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00001 /*
00002  * Summary: the core parser module
00003  * Description: Interfaces, constants and types related to the XML parser
00004  *
00005  * Copy: See Copyright for the status of this software.
00006  *
00007  * Author: Daniel Veillard
00008  */
00010 #ifndef __XML_PARSER_H__
00011 #define __XML_PARSER_H__
00013 #include <stdarg.h>
00015 #include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
00016 #include <libxml/tree.h>
00017 #include <libxml/dict.h>
00018 #include <libxml/hash.h>
00019 #include <libxml/valid.h>
00020 #include <libxml/entities.h>
00021 #include <libxml/xmlerror.h>
00022 #include <libxml/xmlstring.h>
00024 #ifdef __cplusplus
00025 extern "C" {
00026 #endif
00033 #define XML_DEFAULT_VERSION     "1.0"
00052 typedef void (* xmlParserInputDeallocate)(xmlChar *str);
00054 struct _xmlParserInput {
00055     /* Input buffer */
00056     xmlParserInputBufferPtr buf;      /* UTF-8 encoded buffer */
00058     const char *filename;             /* The file analyzed, if any */
00059     const char *directory;            /* the directory/base of the file */
00060     const xmlChar *base;              /* Base of the array to parse */
00061     const xmlChar *cur;               /* Current char being parsed */
00062     const xmlChar *end;               /* end of the array to parse */
00063     int length;                       /* length if known */
00064     int line;                         /* Current line */
00065     int col;                          /* Current column */
00066     /*
00067      * NOTE: consumed is only tested for equality in the parser code,
00068      *       so even if there is an overflow this should not give troubles
00069      *       for parsing very large instances.
00070      */
00071     unsigned long consumed;           /* How many xmlChars already consumed */
00072     xmlParserInputDeallocate free;    /* function to deallocate the base */
00073     const xmlChar *encoding;          /* the encoding string for entity */
00074     const xmlChar *version;           /* the version string for entity */
00075     int standalone;                   /* Was that entity marked standalone */
00076     int id;                           /* an unique identifier for the entity */
00077 };
00086 typedef struct _xmlParserNodeInfo xmlParserNodeInfo;
00087 typedef xmlParserNodeInfo *xmlParserNodeInfoPtr;
00089 struct _xmlParserNodeInfo {
00090   const struct _xmlNode* node;
00091   /* Position & line # that text that created the node begins & ends on */
00092   unsigned long begin_pos;
00093   unsigned long begin_line;
00094   unsigned long end_pos;
00095   unsigned long end_line;
00096 };
00098 typedef struct _xmlParserNodeInfoSeq xmlParserNodeInfoSeq;
00099 typedef xmlParserNodeInfoSeq *xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr;
00100 struct _xmlParserNodeInfoSeq {
00101   unsigned long maximum;
00102   unsigned long length;
00103   xmlParserNodeInfo* buffer;
00104 };
00112 typedef enum {
00113     XML_PARSER_EOF = -1,        /* nothing is to be parsed */
00114     XML_PARSER_START = 0,       /* nothing has been parsed */
00115     XML_PARSER_MISC,            /* Misc* before int subset */
00116     XML_PARSER_PI,              /* Within a processing instruction */
00117     XML_PARSER_DTD,             /* within some DTD content */
00118     XML_PARSER_PROLOG,          /* Misc* after internal subset */
00119     XML_PARSER_COMMENT,         /* within a comment */
00120     XML_PARSER_START_TAG,       /* within a start tag */
00121     XML_PARSER_CONTENT,         /* within the content */
00122     XML_PARSER_CDATA_SECTION,   /* within a CDATA section */
00123     XML_PARSER_END_TAG,         /* within a closing tag */
00124     XML_PARSER_ENTITY_DECL,     /* within an entity declaration */
00125     XML_PARSER_ENTITY_VALUE,    /* within an entity value in a decl */
00126     XML_PARSER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, /* within an attribute value */
00127     XML_PARSER_SYSTEM_LITERAL,  /* within a SYSTEM value */
00128     XML_PARSER_EPILOG,          /* the Misc* after the last end tag */
00129     XML_PARSER_IGNORE,          /* within an IGNORED section */
00130     XML_PARSER_PUBLIC_LITERAL   /* within a PUBLIC value */
00131 } xmlParserInputState;
00139 #define XML_DETECT_IDS          2
00148 #define XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS      4
00156 #define XML_SKIP_IDS            8
00163 typedef enum {
00164     XML_PARSE_UNKNOWN = 0,
00165     XML_PARSE_DOM = 1,
00166     XML_PARSE_SAX = 2,
00167     XML_PARSE_PUSH_DOM = 3,
00168     XML_PARSE_PUSH_SAX = 4,
00169     XML_PARSE_READER = 5
00170 } xmlParserMode;
00184 struct _xmlParserCtxt {
00185     struct _xmlSAXHandler *sax;       /* The SAX handler */
00186     void            *userData;        /* For SAX interface only, used by DOM build */
00187     xmlDocPtr           myDoc;        /* the document being built */
00188     int            wellFormed;        /* is the document well formed */
00189     int       replaceEntities;        /* shall we replace entities ? */
00190     const xmlChar    *version;        /* the XML version string */
00191     const xmlChar   *encoding;        /* the declared encoding, if any */
00192     int            standalone;        /* standalone document */
00193     int                  html;        /* an HTML(1)/Docbook(2) document
00194                                        * 3 is HTML after <head>
00195                                        * 10 is HTML after <body>
00196                                        */
00198     /* Input stream stack */
00199     xmlParserInputPtr  input;         /* Current input stream */
00200     int                inputNr;       /* Number of current input streams */
00201     int                inputMax;      /* Max number of input streams */
00202     xmlParserInputPtr *inputTab;      /* stack of inputs */
00204     /* Node analysis stack only used for DOM building */
00205     xmlNodePtr         node;          /* Current parsed Node */
00206     int                nodeNr;        /* Depth of the parsing stack */
00207     int                nodeMax;       /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
00208     xmlNodePtr        *nodeTab;       /* array of nodes */
00210     int record_info;                  /* Whether node info should be kept */
00211     xmlParserNodeInfoSeq node_seq;    /* info about each node parsed */
00213     int errNo;                        /* error code */
00215     int     hasExternalSubset;        /* reference and external subset */
00216     int             hasPErefs;        /* the internal subset has PE refs */
00217     int              external;        /* are we parsing an external entity */
00219     int                 valid;        /* is the document valid */
00220     int              validate;        /* shall we try to validate ? */
00221     xmlValidCtxt        vctxt;        /* The validity context */
00223     xmlParserInputState instate;      /* current type of input */
00224     int                 token;        /* next char look-ahead */    
00226     char           *directory;        /* the data directory */
00228     /* Node name stack */
00229     const xmlChar     *name;          /* Current parsed Node */
00230     int                nameNr;        /* Depth of the parsing stack */
00231     int                nameMax;       /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
00232     const xmlChar *   *nameTab;       /* array of nodes */
00234     long               nbChars;       /* number of xmlChar processed */
00235     long            checkIndex;       /* used by progressive parsing lookup */
00236     int             keepBlanks;       /* ugly but ... */
00237     int             disableSAX;       /* SAX callbacks are disabled */
00238     int               inSubset;       /* Parsing is in int 1/ext 2 subset */
00239     const xmlChar *    intSubName;    /* name of subset */
00240     xmlChar *          extSubURI;     /* URI of external subset */
00241     xmlChar *          extSubSystem;  /* SYSTEM ID of external subset */
00243     /* xml:space values */
00244     int *              space;         /* Should the parser preserve spaces */
00245     int                spaceNr;       /* Depth of the parsing stack */
00246     int                spaceMax;      /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
00247     int *              spaceTab;      /* array of space infos */
00249     int                depth;         /* to prevent entity substitution loops */
00250     xmlParserInputPtr  entity;        /* used to check entities boundaries */
00251     int                charset;       /* encoding of the in-memory content
00252                                          actually an xmlCharEncoding */
00253     int                nodelen;       /* Those two fields are there to */
00254     int                nodemem;       /* Speed up large node parsing */
00255     int                pedantic;      /* signal pedantic warnings */
00256     void              *_private;      /* For user data, libxml won't touch it */
00258     int                loadsubset;    /* should the external subset be loaded */
00259     int                linenumbers;   /* set line number in element content */
00260     void              *catalogs;      /* document's own catalog */
00261     int                recovery;      /* run in recovery mode */
00262     int                progressive;   /* is this a progressive parsing */
00263     xmlDictPtr         dict;          /* dictionnary for the parser */
00264     const xmlChar *   *atts;          /* array for the attributes callbacks */
00265     int                maxatts;       /* the size of the array */
00266     int                docdict;       /* use strings from dict to build tree */
00268     /*
00269      * pre-interned strings
00270      */
00271     const xmlChar *str_xml;
00272     const xmlChar *str_xmlns;
00273     const xmlChar *str_xml_ns;
00275     /*
00276      * Everything below is used only by the new SAX mode
00277      */
00278     int                sax2;          /* operating in the new SAX mode */
00279     int                nsNr;          /* the number of inherited namespaces */
00280     int                nsMax;         /* the size of the arrays */
00281     const xmlChar *   *nsTab;         /* the array of prefix/namespace name */
00282     int               *attallocs;     /* which attribute were allocated */
00283     void *            *pushTab;       /* array of data for push */
00284     xmlHashTablePtr    attsDefault;   /* defaulted attributes if any */
00285     xmlHashTablePtr    attsSpecial;   /* non-CDATA attributes if any */
00286     int                nsWellFormed;  /* is the document XML Nanespace okay */
00287     int                options;       /* Extra options */
00289     /*
00290      * Those fields are needed only for treaming parsing so far
00291      */
00292     int               dictNames;    /* Use dictionary names for the tree */
00293     int               freeElemsNr;  /* number of freed element nodes */
00294     xmlNodePtr        freeElems;    /* List of freed element nodes */
00295     int               freeAttrsNr;  /* number of freed attributes nodes */
00296     xmlAttrPtr        freeAttrs;    /* List of freed attributes nodes */
00298     /*
00299      * the complete error informations for the last error.
00300      */
00301     xmlError          lastError;
00302     xmlParserMode     parseMode;    /* the parser mode */
00303     unsigned long    nbentities;    /* number of entities references */
00304     unsigned long  sizeentities;    /* size of parsed entities */
00306     /* for use by HTML non-recursive parser */
00307     xmlParserNodeInfo *nodeInfo;      /* Current NodeInfo */
00308     int                nodeInfoNr;    /* Depth of the parsing stack */
00309     int                nodeInfoMax;   /* Max depth of the parsing stack */
00310     xmlParserNodeInfo *nodeInfoTab;   /* array of nodeInfos */
00311 };
00318 struct _xmlSAXLocator {
00319     const xmlChar *(*getPublicId)(void *ctx);
00320     const xmlChar *(*getSystemId)(void *ctx);
00321     int (*getLineNumber)(void *ctx);
00322     int (*getColumnNumber)(void *ctx);
00323 };
00347 typedef xmlParserInputPtr (*resolveEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00348                                 const xmlChar *publicId,
00349                                 const xmlChar *systemId);
00359 typedef void (*internalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00360                                 const xmlChar *name,
00361                                 const xmlChar *ExternalID,
00362                                 const xmlChar *SystemID);
00372 typedef void (*externalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00373                                 const xmlChar *name,
00374                                 const xmlChar *ExternalID,
00375                                 const xmlChar *SystemID);
00385 typedef xmlEntityPtr (*getEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00386                                 const xmlChar *name);
00396 typedef xmlEntityPtr (*getParameterEntitySAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00397                                 const xmlChar *name);
00409 typedef void (*entityDeclSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00410                                 const xmlChar *name,
00411                                 int type,
00412                                 const xmlChar *publicId,
00413                                 const xmlChar *systemId,
00414                                 xmlChar *content);
00424 typedef void (*notationDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx,
00425                                 const xmlChar *name,
00426                                 const xmlChar *publicId,
00427                                 const xmlChar *systemId);
00440 typedef void (*attributeDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx,
00441                                 const xmlChar *elem,
00442                                 const xmlChar *fullname,
00443                                 int type,
00444                                 int def,
00445                                 const xmlChar *defaultValue,
00446                                 xmlEnumerationPtr tree);
00456 typedef void (*elementDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx,
00457                                 const xmlChar *name,
00458                                 int type,
00459                                 xmlElementContentPtr content);
00470 typedef void (*unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc)(void *ctx,
00471                                 const xmlChar *name,
00472                                 const xmlChar *publicId,
00473                                 const xmlChar *systemId,
00474                                 const xmlChar *notationName);
00483 typedef void (*setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00484                                 xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc);
00491 typedef void (*startDocumentSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
00498 typedef void (*endDocumentSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
00507 typedef void (*startElementSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00508                                 const xmlChar *name,
00509                                 const xmlChar **atts);
00517 typedef void (*endElementSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00518                                 const xmlChar *name);
00530 typedef void (*attributeSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00531                                 const xmlChar *name,
00532                                 const xmlChar *value);
00540 typedef void (*referenceSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00541                                 const xmlChar *name);
00550 typedef void (*charactersSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00551                                 const xmlChar *ch,
00552                                 int len);
00562 typedef void (*ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00563                                 const xmlChar *ch,
00564                                 int len);
00573 typedef void (*processingInstructionSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00574                                 const xmlChar *target,
00575                                 const xmlChar *data);
00583 typedef void (*commentSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00584                                 const xmlChar *value);
00593 typedef void (*cdataBlockSAXFunc) (
00594                                 void *ctx,
00595                                 const xmlChar *value,
00596                                 int len);
00605 typedef void (XMLCDECL *warningSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00606                                 const char *msg, ...) LIBXML_ATTR_FORMAT(2,3);
00615 typedef void (XMLCDECL *errorSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00616                                 const char *msg, ...) LIBXML_ATTR_FORMAT(2,3);
00627 typedef void (XMLCDECL *fatalErrorSAXFunc) (void *ctx,
00628                                 const char *msg, ...) LIBXML_ATTR_FORMAT(2,3);
00637 typedef int (*isStandaloneSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
00646 typedef int (*hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
00656 typedef int (*hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx);
00658 /************************************************************************
00659  *                                                                      *
00660  *                      The SAX version 2 API extensions                *
00661  *                                                                      *
00662  ************************************************************************/
00668 #define XML_SAX2_MAGIC 0xDEEDBEAF
00689 typedef void (*startElementNsSAX2Func) (void *ctx,
00690                                         const xmlChar *localname,
00691                                         const xmlChar *prefix,
00692                                         const xmlChar *URI,
00693                                         int nb_namespaces,
00694                                         const xmlChar **namespaces,
00695                                         int nb_attributes,
00696                                         int nb_defaulted,
00697                                         const xmlChar **attributes);
00710 typedef void (*endElementNsSAX2Func)   (void *ctx,
00711                                         const xmlChar *localname,
00712                                         const xmlChar *prefix,
00713                                         const xmlChar *URI);
00716 struct _xmlSAXHandler {
00717     internalSubsetSAXFunc internalSubset;
00718     isStandaloneSAXFunc isStandalone;
00719     hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc hasInternalSubset;
00720     hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc hasExternalSubset;
00721     resolveEntitySAXFunc resolveEntity;
00722     getEntitySAXFunc getEntity;
00723     entityDeclSAXFunc entityDecl;
00724     notationDeclSAXFunc notationDecl;
00725     attributeDeclSAXFunc attributeDecl;
00726     elementDeclSAXFunc elementDecl;
00727     unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc unparsedEntityDecl;
00728     setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc setDocumentLocator;
00729     startDocumentSAXFunc startDocument;
00730     endDocumentSAXFunc endDocument;
00731     startElementSAXFunc startElement;
00732     endElementSAXFunc endElement;
00733     referenceSAXFunc reference;
00734     charactersSAXFunc characters;
00735     ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc ignorableWhitespace;
00736     processingInstructionSAXFunc processingInstruction;
00737     commentSAXFunc comment;
00738     warningSAXFunc warning;
00739     errorSAXFunc error;
00740     fatalErrorSAXFunc fatalError; /* unused error() get all the errors */
00741     getParameterEntitySAXFunc getParameterEntity;
00742     cdataBlockSAXFunc cdataBlock;
00743     externalSubsetSAXFunc externalSubset;
00744     unsigned int initialized;
00745     /* The following fields are extensions available only on version 2 */
00746     void *_private;
00747     startElementNsSAX2Func startElementNs;
00748     endElementNsSAX2Func endElementNs;
00749     xmlStructuredErrorFunc serror;
00750 };
00752 /*
00753  * SAX Version 1
00754  */
00755 typedef struct _xmlSAXHandlerV1 xmlSAXHandlerV1;
00756 typedef xmlSAXHandlerV1 *xmlSAXHandlerV1Ptr;
00757 struct _xmlSAXHandlerV1 {
00758     internalSubsetSAXFunc internalSubset;
00759     isStandaloneSAXFunc isStandalone;
00760     hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc hasInternalSubset;
00761     hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc hasExternalSubset;
00762     resolveEntitySAXFunc resolveEntity;
00763     getEntitySAXFunc getEntity;
00764     entityDeclSAXFunc entityDecl;
00765     notationDeclSAXFunc notationDecl;
00766     attributeDeclSAXFunc attributeDecl;
00767     elementDeclSAXFunc elementDecl;
00768     unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc unparsedEntityDecl;
00769     setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc setDocumentLocator;
00770     startDocumentSAXFunc startDocument;
00771     endDocumentSAXFunc endDocument;
00772     startElementSAXFunc startElement;
00773     endElementSAXFunc endElement;
00774     referenceSAXFunc reference;
00775     charactersSAXFunc characters;
00776     ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc ignorableWhitespace;
00777     processingInstructionSAXFunc processingInstruction;
00778     commentSAXFunc comment;
00779     warningSAXFunc warning;
00780     errorSAXFunc error;
00781     fatalErrorSAXFunc fatalError; /* unused error() get all the errors */
00782     getParameterEntitySAXFunc getParameterEntity;
00783     cdataBlockSAXFunc cdataBlock;
00784     externalSubsetSAXFunc externalSubset;
00785     unsigned int initialized;
00786 };
00799 typedef xmlParserInputPtr (*xmlExternalEntityLoader) (const char *URL,
00800                                          const char *ID,
00801                                          xmlParserCtxtPtr context);
00803 #ifdef __cplusplus
00804 }
00805 #endif
00807 #include <libxml/encoding.h>
00808 #include <libxml/xmlIO.h>
00809 #include <libxml/globals.h>
00811 #ifdef __cplusplus
00812 extern "C" {
00813 #endif
00816 /*
00817  * Init/Cleanup
00818  */
00819 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00820                 xmlInitParser           (void);
00821 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00822                 xmlCleanupParser        (void);
00824 /*
00825  * Input functions
00826  */
00827 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00828                 xmlParserInputRead      (xmlParserInputPtr in,
00829                                          int len);
00830 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00831                 xmlParserInputGrow      (xmlParserInputPtr in,
00832                                          int len);
00834 /*
00835  * Basic parsing Interfaces
00836  */
00837 #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED
00838 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00839                 xmlParseDoc             (const xmlChar *cur);
00840 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00841                 xmlParseFile            (const char *filename);
00842 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00843                 xmlParseMemory          (const char *buffer,
00844                                          int size);
00845 #endif /* LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED */
00846 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00847                 xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault(int val);
00848 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00849                 xmlKeepBlanksDefault    (int val);
00850 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00851                 xmlStopParser           (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
00852 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00853                 xmlPedanticParserDefault(int val);
00854 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00855                 xmlLineNumbersDefault   (int val);
00857 #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED
00858 /*
00859  * Recovery mode 
00860  */
00861 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00862                 xmlRecoverDoc           (const xmlChar *cur);
00863 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00864                 xmlRecoverMemory        (const char *buffer,
00865                                          int size);
00866 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00867                 xmlRecoverFile          (const char *filename);
00868 #endif /* LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED */
00870 /*
00871  * Less common routines and SAX interfaces
00872  */
00873 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00874                 xmlParseDocument        (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
00875 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00876                 xmlParseExtParsedEnt    (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
00877 #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED
00878 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00879                 xmlSAXUserParseFile     (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00880                                          void *user_data,
00881                                          const char *filename);
00882 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00883                 xmlSAXUserParseMemory   (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00884                                          void *user_data,
00885                                          const char *buffer,
00886                                          int size);
00887 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00888                 xmlSAXParseDoc          (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00889                                          const xmlChar *cur,
00890                                          int recovery);
00891 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00892                 xmlSAXParseMemory       (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00893                                          const char *buffer,
00894                                          int size,
00895                                          int recovery);
00896 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00897                 xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00898                                          const char *buffer,
00899                                          int size,
00900                                          int recovery,
00901                                          void *data);
00902 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00903                 xmlSAXParseFile         (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00904                                          const char *filename,
00905                                          int recovery);
00906 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00907                 xmlSAXParseFileWithData (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00908                                          const char *filename,
00909                                          int recovery,
00910                                          void *data);
00911 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00912                 xmlSAXParseEntity       (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00913                                          const char *filename);
00914 XMLPUBFUN xmlDocPtr XMLCALL     
00915                 xmlParseEntity          (const char *filename);
00916 #endif /* LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED */
00919 XMLPUBFUN xmlDtdPtr XMLCALL     
00920                 xmlSAXParseDTD          (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00921                                          const xmlChar *ExternalID,
00922                                          const xmlChar *SystemID);
00923 XMLPUBFUN xmlDtdPtr XMLCALL     
00924                 xmlParseDTD             (const xmlChar *ExternalID,
00925                                          const xmlChar *SystemID);
00926 XMLPUBFUN xmlDtdPtr XMLCALL     
00927                 xmlIOParseDTD           (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00928                                          xmlParserInputBufferPtr input,
00929                                          xmlCharEncoding enc);
00930 #endif /* LIBXML_VALID_ENABLE */
00931 #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED
00933                 xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory(xmlDocPtr doc,
00934                                          xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00935                                          void *user_data,
00936                                          int depth,
00937                                          const xmlChar *string,
00938                                          xmlNodePtr *lst);
00939 #endif /* LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED */
00940 XMLPUBFUN xmlParserErrors XMLCALL
00941                 xmlParseInNodeContext   (xmlNodePtr node,
00942                                          const char *data,
00943                                          int datalen,
00944                                          int options,
00945                                          xmlNodePtr *lst);
00946 #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED
00947 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL          
00948                 xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover(xmlDocPtr doc,
00949                      xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00950                      void *user_data,
00951                      int depth,
00952                      const xmlChar *string,
00953                      xmlNodePtr *lst,
00954                      int recover);
00955 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00956                 xmlParseExternalEntity  (xmlDocPtr doc,
00957                                          xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
00958                                          void *user_data,
00959                                          int depth,
00960                                          const xmlChar *URL,
00961                                          const xmlChar *ID,
00962                                          xmlNodePtr *lst);
00963 #endif /* LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED */
00964 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00965                 xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctx,
00966                                          const xmlChar *URL,
00967                                          const xmlChar *ID,
00968                                          xmlNodePtr *lst);
00970 /*
00971  * Parser contexts handling.
00972  */
00973 XMLPUBFUN xmlParserCtxtPtr XMLCALL      
00974                 xmlNewParserCtxt        (void);
00975 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00976                 xmlInitParserCtxt       (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
00977 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00978                 xmlClearParserCtxt      (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
00979 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00980                 xmlFreeParserCtxt       (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
00981 #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED
00982 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
00983                 xmlSetupParserForBuffer (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
00984                                          const xmlChar* buffer,
00985                                          const char *filename);
00986 #endif /* LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED */
00987 XMLPUBFUN xmlParserCtxtPtr XMLCALL 
00988                 xmlCreateDocParserCtxt  (const xmlChar *cur);
00991 /*
00992  * Reading/setting optional parsing features.
00993  */
00994 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00995                 xmlGetFeaturesList      (int *len,
00996                                          const char **result);
00997 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
00998                 xmlGetFeature           (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
00999                                          const char *name,
01000                                          void *result);
01001 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL           
01002                 xmlSetFeature           (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01003                                          const char *name,
01004                                          void *value);
01005 #endif /* LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED */
01008 /*
01009  * Interfaces for the Push mode.
01010  */
01011 XMLPUBFUN xmlParserCtxtPtr XMLCALL 
01012                 xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
01013                                          void *user_data,
01014                                          const char *chunk,
01015                                          int size,
01016                                          const char *filename);
01017 XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL            
01018                 xmlParseChunk           (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01019                                          const char *chunk,
01020                                          int size,
01021                                          int terminate);
01022 #endif /* LIBXML_PUSH_ENABLED */
01024 /*
01025  * Special I/O mode.
01026  */
01028 XMLPUBFUN xmlParserCtxtPtr XMLCALL 
01029                 xmlCreateIOParserCtxt   (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax,
01030                                          void *user_data,
01031                                          xmlInputReadCallback   ioread,
01032                                          xmlInputCloseCallback  ioclose,
01033                                          void *ioctx,
01034                                          xmlCharEncoding enc);
01036 XMLPUBFUN xmlParserInputPtr XMLCALL 
01037                 xmlNewIOInputStream     (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01038                                          xmlParserInputBufferPtr input,
01039                                          xmlCharEncoding enc);
01041 /*
01042  * Node infos.
01043  */
01044 XMLPUBFUN const xmlParserNodeInfo* XMLCALL
01045                 xmlParserFindNodeInfo   (const xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01046                                          const xmlNodePtr node);
01047 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
01048                 xmlInitNodeInfoSeq      (xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr seq);
01049 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
01050                 xmlClearNodeInfoSeq     (xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr seq);
01051 XMLPUBFUN unsigned long XMLCALL 
01052                 xmlParserFindNodeInfoIndex(const xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr seq,
01053                                          const xmlNodePtr node);
01054 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
01055                 xmlParserAddNodeInfo    (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01056                                          const xmlParserNodeInfoPtr info);
01058 /*
01059  * External entities handling actually implemented in xmlIO.
01060  */
01062 XMLPUBFUN void XMLCALL          
01063                 xmlSetExternalEntityLoader(xmlExternalEntityLoader f);
01064 XMLPUBFUN xmlExternalEntityLoader XMLCALL
01065                 xmlGetExternalEntityLoader(void);
01066 XMLPUBFUN xmlParserInputPtr XMLCALL
01067                 xmlLoadExternalEntity   (const char *URL,
01068                                          const char *ID,
01069                                          xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
01071 /*
01072  * Index lookup, actually implemented in the encoding module
01073  */
01075                 xmlByteConsumed         (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
01077 /*
01078  * New set of simpler/more flexible APIs
01079  */
01086 typedef enum {
01087     XML_PARSE_RECOVER   = 1<<0, /* recover on errors */
01088     XML_PARSE_NOENT     = 1<<1, /* substitute entities */
01089     XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD   = 1<<2, /* load the external subset */
01090     XML_PARSE_DTDATTR   = 1<<3, /* default DTD attributes */
01091     XML_PARSE_DTDVALID  = 1<<4, /* validate with the DTD */
01092     XML_PARSE_NOERROR   = 1<<5, /* suppress error reports */
01093     XML_PARSE_NOWARNING = 1<<6, /* suppress warning reports */
01094     XML_PARSE_PEDANTIC  = 1<<7, /* pedantic error reporting */
01095     XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS  = 1<<8, /* remove blank nodes */
01096     XML_PARSE_SAX1      = 1<<9, /* use the SAX1 interface internally */
01097     XML_PARSE_XINCLUDE  = 1<<10,/* Implement XInclude substitition  */
01098     XML_PARSE_NONET     = 1<<11,/* Forbid network access */
01099     XML_PARSE_NODICT    = 1<<12,/* Do not reuse the context dictionnary */
01100     XML_PARSE_NSCLEAN   = 1<<13,/* remove redundant namespaces declarations */
01101     XML_PARSE_NOCDATA   = 1<<14,/* merge CDATA as text nodes */
01102     XML_PARSE_NOXINCNODE= 1<<15,/* do not generate XINCLUDE START/END nodes */
01103     XML_PARSE_COMPACT   = 1<<16,/* compact small text nodes; no modification of
01104                                    the tree allowed afterwards (will possibly
01105                                    crash if you try to modify the tree) */
01106     XML_PARSE_OLD10     = 1<<17,/* parse using XML-1.0 before update 5 */
01107     XML_PARSE_NOBASEFIX = 1<<18,/* do not fixup XINCLUDE xml:base uris */
01108     XML_PARSE_HUGE      = 1<<19, /* relax any hardcoded limit from the parser */
01109     XML_PARSE_OLDSAX    = 1<<20 /* parse using SAX2 interface from before 2.7.0 */
01110 } xmlParserOption;
01113                 xmlCtxtReset            (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
01115                 xmlCtxtResetPush        (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01116                                          const char *chunk,
01117                                          int size,
01118                                          const char *filename,
01119                                          const char *encoding);
01121                 xmlCtxtUseOptions       (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01122                                          int options);
01124                 xmlReadDoc              (const xmlChar *cur,
01125                                          const char *URL,
01126                                          const char *encoding,
01127                                          int options);
01129                 xmlReadFile             (const char *URL,
01130                                          const char *encoding,
01131                                          int options);
01133                 xmlReadMemory           (const char *buffer,
01134                                          int size,
01135                                          const char *URL,
01136                                          const char *encoding,
01137                                          int options);
01139                 xmlReadFd               (int fd,
01140                                          const char *URL,
01141                                          const char *encoding,
01142                                          int options);
01144                 xmlReadIO               (xmlInputReadCallback ioread,
01145                                          xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose,
01146                                          void *ioctx,
01147                                          const char *URL,
01148                                          const char *encoding,
01149                                          int options);
01151                 xmlCtxtReadDoc          (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01152                                          const xmlChar *cur,
01153                                          const char *URL,
01154                                          const char *encoding,
01155                                          int options);
01157                 xmlCtxtReadFile         (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01158                                          const char *filename,
01159                                          const char *encoding,
01160                                          int options);
01162                 xmlCtxtReadMemory               (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01163                                          const char *buffer,
01164                                          int size,
01165                                          const char *URL,
01166                                          const char *encoding,
01167                                          int options);
01169                 xmlCtxtReadFd           (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01170                                          int fd,
01171                                          const char *URL,
01172                                          const char *encoding,
01173                                          int options);
01175                 xmlCtxtReadIO           (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
01176                                          xmlInputReadCallback ioread,
01177                                          xmlInputCloseCallback ioclose,
01178                                          void *ioctx,
01179                                          const char *URL,
01180                                          const char *encoding,
01181                                          int options);
01183 /*
01184  * Library wide options
01185  */
01193 typedef enum {
01194     XML_WITH_THREAD = 1,
01195     XML_WITH_TREE = 2,
01196     XML_WITH_OUTPUT = 3,
01197     XML_WITH_PUSH = 4,
01198     XML_WITH_READER = 5,
01199     XML_WITH_PATTERN = 6,
01200     XML_WITH_WRITER = 7,
01201     XML_WITH_SAX1 = 8,
01202     XML_WITH_FTP = 9,
01203     XML_WITH_HTTP = 10,
01204     XML_WITH_VALID = 11,
01205     XML_WITH_HTML = 12,
01206     XML_WITH_LEGACY = 13,
01207     XML_WITH_C14N = 14,
01208     XML_WITH_CATALOG = 15,
01209     XML_WITH_XPATH = 16,
01210     XML_WITH_XPTR = 17,
01211     XML_WITH_XINCLUDE = 18,
01212     XML_WITH_ICONV = 19,
01213     XML_WITH_ISO8859X = 20,
01214     XML_WITH_UNICODE = 21,
01215     XML_WITH_REGEXP = 22,
01216     XML_WITH_AUTOMATA = 23,
01217     XML_WITH_EXPR = 24,
01218     XML_WITH_SCHEMAS = 25,
01219     XML_WITH_SCHEMATRON = 26,
01220     XML_WITH_MODULES = 27,
01221     XML_WITH_DEBUG = 28,
01222     XML_WITH_DEBUG_MEM = 29,
01223     XML_WITH_DEBUG_RUN = 30,
01224     XML_WITH_ZLIB = 31,
01225     XML_WITH_NONE = 99999 /* just to be sure of allocation size */
01226 } xmlFeature;
01229                 xmlHasFeature           (xmlFeature feature);
01231 #ifdef __cplusplus
01232 }
01233 #endif
01234 #endif /* __XML_PARSER_H__ */
 Todo Clases Namespaces Archivos Funciones Variables 'typedefs' Enumeraciones Valores de enumeraciones Propiedades Amigas 'defines'