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00001 /*************************************************************************
00002 ** $Id: qt/qdatetime.h   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:38 $
00003 **
00004 ** Definition of date and time classes
00005 **
00006 ** Created : 940124
00007 **
00008 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
00009 **
00010 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
00011 **
00012 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
00013 ** as defined by Trolltech ASA of Norway and appearing in the file
00014 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
00015 **
00016 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
00017 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
00018 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
00019 ** packaging of this file.
00020 **
00021 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
00022 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
00023 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
00024 **
00025 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
00027 **
00028 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
00029 **   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
00030 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
00031 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
00032 **
00033 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
00034 ** not clear to you.
00035 **
00036 **********************************************************************/
00038 #ifndef QDATETIME_H
00039 #define QDATETIME_H
00041 #ifndef QT_H
00042 #include "qstring.h"
00043 #include "qnamespace.h"
00044 #endif // QT_H
00047 /*****************************************************************************
00048   QDate class
00049  *****************************************************************************/
00051 class Q_EXPORT QDate
00052 {
00053 public:
00054     QDate() { jd = 0; }
00055     QDate( int y, int m, int d );
00057     bool isNull() const { return jd == 0; }
00058     bool isValid() const;
00060     int year() const;
00061     int month() const;
00062     int day() const;
00063     int dayOfWeek() const;
00064     int dayOfYear() const;
00065     int daysInMonth() const;
00066     int daysInYear() const;
00067     int weekNumber( int *yearNum = 0 ) const;
00069 #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTDATE
00070 #ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT
00071     static QString monthName( int month ) { return shortMonthName( month ); }
00072     static QString dayName( int weekday ) { return shortDayName( weekday ); }
00073 #endif
00074     static QString shortMonthName( int month );
00075     static QString shortDayName( int weekday );
00076     static QString longMonthName( int month );
00077     static QString longDayName( int weekday );
00078 #endif //QT_NO_TEXTDATE
00079 #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTSTRING
00080 #if !defined(QT_NO_SPRINTF)
00081     QString toString( Qt::DateFormat f = Qt::TextDate ) const;
00082 #endif
00083     QString toString( const QString& format ) const;
00084 #endif
00085     bool   setYMD( int y, int m, int d );
00087     QDate  addDays( int days )          const;
00088     QDate  addMonths( int months )      const;
00089     QDate  addYears( int years )        const;
00090     int    daysTo( const QDate & )      const;
00092     bool   operator==( const QDate &d ) const { return jd == d.jd; }
00093     bool   operator!=( const QDate &d ) const { return jd != d.jd; }
00094     bool   operator<( const QDate &d )  const { return jd < d.jd; }
00095     bool   operator<=( const QDate &d ) const { return jd <= d.jd; }
00096     bool   operator>( const QDate &d )  const { return jd > d.jd; }
00097     bool   operator>=( const QDate &d ) const { return jd >= d.jd; }
00099     static QDate currentDate();
00100     static QDate currentDate( Qt::TimeSpec );
00101 #ifndef QT_NO_DATESTRING
00102     static QDate fromString( const QString& s, Qt::DateFormat f = Qt::TextDate );
00103 #endif
00104     static bool  isValid( int y, int m, int d );
00105     static bool  leapYear( int year );
00107     static uint  gregorianToJulian( int y, int m, int d );
00108     static void  julianToGregorian( uint jd, int &y, int &m, int &d );
00109 private:
00110     uint         jd;
00111     friend class QDateTime;
00112 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
00113     friend Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const QDate & );
00114     friend Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, QDate & );
00115 #endif
00116 };
00119 /*****************************************************************************
00120   QTime class
00121  *****************************************************************************/
00123 class Q_EXPORT QTime
00124 {
00125 public:
00126     QTime() { ds=0; }                           // set null time
00127     QTime( int h, int m, int s=0, int ms=0 );   // set time
00129     bool   isNull()      const { return ds == 0; }
00130     bool   isValid()     const;                 // valid time
00132     int    hour()        const;                 // 0..23
00133     int    minute()      const;                 // 0..59
00134     int    second()      const;                 // 0..59
00135     int    msec()        const;                 // 0..999
00136 #ifndef QT_NO_DATESTRING
00137 #ifndef QT_NO_SPRINTF
00138     QString toString( Qt::DateFormat f = Qt::TextDate )  const;
00139 #endif
00140     QString toString( const QString& format ) const;
00141 #endif
00142     bool   setHMS( int h, int m, int s, int ms=0 );
00144     QTime  addSecs( int secs )          const;
00145     int    secsTo( const QTime & )      const;
00146     QTime  addMSecs( int ms )           const;
00147     int    msecsTo( const QTime & )     const;
00149     bool   operator==( const QTime &d ) const { return ds == d.ds; }
00150     bool   operator!=( const QTime &d ) const { return ds != d.ds; }
00151     bool   operator<( const QTime &d )  const { return ds < d.ds; }
00152     bool   operator<=( const QTime &d ) const { return ds <= d.ds; }
00153     bool   operator>( const QTime &d )  const { return ds > d.ds; }
00154     bool   operator>=( const QTime &d ) const { return ds >= d.ds; }
00156     static QTime currentTime();
00157     static QTime currentTime( Qt::TimeSpec );
00158 #ifndef QT_NO_DATESTRING
00159     static QTime fromString( const QString& s, Qt::DateFormat f = Qt::TextDate );
00160 #endif
00161     static bool  isValid( int h, int m, int s, int ms=0 );
00163     void   start();
00164     int    restart();
00165     int    elapsed() const;
00167 private:
00168     static bool currentTime( QTime * );
00169     static bool currentTime( QTime *, Qt::TimeSpec );
00171     uint   ds;
00172     friend class QDateTime;
00173 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
00174     friend Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const QTime & );
00175     friend Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, QTime & );
00176 #endif
00177 };
00180 /*****************************************************************************
00181   QDateTime class
00182  *****************************************************************************/
00184 class Q_EXPORT QDateTime
00185 {
00186 public:
00187     QDateTime() {}                              // set null date and null time
00188     QDateTime( const QDate & );
00189     QDateTime( const QDate &, const QTime & );
00191     bool   isNull()     const           { return d.isNull() && t.isNull(); }
00192     bool   isValid()    const           { return d.isValid() && t.isValid(); }
00194     QDate  date()       const           { return d; }
00195     QTime  time()       const           { return t; }
00196     uint   toTime_t()   const;
00197     void   setDate( const QDate &date ) { d = date; }
00198     void   setTime( const QTime &time ) { t = time; }
00199     void   setTime_t( uint secsSince1Jan1970UTC );
00200     void   setTime_t( uint secsSince1Jan1970UTC, Qt::TimeSpec );
00201 #ifndef QT_NO_DATESTRING
00202 #ifndef QT_NO_SPRINTF
00203     QString toString( Qt::DateFormat f = Qt::TextDate ) const;
00204 #endif
00205     QString toString( const QString& format ) const;
00206 #endif
00207     QDateTime addDays( int days )       const;
00208     QDateTime addMonths( int months )   const;
00209     QDateTime addYears( int years )     const;
00210     QDateTime addSecs( int secs )       const;
00211     int    daysTo( const QDateTime & )  const;
00212     int    secsTo( const QDateTime & )  const;
00214     bool   operator==( const QDateTime &dt ) const;
00215     bool   operator!=( const QDateTime &dt ) const;
00216     bool   operator<( const QDateTime &dt )  const;
00217     bool   operator<=( const QDateTime &dt ) const;
00218     bool   operator>( const QDateTime &dt )  const;
00219     bool   operator>=( const QDateTime &dt ) const;
00221     static QDateTime currentDateTime();
00222     static QDateTime currentDateTime( Qt::TimeSpec );
00223 #ifndef QT_NO_DATESTRING
00224     static QDateTime fromString( const QString& s, Qt::DateFormat f = Qt::TextDate );
00225 #endif
00226 private:
00227     QDate  d;
00228     QTime  t;
00229 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
00230     friend Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const QDateTime &);
00231     friend Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, QDateTime & );
00232 #endif
00233 };
00236 /*****************************************************************************
00237   Date and time stream functions
00238  *****************************************************************************/
00240 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
00241 Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const QDate & );
00242 Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, QDate & );
00243 Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const QTime & );
00244 Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, QTime & );
00245 Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const QDateTime & );
00246 Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, QDateTime & );
00247 #endif // QT_NO_DATASTREAM
00249 #endif // QDATETIME_H
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