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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  AQSWidget_p.h
00003  -------------------
00004  begin                : 29/01/2011
00005  copyright            : (C) 2003-2011 by InfoSiAL S.L.
00006  email                : mail@infosial.com
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00008 /***************************************************************************
00009  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00010  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00011  *   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.               *
00012  ***************************************************************************/
00013 /***************************************************************************
00014  Este  programa es software libre. Puede redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo
00015  bajo  los  términos  de  la  Licencia  Pública General de GNU   en  su
00016  versión 2, publicada  por  la  Free  Software Foundation.
00017  ***************************************************************************/
00019 #ifndef AQSWIDGET_P_H_
00020 #define AQSWIDGET_P_H_
00022 #include "AQSObject_p.h"
00023 #include <qwidget.h>
00025 class AQSWidget : public AQSObject
00026 {
00027   Q_OBJECT
00029   AQ_DECLARE_AQS_OBJECT(Widget, Object);
00031 public slots:
00032   QPaintDevice *paintDevice() const {
00033     return static_cast<QPaintDevice *>(o_);
00034   }
00037 public slots:
00038   QWidget *parentWidget(bool = FALSE) const;
00039   uint testWFlags(WFlags) const;
00040   QWidget *childAt(int, int, bool = FALSE) const;
00041   QWidget *childAt(const QPoint &, bool = FALSE) const;
00042   QFontMetrics *fontMetrics() const;
00043   void setFixedSize(const QSize &);
00044   void setFixedSize(int, int);
00045   void setFixedWidth(int);
00046   void setFixedHeight(int);
00047   QLayout *layout() const;
00048   void setSizePolicy(uint, uint, bool = FALSE);
00050 protected:
00051   static void *construct(const QSArgumentList &args) {
00052     QMap<int, QStringList> candidates;
00053     candidates[0].append(QString::null);
00054     candidates[1].append(QString::fromLatin1("QWidget*"));
00055     candidates[2].append(QString::fromLatin1("QWidget*,QString"));
00056     candidates[3].append(QString::fromLatin1("QWidget*,QString,WFlags"));
00057     QString sgt(castArgsSignature(args, candidates));
00058     if (sgt.isEmpty())
00059       return new QWidget;
00060     if (sgt == QString::fromLatin1("QWidget*"))
00061       return new QWidget(argValue<QWidget *>(args[0]));
00062     if (sgt == QString::fromLatin1("QWidget*,QString"))
00063       return new QWidget(argValue<QWidget *>(args[0]),
00064                          *(argValue<QString *>(args[1])));
00065     if (sgt == QString::fromLatin1("QWidget*,QString,WFlags"))
00066       return new QWidget(argValue<QWidget *>(args[0]),
00067                          *(argValue<QString *>(args[1])),
00068                          static_cast<WFlags>(args[2].variant().toUInt()));
00069     return 0;
00070   }
00072 public:
00073   static QMap<int, QStringList> candidateConstructors() {
00074     QMap<int, QStringList> candidates;
00075     candidates[0].append(QString::null);
00076     candidates[1].append(QString::fromLatin1("QWidget*"));
00077     candidates[2].append(QString::fromLatin1("QWidget*,QString"));
00078     candidates[3].append(QString::fromLatin1("QWidget*,QString,WFlags"));
00079     return candidates;
00080   }
00081   //@AQ_END_DEF_PUB_SLOTS@
00082 };
00085 inline QWidget *AQSWidget::parentWidget(bool arg0) const
00086 {
00087   AQ_CALL_RET(parentWidget(arg0));
00088 }
00089 inline uint AQSWidget::testWFlags(WFlags arg0) const
00090 {
00091   AQ_CALL_RET_V(testWFlags(arg0), uint);
00092 }
00093 inline QWidget *AQSWidget::childAt(int arg0,  int arg1,  bool arg2) const
00094 {
00095   AQ_CALL_RET(childAt(arg0, arg1, arg2));
00096 }
00097 inline QWidget *AQSWidget::childAt(const QPoint &arg0,  bool arg1) const
00098 {
00099   AQ_CALL_RET(childAt(arg0, arg1));
00100 }
00101 inline QFontMetrics *AQSWidget::fontMetrics() const
00102 {
00103   AQ_CALL_RET_PTR(fontMetrics(), QFontMetrics);
00104 }
00105 inline void AQSWidget::setFixedSize(const QSize &arg0)
00106 {
00107   AQ_CALL_VOID(setFixedSize(arg0));
00108 }
00109 inline void AQSWidget::setFixedSize(int arg0,  int arg1)
00110 {
00111   AQ_CALL_VOID(setFixedSize(arg0, arg1));
00112 }
00113 inline void AQSWidget::setFixedWidth(int arg0)
00114 {
00115   AQ_CALL_VOID(setFixedWidth(arg0));
00116 }
00117 inline void AQSWidget::setFixedHeight(int arg0)
00118 {
00119   AQ_CALL_VOID(setFixedHeight(arg0));
00120 }
00121 inline QLayout *AQSWidget::layout() const
00122 {
00123   AQ_CALL_RET(layout());
00124 }
00125 inline void AQSWidget::setSizePolicy(uint arg0,  uint arg1,  bool arg2)
00126 {
00127   AQ_CALL_VOID(setSizePolicy(static_cast<QSizePolicy::SizeType>(arg0), static_cast<QSizePolicy::SizeType>(arg1), arg2));
00128 }
00131 #endif /* AQSWIDGET_P_H_ */
00132 // @AQSWIDGET@
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