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00001 #ifndef __DIGIDOC_OBJ_H__
00002 #define __DIGIDOC_OBJ_H__
00003 //==================================================
00004 // FILE:        DigiDocGen.h
00005 // PROJECT:     Digi Doc
00006 // DESCRIPTION: DigiDoc helper routines for accessing dogidoc data
00007 // AUTHOR:  Veiko Sinivee, S|E|B IT Partner Estonia
00008 //==================================================
00009 // Copyright (C) AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus
00010 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00011 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00012 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00013 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00014 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
00018 // GNU Lesser General Public Licence is available at
00019 // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
00020 //==========< HISTORY >=============================
00021 //      26.04.2006      Veiko Sinivee
00022 //                      Creation
00023 //==================================================
00025 #include <libdigidoc/DigiDocDefs.h>
00026 //#include <libdigidoc/DigiDocLib.h>
00027 #include <libdigidoc/DigiDocMem.h>
00028 #include <openssl/x509.h>
00029 #include <openssl/ocsp.h>
00030 #ifdef WITH_TS
00031 #include <libdigidoc/ts/DigiDocTS.h>
00032 #endif
00034 //==========< DigiDoc object structure >========================
00036 #ifdef  __cplusplus
00037 extern "C" {
00038 #endif
00041 // contains the signed attributes of each document file entry
00042 typedef struct DocInfo_st {
00043         char* szDocId;                  // document id
00044         char* szDigestType;             // digest method used
00045         byte* szDigest;                 // digest value
00046         int   nDigestLen;                       // digest value length
00047         byte* szMimeDigest;             // digest value
00048         int nMimeDigestLen;             // digest value length
00049 } DocInfo;
00051 typedef struct SignatureProductionPlace_st {
00052   char* szCity;
00053   char* szStateOrProvince;
00054   char* szPostalCode;
00055   char* szCountryName;
00056 } SignatureProductionPlace;
00058 typedef struct SignerRole_st {
00059   int nClaimedRoles;
00060   char** pClaimedRoles;
00061   int nCertifiedRoles;
00062   char** pCertifiedRoles;
00063 } SignerRole;
00065 typedef struct DigestValue_st {
00066   char* szDigestMethod;
00067   DigiDocMemBuf mbufDigestValue;
00068 } DigestValue;
00069   /*
00070 typedef struct ReferenceInfo_st {
00071   char* szId;
00072   char* szUri;
00073   char* szType;
00074   DigestValue digestValue;
00075 } ReferenceInfo;
00076   */
00077 typedef struct SignatureValue_st {
00078   char* szId;
00079   char* szType;
00080   DigiDocMemBuf mbufSignatureValue;
00081 } SignatureValue;
00083 #define CERTID_TYPE_UNKNOWN             0
00084 #define CERTID_TYPE_SIGNERS_CERTID      1
00086 #define CERTID_TYPE_TSA_CERTID          3
00089 typedef struct CertID_st {
00090   int nType;    // internal CertID type:
00091   char* szId;
00092   char* szIssuerSerial;
00093   char* szIssuerName;
00094   DigestValue* pDigestValue;
00095 } CertID;
00097 typedef struct CertIDList_st {
00098   int nCertIDs;
00099   CertID** pCertIDs;
00100 } CertIDList;
00102 #define CERTID_VALUE_UNKNOWN             0
00103 #define CERTID_VALUE_SIGNERS_CERT        1
00105 #define CERTID_VALUE_TSA_CERT            3
00107 typedef struct CertValue_st {
00108   int nType;
00109   char* szId;
00110   X509* pCert;
00111 } CertValue;
00113 typedef struct CertValueList_st {
00114   int nCertValues;
00115   CertValue** pCertValues;
00116 } CertValueList;
00118 // data file entry for each data file
00119 typedef struct DataFile_st {
00120   char* szId;                   // data file id
00121   char* szFileName;     // signed doc file name
00122   char* szMimeType;     // date file mime type
00123   char* szContentType;  // DETATCHED, EMBEDDED or EMBEDDED_BASE64
00124   long  nSize;          // file size (unencoded)
00125   char* szDigestType;   // digest type
00126   DigiDocMemBuf mbufDigest;  // real DataFile digest value
00127   DigiDocMemBuf mbufWrongDigest; // bad digest calculated in some versions
00128   DigiDocMemBuf mbufDetachedDigest; // detached file digest
00129   int nAttributes;              // number of other attributes
00130   char* szCharset;              // datafile initial codepage
00131   char** pAttNames;             // other attribute names
00132   char** pAttValues;            // other attribute values
00133   DigiDocMemBuf mbufContent;
00134 } DataFile;
00136 typedef struct NotaryInfo_sk {
00137   char* szId;                   // Notary id
00138   char* szNotType;      // notary info type (OCSP-1.0)
00139   char* timeProduced;   // producedAt
00140   int nRespIdType;  // RESP_ID_NAME, RESP_ID_KEY
00141   DigiDocMemBuf mbufRespId;  // responder id value
00142   char* szDigestType;   // digest method used
00143   // notaries personal signature
00144   char* szSigType;      // signature type used
00145   DigiDocMemBuf mbufOcspDigest;  // OCSP response digest (as in XML
00146   DigiDocMemBuf mbufOcspResponse; // OCSP response (in memory held in DER)
00147 } NotaryInfo;
00149 // signature info for each user signature
00150 typedef struct SignatureInfo_st {
00151   char* szId;                   // signature id
00152   int nDocs;                    // number of separate documents signed
00153   DocInfo** pDocs;      // info for each signed document        
00154   char* szTimeStamp;    // signature timestamp in format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ"
00155   DigestValue *pSigPropDigest;
00156   DigestValue *pSigPropRealDigest;
00157   DigestValue *pSigInfoRealDigest;
00158   SignatureValue *pSigValue;    // RSA+SHA1 signature value
00159   X509* pX509Cert;      // X509Cert certificate (used internally for data during loading)
00160   SignatureProductionPlace sigProdPlace;
00161   SignerRole signerRole;
00162   DigiDocMemBuf mbufOrigContent;
00163   NotaryInfo* pNotary;
00164 #ifdef WITH_TS
00165   TimestampInfoList *pTimestamps;
00166 #endif
00167   CertIDList *pCertIDs;
00168   CertValueList *pCertValues;
00169 } SignatureInfo;
00173 typedef struct SignedDoc_st {
00174         char* szFormat;         // data format name
00175         char* szFormatVer;      // data format version
00176         int nDataFiles;
00177         DataFile** pDataFiles;
00178         int nSignatures;
00179         SignatureInfo** pSignatures;
00180 } SignedDoc;
00182 //============================================================
00183 // Sets a string element of a struct to a new value
00184 // dest - element pointer
00185 // value - new value
00186 // valLen - value length (use -1 for null terminated strings)
00187 //============================================================
00188 EXP_OPTION int setString(char** dest, const char* value, int valLen);
00190 // creates a new <SignedDoc> structure
00191 EXP_OPTION int SignedDoc_new(SignedDoc **newSignedDoc, const char* format, const char* version);
00192 // cleanup signed doc data
00193 EXP_OPTION void SignedDoc_free(SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
00195 //======================< DataFile functions >=============================
00197 // returns the number of data files
00198 EXP_OPTION int getCountOfDataFiles(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
00199 // returns the n-th DataFile object
00200 EXP_OPTION DataFile* getDataFile(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, int nIdx);
00201 // returns the last DataFile object
00202 EXP_OPTION DataFile* ddocGetLastDataFile(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
00203 // Retrieve and convert DataFile Filename atribute and convert
00204 EXP_OPTION int ddocGetDataFileFilename(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szDocId, void** ppBuf, int* pLen);
00205 // returns the DataFile object with the given id
00206 EXP_OPTION DataFile* getDataFileWithId(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);
00207 // add a <DataFile> block to <SignedDoc>
00208 // use NULL for any parameter you don't have the value
00209 // use NULL for id if you want to auto-calculate it (recommended!!!)
00210 EXP_OPTION int DataFile_new(DataFile **newDataFile, SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id,
00211                                            const char* filename, const char* contentType, 
00212                                            const char* mime, long size,
00213                                            const byte* digest, int digLen,
00214                                            const char* digType, const char* szCharset);
00215 // cleanup DataFile memory
00216 EXP_OPTION void DataFile_free(DataFile* pDataFile);
00218 // Removes this DataFile from signed doc and frees it's memory
00219 EXP_OPTION int DataFile_delete(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);
00221 //--------------------------------------------------
00222 // Accessor for Digest atribute of DataFile object.
00223 // pDataFile - address of object [REQUIRED]
00224 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00225 //--------------------------------------------------
00226 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocDataFile_GetDigestValue(DataFile* pDataFile);
00228 //--------------------------------------------------
00229 // Mutatoror for Digest atribute of DataFile object.
00230 // pDataFile - address of object [REQUIRED]
00231 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00232 // len - length of value in bytes [REQUIRED]
00233 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00234 //--------------------------------------------------
00235 EXP_OPTION int ddocDataFile_SetDigestValue(DataFile* pDataFile, 
00236                                            const char* value, long len);
00238 //--------------------------------------------------
00239 // Accessor for DetachedDigest atribute of DataFile object.
00240 // pDataFile - address of object [REQUIRED]
00241 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00242 //--------------------------------------------------
00243 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocDataFile_GetDetachedDigestValue(DataFile* pDataFile);
00245 //--------------------------------------------------
00246 // Mutatoror for DetachedDigest atribute of DataFile object.
00247 // pDataFile - address of object [REQUIRED]
00248 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00249 // len - length of value in bytes [REQUIRED]
00250 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00251 //--------------------------------------------------
00252 EXP_OPTION int ddocDataFile_SetDetachedDigestValue(DataFile* pDataFile, 
00253                                                    const char* value, long len);
00257 // Returns number of DataFile attributes
00258 EXP_OPTION int getCountOfDataFileAttributes(const DataFile* pDataFile);
00259 // Adds an attribute to data file
00260 EXP_OPTION int addDataFileAttribute(DataFile* pDataFile, const char* name, 
00261                                                                         const char* value);
00262 // Gets an attribute of a data file
00263 EXP_OPTION int getDataFileAttribute(DataFile* pDataFile, int idx, char** name, char** value);
00265 // get datafile cahed data
00266 int ddocGetDataFileCachedData(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szDocId, void** ppBuf, long* pLen);
00268 // apppends DataFile content to cache
00269 void ddocAppendDataFileData(DataFile* pDf, int maxLen, void* data, int len);
00271 // calculates file size and digest and store in the
00272 // given DataFile object
00273 EXP_OPTION int calculateDataFileSizeAndDigest(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id,
00274                                                                 const char* filename, int digType);
00276 //======================< DigestValue functions >=============================
00278 //--------------------------------------------------
00279 // "Constructor" of DigestValue object
00280 // ppDigestValue - address of buffer for newly allocated object [REQUIRED]
00281 // szDigestMethod - digest method [OPTIONAL]
00282 // szDigVal/lDigLen - digest value and length [OPTIONAL]
00283 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00284 //--------------------------------------------------
00285 EXP_OPTION int ddocDigestValue_new(DigestValue** ppDigestValue, 
00286                                    const char* szDigestMethod, 
00287                                    void* szDigVal, long lDigLen);
00289 //--------------------------------------------------
00290 // "Destructor" of DigestValue object
00291 // pDigestValue - address of object to be deleted [REQUIRED]
00292 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00293 //--------------------------------------------------
00294 EXP_OPTION int ddocDigestValue_free(DigestValue* pDigestValue);
00296 //--------------------------------------------------
00297 // Accessor for DigestMethod atribute of DigestValue object.
00298 // pDigestValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00299 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00300 //--------------------------------------------------
00301 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocDigestValue_GetDigestMethod(DigestValue* pDigestValue);
00303 //--------------------------------------------------
00304 // Mutatoror for DigestMethod atribute of DigestValue object.
00305 // pDigestValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00306 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00307 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00308 //--------------------------------------------------
00309 EXP_OPTION int ddocDigestValue_SetDigestMethod(DigestValue* pDigestValue, const char* value);
00311 //--------------------------------------------------
00312 // Accessor for DigestValue atribute of DigestValue object.
00313 // pDigestValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00314 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00315 //--------------------------------------------------
00316 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocDigestValue_GetDigestValue(DigestValue* pDigestValue);
00318 //--------------------------------------------------
00319 // Mutatoror for DigestValue atribute of DigestValue object.
00320 // pDigestValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00321 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00322 // len - length of value in bytes [REQUIRED]
00323 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00324 //--------------------------------------------------
00325 EXP_OPTION int ddocDigestValue_SetDigestValue(DigestValue* pDigestValue, 
00326                                               const char* value, long len);
00328 //--------------------------------------------------
00329 // Compares two DigestValue structure on equality
00330 // pDigest1 - address of first digest [REQUIRED]
00331 // pDigest2 - address of second digest [REQUIRED]
00332 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00333 //--------------------------------------------------
00334 int ddocCompareDigestValues(DigestValue* pDigest1, DigestValue* pDigest2);
00336 //--------------------------------------------------
00337 // Generates XML for <DigestValue> element
00338 // pSigDoc - signed doc object [REQUIRED]
00339 // pDigestValue - DigestValue object [REQUIRED]
00340 // pBuf - memory buffer for storing xml [REQUIRED]
00341 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00342 //--------------------------------------------------
00343 int ddocDigestValue_toXML(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const DigestValue* pDigestValue, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf);
00345 //======================< SignatureValue functions >=============================
00347 //============================================================
00348 // Returns the next free signature id
00349 // pSigDoc - signed doc pointer
00350 //============================================================
00351 EXP_OPTION int getNextSignatureId(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
00353 //--------------------------------------------------
00354 // "Constructor" of SignatureValue object
00355 // ppSignatureValue - address of buffer for newly allocated object [REQUIRED]
00356 // szId - Id atribute value [OPTIONAL]
00357 // szType - signature type [OPTIONAL]
00358 // szDigVal/lDigLen - digest value and length [OPTIONAL]
00359 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00360 //--------------------------------------------------
00361 EXP_OPTION int ddocSignatureValue_new(SignatureValue** ppSignatureValue, 
00362                                       const char* szId, const char* szType,
00363                                       void* szSigVal, long lSigLen);
00365 //--------------------------------------------------
00366 // "Destructor" of SignatureValue object
00367 // pSignatureValue - address of object to be deleted [REQUIRED]
00368 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00369 //--------------------------------------------------
00370 EXP_OPTION int ddocSignatureValue_free(SignatureValue* pSignatureValue);
00372 //--------------------------------------------------
00373 // Accessor for Id atribute of SignatureValue object.
00374 // pSignatureValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00375 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00376 //--------------------------------------------------
00377 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocSignatureValue_GetId(const SignatureValue* pSignatureValue);
00379 //--------------------------------------------------
00380 // Mutatoror for Id atribute of SignatureValue object.
00381 // pSignatureValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00382 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00383 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00384 //--------------------------------------------------
00385 EXP_OPTION int ddocSignatureValue_SetId(SignatureValue* pSignatureValue, const char* value);
00387 //--------------------------------------------------
00388 // Accessor for Type atribute of SignatureValue object.
00389 // pSignatureValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00390 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00391 //--------------------------------------------------
00392 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocSignatureValue_GetType(const SignatureValue* pSignatureValue);
00394 //--------------------------------------------------
00395 // Mutatoror for Type atribute of SignatureValue object.
00396 // pSignatureValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00397 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00398 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00399 //--------------------------------------------------
00400 EXP_OPTION int ddocSignatureValue_SetType(SignatureValue* pSignatureValue, const char* value);
00402 //--------------------------------------------------
00403 // Accessor for SignatureValue atribute of SignatureValue object.
00404 // pSignatureValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00405 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00406 //--------------------------------------------------
00407 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocSignatureValue_GetSignatureValue(const SignatureValue* pSignatureValue);
00409 //--------------------------------------------------
00410 // Mutatoror for SignatureValue atribute of SignatureValue object.
00411 // pSignatureValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00412 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00413 // len - length of value in bytes [REQUIRED]
00414 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00415 //--------------------------------------------------
00416 EXP_OPTION int ddocSignatureValue_SetSignatureValue(SignatureValue* pSignatureValue, 
00417                                                     const char* value, long len);
00419 //--------------------------------------------------
00420 // Generates XML for <IncludeInfo> element
00421 // pSignatureValue - SignatureValue object [REQUIRED]
00422 // pBuf - memory buffer for storing xml [REQUIRED]
00423 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00424 //--------------------------------------------------
00425 int ddocSignatureValue_toXML(const SignatureValue* pSignatureValue, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf);
00427 //======================< CertID >====================================
00429 //--------------------------------------------------
00430 // "Constructor" of CertID object
00431 // ppCertID - address of buffer for newly allocated object [REQUIRED]
00432 // szId - Id atribute value [OPTIONAL]
00433 // nType - certid internal type (signers or responders cert) [REQUIRED]
00434 // szIssuerSerial - issuer serial number [OPTIONAL]
00435 // szIssuerName - issuer DN [OPTIONAL]
00436 // szDigVal/lDigLen - digest value and length [OPTIONAL]
00437 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00438 //--------------------------------------------------
00439 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertID_new(CertID** ppCertID, 
00440                               int nType, const char* szId,
00441                               const char* szIssuerSerial, const char* szIssuerName,
00442                               void* szDigVal, long lDigLen);
00444 //--------------------------------------------------
00445 // "Destructor" of CertID object
00446 // pCertID - address of object to be deleted [REQUIRED]
00447 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00448 //--------------------------------------------------
00449 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertID_free(CertID* pCertID);
00451 //--------------------------------------------------
00452 // Accessor for Id atribute of CertID object.
00453 // pCertID - address of object [REQUIRED]
00454 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00455 //--------------------------------------------------
00456 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocCertID_GetId(const CertID* pCertID);
00458 //--------------------------------------------------
00459 // Mutatoror for Id atribute of CertID object.
00460 // pCertID - address of object [REQUIRED]
00461 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00462 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00463 //--------------------------------------------------
00464 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertID_SetId(CertID* pCertID, const char* value);
00466 //--------------------------------------------------
00467 // Accessor for IssuerSerial atribute of CertID object.
00468 // pCertID - address of object [REQUIRED]
00469 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00470 //--------------------------------------------------
00471 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocCertID_GetIssuerSerial(const CertID* pCertID);
00473 //--------------------------------------------------
00474 // Mutatoror for IssuerSerial atribute of CertID object.
00475 // pCertID - address of object [REQUIRED]
00476 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00477 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00478 //--------------------------------------------------
00479 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertID_SetIssuerSerial(CertID* pCertID, const char* value);
00481 //--------------------------------------------------
00482 // Accessor for IssuerName atribute of CertID object.
00483 // pCertID - address of object [REQUIRED]
00484 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00485 //--------------------------------------------------
00486 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocCertID_GetIssuerName(const CertID* pCertID);
00488 //--------------------------------------------------
00489 // Mutatoror for IssuerName atribute of CertID object.
00490 // pCertID - address of object [REQUIRED]
00491 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00492 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00493 //--------------------------------------------------
00494 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertID_SetIssuerName(CertID* pCertID, const char* value);
00496 //--------------------------------------------------
00497 // Accessor for DigestValue atribute of CertID object.
00498 // pCertID - address of object [REQUIRED]
00499 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00500 //--------------------------------------------------
00501 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocCertID_GetDigestValue(const CertID* pCertID);
00504 //--------------------------------------------------
00505 // Mutatoror for DigestValue atribute of CertID object.
00506 // pCertID - address of object [REQUIRED]
00507 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00508 // len - length of value in bytes [REQUIRED]
00509 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00510 //--------------------------------------------------
00511 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertID_SetDigestValue(CertID* pCertID, 
00512                                          const char* value, long len);
00514 //--------------------------------------------------
00515 // Generates XML for <Cert> element
00516 // pCertID - CertID object [REQUIRED]
00517 // pBuf - memory buffer for storing xml [REQUIRED]
00518 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00519 //--------------------------------------------------
00520 int ddocCertID_toXML(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const CertID* pCertID, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf);
00522 //--------------------------------------------------
00523 // Generates XML for <CompleteCertificateRefs> element
00524 // pSigDoc - SignedDoc object [REQUIRED]
00525 // pBuf - memory buffer for storing xml [REQUIRED]
00526 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00527 //--------------------------------------------------
00528 int ddocCompleteCertificateRefs_toXML(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf);
00530 //--------------------------------------------------
00531 // Generates XML for <CompleteRevocationRefs> element
00532 // pSigDoc - SignedDoc object [REQUIRED]
00533 // pBuf - memory buffer for storing xml [REQUIRED]
00534 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00535 //--------------------------------------------------
00536 int ddocCompleteRevocationRefs_toXML(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf);
00539 //==========< CertIDList >====================
00541 //--------------------------------------------------
00542 // "Constructor" of CertIDList object
00543 // ppCertIDList - address of buffer for newly allocated object [REQUIRED]
00544 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00545 //--------------------------------------------------
00546 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertIDList_new(CertIDList** ppCertIDList);
00548 //--------------------------------------------------
00549 // "Destructor" of CertIDList object
00550 // pCertIDList - address of object to be deleted [REQUIRED]
00551 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00552 //--------------------------------------------------
00553 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertIDList_free(CertIDList* pCertIDList);
00555 //--------------------------------------------------
00556 // Accessor for count of CertIDs subelement of CertIDList object.
00557 // pCertIDList - pointer to CertIDList object [REQUIRED]
00558 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00559 //--------------------------------------------------
00560 int ddocCertIDList_addCertID(CertIDList* pCertIDList, CertID* pCertID);
00562 //--------------------------------------------------
00563 // Accessor for count of CertIDs subelement of CertIDList object.
00564 // pCertIDList - pointer to CertIDList object [REQUIRED]
00565 // returns count or -1 for error. Then use error API to check errors
00566 //--------------------------------------------------
00567 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertIDList_GetCertIDsCount(CertIDList* pCertIDList);
00569 //--------------------------------------------------
00570 // Accessor for CertIDs subelement of CertIDList object.
00571 // pCertIDList - pointer to CertIDList object [REQUIRED]
00572 // nIdx - index of CertID object [REQUIRED]
00573 // returns CertID pointer or NULL for error
00574 //--------------------------------------------------
00575 EXP_OPTION CertID* ddocCertIDList_GetCertID(CertIDList* pCertIDList, int nIdx);
00577 //--------------------------------------------------
00578 // Accessor for last CertIDs subelement of CertIDList object.
00579 // pCertIDList - pointer to CertIDList object [REQUIRED]
00580 // returns CertID pointer or NULL for error
00581 //--------------------------------------------------
00582 EXP_OPTION CertID* ddocCertIDList_GetLastCertID(CertIDList* pCertIDList);
00584 //--------------------------------------------------
00585 // Deletes CertID subelement of CertIDList object.
00586 // pCertIDList - pointer to CertIDList object [REQUIRED]
00587 // nIdx - index of CertID object to be removed [REQUIRED]
00588 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00589 //--------------------------------------------------
00590 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertIDList_DeleteCertID(CertIDList* pCertIDList, int nIdx);
00592 //--------------------------------------------------
00593 // Finds a CertID object with required type
00594 // pCertIDList - pointer to CertIDList object [REQUIRED]
00595 // nType - type of CertID object [REQUIRED]
00596 // returns CertID pointer or NULL for error
00597 //--------------------------------------------------
00598 EXP_OPTION CertID* ddocCertIDList_GetCertIDOfType(CertIDList* pCertIDList, int nType);
00600 //--------------------------------------------------
00601 // Finds a CertID object with required serial nr
00602 // pCertIDList - pointer to CertIDList object [REQUIRED]
00603 // szSerial - issuer serial
00604 // returns CertID pointer or NULL for error
00605 //--------------------------------------------------
00606 EXP_OPTION CertID* ddocCertIDList_GetCertIDOfSerial(CertIDList* pCertIDList, const char* szSerial);
00608 //--------------------------------------------------
00609 // Finds a CertID object with required type or creates a new one
00610 // pCertIDList - pointer to CertIDList object [REQUIRED]
00611 // nType - type of CertID object [REQUIRED]
00612 // returns CertID pointer or NULL for error
00613 //--------------------------------------------------
00614 EXP_OPTION CertID* ddocCertIDList_GetOrCreateCertIDOfType(CertIDList* pCertIDList, int nType);
00616 //======================< CertValue >====================================
00618 //--------------------------------------------------
00619 // "Constructor" of CertValue object
00620 // ppCertValue - address of buffer for newly allocated object [REQUIRED]
00621 // szId - Id atribute value [OPTIONAL]
00622 // nType - certid internal type (signers or responders cert) [REQUIRED]
00623 // pCert - certificate itself [OPTIONAL]. Must fill in later. Do not X509_free() param!
00624 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00625 //--------------------------------------------------
00626 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertValue_new(CertValue** ppCertValue, 
00627                                  int nType, const char* szId,
00628                                  X509* pCert);
00630 //--------------------------------------------------
00631 // "Destructor" of CertValue object
00632 // pCertValue - address of object to be deleted [REQUIRED]
00633 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00634 //--------------------------------------------------
00635 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertValue_free(CertValue* pCertValue);
00637 //--------------------------------------------------
00638 // Accessor for Id atribute of CertValue object.
00639 // pCertValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00640 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00641 //--------------------------------------------------
00642 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocCertValue_GetId(CertValue* pCertValue);
00644 //--------------------------------------------------
00645 // Mutatoror for Id atribute of CertValue object.
00646 // pCertValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00647 // value - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00648 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00649 //--------------------------------------------------
00650 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertValue_SetId(CertValue* pCertValue, const char* value);
00652 //--------------------------------------------------
00653 // Accessor for Cert atribute of CertValue object.
00654 // pCertValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00655 // returns value of atribute or NULL.
00656 //--------------------------------------------------
00657 EXP_OPTION X509* ddocCertValue_GetCert(CertValue* pCertValue);
00659 //--------------------------------------------------
00660 // Mutatoror for Cert atribute of CertValue object.
00661 // pCertValue - address of object [REQUIRED]
00662 // pCert - new value for atribute [REQUIRED]
00663 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00664 //--------------------------------------------------
00665 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertValue_SetCert(CertValue* pCertValue, X509* pCert);
00667 //--------------------------------------------------
00668 // Generates XML for <EncapsulatedX509Certificate> element
00669 // pCertID - CertID object [REQUIRED]
00670 // pBuf - memory buffer for storing xml [REQUIRED]
00671 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00672 //--------------------------------------------------
00673 int ddocCertValue_toXML(const CertValue* pCertValue, DigiDocMemBuf* pBuf);
00675 //==========< CertValueList >====================
00677 //--------------------------------------------------
00678 // "Constructor" of CertValueList object
00679 // ppCertValueList - address of buffer for newly allocated object [REQUIRED]
00680 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00681 //--------------------------------------------------
00682 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertValueList_new(CertValueList** ppCertValueList);
00684 //--------------------------------------------------
00685 // "Destructor" of CertValueList object
00686 // pCertValueList - address of object to be deleted [REQUIRED]
00687 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00688 //--------------------------------------------------
00689 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertValueList_free(CertValueList* pCertValueList);
00691 //--------------------------------------------------
00692 // Adds a CertValue element to CertValueList object.
00693 // pCertValueList - pointer to CertValueList object [REQUIRED]
00694 // pCertValue - new object [REQUIRED]
00695 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00696 //--------------------------------------------------
00697 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertValueList_addCertValue(CertValueList* pCertValueList, CertValue* pCertValue);
00699 //--------------------------------------------------
00700 // Accessor for count of CertValues subelement of CertValueList object.
00701 // pCertValueList - pointer to CertValueList object [REQUIRED]
00702 // returns count or -1 for error. Then use error API to check errors
00703 //--------------------------------------------------
00704 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertValueList_GetCertValuesCount(CertValueList* pCertValueList);
00706 //--------------------------------------------------
00707 // Accessor for CertValues subelement of CertValueList object.
00708 // pCertValueList - pointer to CertValueList object [REQUIRED]
00709 // nIdx - index of CertValue object [REQUIRED]
00710 // returns CertValue pointer or NULL for error
00711 //--------------------------------------------------
00712 EXP_OPTION CertValue* ddocCertValueList_GetCertValue(CertValueList* pCertValueList, int nIdx);
00714 //--------------------------------------------------
00715 // Deletes CertValue subelement of CertValueList object.
00716 // pCertValueList - pointer to CertValueList object [REQUIRED]
00717 // nIdx - index of CertValue object to be removed [REQUIRED]
00718 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00719 //--------------------------------------------------
00720 EXP_OPTION int ddocCertValueList_DeleteCertValue(CertValueList* pCertValueList, int nIdx);
00722 //--------------------------------------------------
00723 // Finds a CertValue object with required type
00724 // pCertValueList - pointer to CertValueList object [REQUIRED]
00725 // nType - type of CertValue object [REQUIRED]
00726 // returns CertValue pointer or NULL for error
00727 //--------------------------------------------------
00728 EXP_OPTION CertValue* ddocCertValueList_GetCertValueOfType(CertValueList* pCertValueList, int nType);
00730 //--------------------------------------------------
00731 // Finds a CertValue object with required type or creates a new one
00732 // pCertValueList - pointer to CertValueList object [REQUIRED]
00733 // nType - type of CertValue object [REQUIRED]
00734 // returns CertValue pointer or NULL for error
00735 //--------------------------------------------------
00736 EXP_OPTION CertValue* ddocCertValueList_GetOrCreateCertValueOfType(CertValueList* pCertValueList, int nType);
00738 //======================< SignatureInfo functions >=============================
00740 // returns the number of signatures
00741 EXP_OPTION int getCountOfSignatures(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
00742 // Returns the desired SignatureInfo object
00743 EXP_OPTION SignatureInfo* getSignature(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, int nIdx);
00745 //============================================================
00746 // Returns signatures signed properties digest
00747 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00748 // return digest value as DigiDocMemBuf pointer or NULL
00749 //============================================================
00750 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocSigInfo_GetSigPropDigest(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00752 //============================================================
00753 // Sets signatures signed properties digest
00754 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00755 // value - new binary digest value
00756 // len - length of the value
00757 //============================================================
00758 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetSigPropDigest(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* value, long len);
00760 //============================================================
00761 // Returns signatures signed properties digest as read from file
00762 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00763 // return digest value as DigiDocMemBuf pointer or NULL
00764 //============================================================
00765 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocSigInfo_GetSigPropRealDigest(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00767 //============================================================
00768 // Sets signatures signed properties real digest as read from file
00769 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00770 // value - new binary digest value
00771 // len - length of the value
00772 //============================================================
00773 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetSigPropRealDigest(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* value, long len);
00775 //============================================================
00776 // Returns signatures signed info digest as read from file
00777 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00778 // return digest value as DigiDocMemBuf pointer or NULL
00779 //============================================================
00780 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocSigInfo_GetSigInfoRealDigest(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00782 //============================================================
00783 // Sets signatures signed info real digest as read from file
00784 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00785 // value - new binary digest value
00786 // len - length of the value
00787 //============================================================
00788 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetSigInfoRealDigest(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* value, long len);
00790 //============================================================
00791 // Returns signatures signature-value
00792 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00793 // return signature-value as SignatureValue pointer or NULL
00794 //============================================================
00795 EXP_OPTION SignatureValue* ddocSigInfo_GetSignatureValue(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00797 //============================================================
00798 // Returns signatures signature-value
00799 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00800 // return signature-value as DigiDocMemBuf pointer or NULL
00801 //============================================================
00802 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocSigInfo_GetSignatureValue_Value(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00804 //============================================================
00805 // Sets signatures signature-value
00806 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00807 // value - new binary signature value
00808 // len - length of the value
00809 //============================================================
00810 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetSignatureValue(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* value, long len);
00812 //============================================================
00813 // Returns signaers certs - issuer-serial
00814 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00815 // return required atribute value
00816 //============================================================
00817 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert_IssuerSerial(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00819 //============================================================
00820 // Sets signers certs issuer serial
00821 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00822 // value - new value
00823 //============================================================
00824 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetSignersCert_IssuerSerial(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* value);
00826 //============================================================
00827 // Returns signaers certs - issuer-name
00828 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00829 // return required atribute value
00830 //============================================================
00831 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert_IssuerName(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00833 //============================================================
00834 // Sets signers certs issuer name
00835 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00836 // value - new value
00837 //============================================================
00838 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetSignersCert_IssuerName(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* value);
00840 //============================================================
00841 // Returns signers certs digest as DigiDocMemBuf object
00842 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00843 // return signers certs digest as DigiDocMemBuf pointer or NULL
00844 //============================================================
00845 EXP_OPTION DigiDocMemBuf* ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert_DigestValue(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00847 //============================================================
00848 // Sets signers certs digest
00849 // pSigInfo - signature info object
00850 // value - new binary signature value
00851 // len - length of the value
00852 //============================================================
00853 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetSignersCert_DigestValue(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* value, long len);
00855 //--------------------------------------------------
00856 // Finds a CertID object with required type
00857 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00858 // nType - type of CertID object [REQUIRED]
00859 // returns CertID pointer or NULL for error
00860 //--------------------------------------------------
00861 EXP_OPTION CertID* ddocSigInfo_GetCertIDOfType(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nType);
00863 //--------------------------------------------------
00864 // Finds a CertID object with required type or creates a new one
00865 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00866 // nType - type of CertID object [REQUIRED]
00867 // returns CertID pointer or NULL for error
00868 //--------------------------------------------------
00869 EXP_OPTION CertID* ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertIDOfType(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nType);
00872 //--------------------------------------------------
00873 // Finds a CertValue object with required type
00874 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00875 // nType - type of CertValue object [REQUIRED]
00876 // returns CertValue pointer or NULL for error
00877 //--------------------------------------------------
00878 EXP_OPTION CertValue* ddocSigInfo_GetCertValueOfType(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nType);
00880 //--------------------------------------------------
00881 // Finds last CertValue
00882 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00883 // returns CertValue pointer or NULL for error
00884 //--------------------------------------------------
00885 EXP_OPTION CertValue* ddocSigInfo_GetLastCertValue(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00887 //--------------------------------------------------
00888 // Finds a CertValue object with required type or creates a new one
00889 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00890 // nType - type of CertValue object [REQUIRED]
00891 // returns CertValue pointer or NULL for error
00892 //--------------------------------------------------
00893 EXP_OPTION CertValue* ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateCertValueOfType(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nType);
00895 //--------------------------------------------------
00896 // Finds the signers certificate
00897 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00898 // returns certificate or NULL
00899 //--------------------------------------------------
00900 EXP_OPTION X509* ddocSigInfo_GetSignersCert(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00902 //--------------------------------------------------
00903 // Sets the signers certificate
00904 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00905 // pCert - certificate [REQUIRED]
00906 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00907 //--------------------------------------------------
00908 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetSignersCert(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, X509* pCert);
00910 //--------------------------------------------------
00911 // Finds the OCSP responders certificate
00912 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00913 // returns certificate or NULL
00914 //--------------------------------------------------
00915 EXP_OPTION X509* ddocSigInfo_GetOCSPRespondersCert(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00917 //--------------------------------------------------
00918 // Sets the OCSP Responders certificate
00919 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00920 // pCert - certificate [REQUIRED]
00921 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00922 //--------------------------------------------------
00923 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetOCSPRespondersCert(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, X509* pCert);
00925 //============================================================
00926 // Adds a certificate and it's certid to this signature
00927 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00928 // pCert - vertificate [REQUIRED]
00929 // nCertIdType - type of cert [REQUIRED]
00930 // return error code or ERR_OK
00931 //============================================================
00932 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_addCert(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, X509* pCert, int nCertIdType);
00935 #ifdef WITH_TS
00937 //--------------------------------------------------
00938 // Finds the TSA certificate
00939 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00940 // returns certificate or NULL
00941 //--------------------------------------------------
00942 EXP_OPTION X509* ddocSigInfo_GetTSACert(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00944 //--------------------------------------------------
00945 // Sets the TSA certificate
00946 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00947 // pTsInfo - timestamp object [REQUIRED]
00948 // pCert - certificate [REQUIRED]
00949 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00950 //--------------------------------------------------
00951 EXP_OPTION int ddocSigInfo_SetTSACert(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, X509* pCert);
00953 //--------------------------------------------------
00954 // Finds a TimestampInfo object with required type
00955 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00956 // nType - type of TimestampInfo object [REQUIRED]
00957 // returns TimestampInfo pointer or NULL for error
00958 //--------------------------------------------------
00959 EXP_OPTION TimestampInfo* ddocSigInfo_GetTypestampOfType(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* szType);
00961 //--------------------------------------------------
00962 // Finds a TimestampInfo object with required type
00963 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00964 // nType - type of TimestampInfo object [REQUIRED]
00965 // returns TimestampInfo pointer or NULL for error
00966 //--------------------------------------------------
00967 EXP_OPTION TimestampInfo* ddocSigInfo_GetOrCreateTypestampOfType(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* szType);
00969 //--------------------------------------------------
00970 // Finds last TimestampInfo object
00971 // pSigInfo - signature info object [REQUIRED]
00972 // returns TimestampInfo pointer or NULL for error
00973 //--------------------------------------------------
00974 EXP_OPTION TimestampInfo* ddocSigInfo_GetLastTypestamp(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
00976 //--------------------------------------------------
00977 // Calculates digest of timestampable xml block
00978 // pSigDoc - signed doc pointer [REQUIRED]
00979 // pSigInfo - signature pointer [REQUIRED]
00980 // nTsType - timestamp type [REQUIRED]
00981 // pMBufDigest - buffer for digest [REQUIRED]
00982 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00983 //--------------------------------------------------
00984 int ddocCalculateTimestampSourceDigest(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc,
00985                                        const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
00986                                        int nTsType, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBufDigest);
00988 //--------------------------------------------------
00989 // Adds a <SignatureTimeStamp> to signature
00990 // retrieves the TS_RESP object
00991 // pSigInfo - signature pointer [REQUIRED]
00992 // ppCert - TSA certificate, returnes TSA cert [OPTIONAL]
00993 // policy - policy OID [OPTIONAL]
00994 // url - TSA url [REQUIRED]
00995 // proxyHost - http proxy host [OPTIONAL]
00996 // proxyPort - http proxy port [OPTIONAL]
00997 // returns error code or ERR_OK
00998 //--------------------------------------------------
00999 int ddocGetSignatureTimeStamp(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, X509** ppCert,
01000                               const char* policy, const char* url, 
01001                               const char* proxyHost, const char* proxyPort);
01004 //--------------------------------------------------
01005 // Generates <SignatureTimeStamp> element XML
01006 // pSigInfo - signature pointer [REQUIRED]
01007 // pMBuf - buffer for XML [REQUIRED]
01008 // returns error code or ERR_OK
01009 //--------------------------------------------------
01010 int ddocSigInfo_SignatureTimeStamp_toXML(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBuf);
01012 //--------------------------------------------------
01013 // Adds a <SigAndRefsTimeStamp> to signature
01014 // retrieves the TS_RESP object
01015 // pSigInfo - signature pointer [REQUIRED]
01016 // ppCert - TSA certificate [OPTIONAL]
01017 // policy - policy OID [OPTIONAL]
01018 // url - TSA url [REQUIRED]
01019 // proxyHost - http proxy host [OPTIONAL]
01020 // proxyPort - http proxy port [OPTIONAL]
01021 // returns error code or ERR_OK
01022 //--------------------------------------------------
01023 int ddocGetSigAndRefsTimeStamp(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, 
01024                                const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, X509** ppCert,
01025                                const char* policy, const char* url,
01026                                const char* proxyHost, const char* proxyPort);
01028 //--------------------------------------------------
01029 // Generates <SignatureTimeStamp> element XML
01030 // pSigInfo - signature pointer [REQUIRED]
01031 // pMBuf - buffer for XML [REQUIRED]
01032 // returns error code or ERR_OK
01033 //--------------------------------------------------
01034 int ddocSigInfo_SigAndRefsTimeStamp_toXML(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBuf);
01036 #endif
01038 // Returns the last SignatureInfo object
01039 EXP_OPTION SignatureInfo* ddocGetLastSignature(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
01040 // Returns the SignatureInfo object with the given id
01041 EXP_OPTION SignatureInfo* getSignatureWithId(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);
01042 // Returns the SignatureInfo for the given NotaryInfo
01043 EXP_OPTION SignatureInfo* ddocGetSignatureForNotary(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo);
01045 // Adds a new SignedInfo element to a SignedDoc element and initializes it
01046 EXP_OPTION int SignatureInfo_new(SignatureInfo **newSignatureInfo, SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);
01048 // Sets the signature production place info (use NULL for unknown attributes)
01049 EXP_OPTION int setSignatureProductionPlace(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
01050                                                                 const char* city, const char* state,
01051                                                                 const char* zip, const char* country);
01052 // Adds a signer role 
01053 EXP_OPTION int addSignerRole(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nCertified, 
01054                                    const char* role, int rLen, int encode);
01055 // Returns the number of signer roles
01056 EXP_OPTION int getCountOfSignerRoles(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nCertified);
01057 // Returns the desired signer role
01058 EXP_OPTION const char* getSignerRole(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nCertified, int nIdx);
01060 // Removes this SignatureInfo from signed doc and frees it's memory
01061 EXP_OPTION int SignatureInfo_delete(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);
01063 // cleanup SignatureInfo memory
01064 EXP_OPTION void SignatureInfo_free(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
01066 //======================< DocInfo functions >=============================
01068 // Adds a new DocInfo element to a SignatureInfo element and initializes it
01069 EXP_OPTION int addDocInfo(DocInfo **newDocInfo, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* docId,
01070                            const char* digType, const byte* digest,
01071                            int digLen, const byte* mimeDig, int mimeDigLen);
01072 // cleanup DocInfo memory
01073 EXP_OPTION void DocInfo_free(DocInfo* pDocInfo);
01074 // Returns number of DocInfos
01075 EXP_OPTION int getCountOfDocInfos(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
01076 // Returns the desired DocInfo
01077 EXP_OPTION DocInfo* getDocInfo(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int idx);
01078 // Returns the last DocInfo
01079 EXP_OPTION DocInfo* ddocGetLastDocInfo(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
01082 // Returns the DocInfo object with the given id
01083 EXP_OPTION DocInfo* getDocInfoWithId(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* id);
01084 // Sets the DocInfo objects document digest and digest type
01085 EXP_OPTION void setDocInfoDigest(DocInfo* pDocInfo, const byte* digest, 
01086                                           int digLen, const char* digType);
01087 // Sets the DocInfo objects mime digest and mime type
01088 EXP_OPTION void setDocInfoMimeDigest(DocInfo* pDocInfo, const byte* mimeDig, int mimeDigLen);
01090 // Adds all DocInfo elements in this file to a SignatureInfo element
01091 EXP_OPTION int addAllDocInfos(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
01093 //======================< NotaryInfo functions >=============================
01095 // returns the number of notarys
01096 EXP_OPTION int getCountOfNotaryInfos(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
01097 // Returns the desired NotaryInfo object
01098 EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* getNotaryInfo(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, int nIdx);
01099 // Returns the last NotaryInfo object
01100 EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* ddocGetLastNotaryInfo(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
01101 // Returns the NotaryInfo object with the given id
01102 EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* getNotaryWithId(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);
01103 // Returns the NotaryInfo object that corresponds to the given signature
01104 EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* getNotaryWithSigId(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* sigId);
01105 // Returns the NotaryInfo object that corresponds to the given signature
01106 // ore creates a new one
01107 EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* getOrCreateNotaryWithSigId(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* sigId);
01109 // Adds a new NotaryInfo element to a SignedDoc element and initializes it partly
01110 EXP_OPTION int NotaryInfo_new(NotaryInfo** newNotaryInfo, SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
01111 // the same as above, but reads response and cert from file
01112 EXP_OPTION int NotaryInfo_new_file(NotaryInfo**  newNotaryInfo, SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
01113                                                    const char* ocspRespFile, const char* notaryCertFile);
01114 // cleanup NotaryInfo memory
01115 EXP_OPTION void NotaryInfo_free(NotaryInfo* pNotary);
01117 //============================================================
01118 // Returns OCSP responders id as in XML document
01119 // pNotary - Notary info
01120 // return DigiDocMemBuf buffer pointer or NULL for error
01121 //============================================================
01122 EXP_OPTION const DigiDocMemBuf* ddocNotInfo_GetResponderId(const NotaryInfo* pNotary);
01124 //============================================================
01125 // Returns OCSP responders id value as string
01126 // pNotary - Notary info
01127 // return responder id value or NULL
01128 //============================================================
01129 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocNotInfo_GetResponderId_Value(const NotaryInfo* pNotary);
01131 //============================================================
01132 // Sets OCSP responders id as in XML document
01133 // pNotary - Notary info
01134 // data - new responder id value
01135 // len - length of value
01136 // return DigiDocMemBuf buffer pointer or NULL for error
01137 //============================================================
01138 int ddocNotInfo_SetResponderId(NotaryInfo* pNotary, const char* data, long len);
01140 //============================================================
01141 // Returns OCSP response as memory buffer
01142 // pNotary - Notary info
01143 // return DigiDocMemBuf buffer pointer or NULL for error
01144 //============================================================
01145 const DigiDocMemBuf* ddocNotInfo_GetOCSPResponse(const NotaryInfo* pNotary);
01147 //============================================================
01148 // Retrieves OCSP responses responder id type and value
01149 // pResp - OCSP response
01150 // pType - buffer for type
01151 // pMbufRespId - responder id
01152 // returns error code or ERR_OK
01153 //============================================================
01154 int ddocGetOcspRespIdTypeAndValue(OCSP_RESPONSE* pResp, 
01155                                                                   int *pType, DigiDocMemBuf* pMbufRespId);
01157 //============================================================
01158 // Sets OCSP respondese value as in XML document. Must pass in
01159 // binary DER data!
01160 // pNotary - Notary info
01161 // data - new responder id value
01162 // len - length of value
01163 // return DigiDocMemBuf buffer pointer or NULL for error
01164 //============================================================
01165 int ddocNotInfo_SetOCSPResponse(NotaryInfo* pNotary, const char* data, long len);
01167 //============================================================
01168 // Returns OCSP response value
01169 // pNotary - Notary info
01170 // return OCSP_RESPONSE pointer or NULL for error. Caller must
01171 //    use OCSP_RESPONSE_free() to release it.
01172 //============================================================
01173 OCSP_RESPONSE* ddocNotInfo_GetOCSPResponse_Value(const NotaryInfo* pNotary);
01175 //============================================================
01176 // Sets OCSP respondese value. Must pass in real OCSP_RESPONSE
01177 // pNotary - Notary info
01178 // data - new responder id value
01179 // len - length of value
01180 // return DigiDocMemBuf buffer pointer or NULL for error
01181 //============================================================
01182 int ddocNotInfo_SetOCSPResponse_Value(NotaryInfo* pNotary, OCSP_RESPONSE* pResp);
01184 //============================================================
01185 // Returns OCSP responders id type as string
01186 // pNotary - Notary info
01187 // return responder id type or NULL. DO NOT free() it!
01188 //============================================================
01189 EXP_OPTION const char* ddocNotInfo_GetResponderId_Type(const NotaryInfo* pNotary);
01191 //============================================================
01192 // Returns OCSP responses thisUpdate atribute as string
01193 // pNotary - Notary info
01194 // pMBuf - buffer for thisUpdate value
01195 // return error code OR ERR_OK.
01196 //============================================================
01197 EXP_OPTION int ddocNotInfo_GetThisUpdate(const NotaryInfo* pNotary, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBuf);
01199 //============================================================
01200 // Returns OCSP responses producedAt atribute as time_t
01201 // pNotary - Notary info
01202 // pTime - address of time_t variable
01203 // return error code OR ERR_OK.
01204 //============================================================
01205 int ddocNotInfo_GetProducedAt_timet(const NotaryInfo* pNotary, time_t* pTime);
01207 //============================================================
01208 // Returns OCSP responses thisUpdate atribute as time_t
01209 // pNotary - Notary info
01210 // pTime - address of time_t variable
01211 // return error code OR ERR_OK.
01212 //============================================================
01213 int ddocNotInfo_GetThisUpdate_timet(const NotaryInfo* pNotary, time_t* pTime);
01215 //============================================================
01216 // Returns OCSP responses nextUpdate atribute as string
01217 // pNotary - Notary info
01218 // pMBuf - buffer for thisUpdate value
01219 // return error code OR ERR_OK.
01220 //============================================================
01221 EXP_OPTION int ddocNotInfo_GetNextUpdate(const NotaryInfo* pNotary, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBuf);
01223 //============================================================
01224 // Returns OCSP responses IssuerNameHash atribute
01225 // pNotary - Notary info
01226 // pMBuf - buffer for IssuerNameHash value
01227 // return error code OR ERR_OK.
01228 //============================================================
01229 int ddocNotInfo_GetIssuerNameHash(const NotaryInfo* pNotary, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBuf);
01231 //============================================================
01232 // Returns OCSP responses IssuerKeyHash atribute
01233 // pNotary - Notary info
01234 // pMBuf - buffer for IssuerKeyHash value
01235 // return error code OR ERR_OK.
01236 //============================================================
01237 int ddocNotInfo_GetIssuerKeyHash(const NotaryInfo* pNotary, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBuf);
01239 //============================================================
01240 // Returns OCSP responses real digest from response data
01241 // pNotary - Notary info
01242 // pMBuf - buffer for digest value
01243 // return error code OR ERR_OK.
01244 //============================================================
01245 int ddocNotInfo_GetOcspRealDigest(const NotaryInfo* pNotary, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBuf);
01247 //============================================================
01248 // Returns OCSP response digest as in XML document
01249 // pNotary - Notary info
01250 // return DigiDocMemBuf buffer pointer or NULL for error
01251 //============================================================
01252 EXP_OPTION const DigiDocMemBuf* ddocNotInfo_GetOcspDigest(const NotaryInfo* pNotary);
01254 //============================================================
01255 // Sets OCSP response digest id as in XML document
01256 // pNotary - Notary info
01257 // data - new digest value
01258 // len - length of value
01259 // return DigiDocMemBuf buffer pointer or NULL for error
01260 //============================================================
01261 int ddocNotInfo_SetOcspDigest(NotaryInfo* pNotary, const char* data, long len);
01263 //============================================================
01264 // Returns OCSP responses signature value
01265 // pNotary - Notary info
01266 // pMBuf - buffer for signature value
01267 // return error code OR ERR_OK.
01268 //============================================================
01269 int ddocNotInfo_GetOcspSignatureValue(const NotaryInfo* pNotary, DigiDocMemBuf* pMBuf);
01272 // Removes this NotaryInfo from signed doc and frees it's memory
01273 EXP_OPTION int NotaryInfo_delete(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
01275 // Calculates and stores a signature for this SignatureInfo object
01276 EXP_OPTION int calculateSigInfoSignature(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nSigType, 
01277                         const char* keyfile, const char* passwd, const char* certfile);
01279 //============================================================
01280 // Adds a certificate to Notary and initializes Notary
01281 // pNotary - Notary info
01282 // cert - responders certificate
01283 // return error code
01284 //============================================================
01285 int addNotaryInfoCert(SignedDoc *pSigDoc, NotaryInfo *pNotary, X509 *cert);
01287 //============================================================
01288 // Removes Notary cert value and id after unsucessful verification attempt
01289 // pSigInfo - signature info [REQUIRED]
01290 // return error code
01291 //============================================================
01292 int removeNotaryInfoCert(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
01294 // Calculates <SignedProperties> digest
01295 EXP_OPTION int calculateSignedPropertiesDigest(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
01296 // Calculates <SignedInfo> digest
01297 EXP_OPTION int calculateSignedInfoDigest(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, byte* digBuf, int* digLen);
01300 #ifdef  __cplusplus
01301 }
01302 #endif
01305 #endif    // __DIGIDOC_OBJ_H__
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