_SingleSubstFormat2_ | |
TTO_SubClassRule_ | |
TTO_SubClassSet_ | |
TTO_SubRule_ | |
TTO_SubRuleSet_ | |
TTO_SubstLookupRecord_ | |
TTO_SubTable_ | |
TTO_ValueRecord_ | |
TupleHashEntryData | |
TupleHashTableData | |
TWTextCodecs | |
txt_db_st | |
TypeCacheEntry | |
TypeCast | |
TypeName | |
u2w | |
MemPage::u_page_data | |
ui_method_st | |
ui_st | |
ui_string_st | |
UibHack | |
UibIndexMap | |
UibStrTable | |
Uic | User Interface Compiler |
UiHandler | |
uni_idx | |
unicase_info_st | |
Unique | |
UniqueHeap< SuperHeap, Child > | Instantiates one instance of a class used for every malloc & free |
UniquePath | |
UniqueState | |
UnixMakefileGenerator | |
UnlistenStmt | |
UpdateStmt | |
QFileDialogPrivate::UrlInfoList | |
UseSizeHeap | Adds a getSize method to access the size of an allocated object |
HL::UseSizeHeap< Super > | |
v3_ext_ctx | |
v3_ext_method | |
VacuumStmt | |
vacuumStruct | |
Value | |
Value::ValUnion | |
Var | |
varattrib | |
VarBit | |
MetaDataBase::Variable | |
VariableDialog | |
VariableResetStmt | |
VariableSetStmt | |
VariableShowStmt | |
varlena | |
VCCLCompilerTool | |
VCConfiguration | |
VCCustomBuildTool | |
VCEventTool | |
VCFilter | |
VCLibrarianTool | |
VCLinkerTool | |
VCMIDLTool | |
VCPostBuildEventTool | |
VCPreBuildEventTool | |
VCPreLinkEventTool | |
VCProject | |
VcprojGenerator | |
VCResourceCompilerTool | |
VcsolutionDepend | |
VCToolBase | |
VDateInternalMonthPicker | |
VDateInternalYearSelector | |
VDatePopup | |
VDateTable | |
VDateValidator | |
Vdbe | |
VdbeOp | |
VdbeOpList | |
VerticalLayout | |
VerticalLayoutList | |
QListViewPrivate::ViewColumnInfo | |
ViewManager | |
ViewStmt | |
VPopupFrame | |
WhatPhrase | |
QWhatsThisPrivate::WhatsThisItem | |
QwtDesignerPlugin::WheelInterface | |
WhereInfo | |
WhereLevel | |
Widget | |
WidgetAction | |
WidgetDatabase | Holds information about widgets |
WidgetDatabaseRecord | |
WidgetFactory | Set of static functions for creating widgets, layouts and do other stuff |
WidgetSelection | |
wild_file_pack | |
Win32MakefileGenerator | |
WindowBorders | |
WindowsStyle | |
WizardEditor | |
working_state | |
Workspace | |
WorkspaceItem | |
X509_algor_st | |
x509_attributes_st | |
x509_cert_aux_st | |
x509_cert_pair_st | |
x509_cinf_st | |
X509_crl_info_st | |
X509_crl_st | |
X509_extension_st | |
x509_file_st | |
x509_hash_dir_st | |
X509_info_st | |
x509_lookup_method_st | |
x509_lookup_st | |
X509_name_entry_st | |
X509_name_st | |
x509_object_st | |
X509_objects_st | |
X509_POLICY_CACHE_st | |
X509_POLICY_DATA_st | |
X509_POLICY_LEVEL_st | |
X509_POLICY_NODE_st | |
X509_POLICY_REF_st | |
X509_POLICY_TREE_st | |
X509_pubkey_st | |
x509_purpose_st | |
X509_req_info_st | |
X509_req_st | |
X509_revoked_st | |
X509_sig_st | |
x509_st | |
x509_store_ctx_st | |
x509_store_st | |
x509_trust_st | |
X509_val_st | |
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_st | |
X509V3_CONF_METHOD_st | |
x9_62_characteristic_two_st | |
x9_62_curve_st | |
x9_62_fieldid_st | |
x9_62_pentanomial_st | |
HL::XallocHeap< ArenaSize, SuperHeap > | |
XlfdEncoding | |
xml_attr_st | |
xml_stack_st | |
xmlRemoveMemo_t | |
xmlsym_st | |
xmlValidateMemo_t | |
XPair | |
xsd__base64Binary | |
xsltHTMLVersion | |
yy_buffer_state | |
yy_trans_info | |
yyalloc | |
yyParser | |
yyStackEntry | |
z_stream_s | |
ZoneHeap | A zone (or arena, or region) based allocator |
HL::ZoneHeap< Super, ChunkSize > | |