Tipos públicos |
enum | Type {
None = 0,
Timer = 1,
MouseButtonPress = 2,
MouseButtonRelease = 3,
MouseButtonDblClick = 4,
MouseMove = 5,
KeyPress = 6,
KeyRelease = 7,
FocusIn = 8,
FocusOut = 9,
Enter = 10,
Leave = 11,
Paint = 12,
Move = 13,
Resize = 14,
Create = 15,
Destroy = 16,
Show = 17,
Hide = 18,
Close = 19,
Quit = 20,
Reparent = 21,
ShowMinimized = 22,
ShowNormal = 23,
WindowActivate = 24,
WindowDeactivate = 25,
ShowToParent = 26,
HideToParent = 27,
ShowMaximized = 28,
ShowFullScreen = 29,
Accel = 30,
Wheel = 31,
AccelAvailable = 32,
CaptionChange = 33,
IconChange = 34,
ParentFontChange = 35,
ApplicationFontChange = 36,
ParentPaletteChange = 37,
ApplicationPaletteChange = 38,
PaletteChange = 39,
Clipboard = 40,
Speech = 42,
SockAct = 50,
AccelOverride = 51,
DeferredDelete = 52,
DragEnter = 60,
DragMove = 61,
DragLeave = 62,
Drop = 63,
DragResponse = 64,
ChildInserted = 70,
ChildRemoved = 71,
LayoutHint = 72,
ShowWindowRequest = 73,
WindowBlocked = 74,
WindowUnblocked = 75,
ActivateControl = 80,
DeactivateControl = 81,
ContextMenu = 82,
IMStart = 83,
IMCompose = 84,
IMEnd = 85,
Accessibility = 86,
TabletMove = 87,
LocaleChange = 88,
LanguageChange = 89,
LayoutDirectionChange = 90,
Style = 91,
TabletPress = 92,
TabletRelease = 93,
OkRequest = 94,
HelpRequest = 95,
WindowStateChange = 96,
IconDrag = 97,
User = 1000,
MaxUser = 65535,
None = 0,
Timer = 1,
MouseButtonPress = 2,
MouseButtonRelease = 3,
MouseButtonDblClick = 4,
MouseMove = 5,
KeyPress = 6,
KeyRelease = 7,
FocusIn = 8,
FocusOut = 9,
Enter = 10,
Leave = 11,
Paint = 12,
Move = 13,
Resize = 14,
Create = 15,
Destroy = 16,
Show = 17,
Hide = 18,
Close = 19,
Quit = 20,
Reparent = 21,
ShowMinimized = 22,
ShowNormal = 23,
WindowActivate = 24,
WindowDeactivate = 25,
ShowToParent = 26,
HideToParent = 27,
ShowMaximized = 28,
ShowFullScreen = 29,
Accel = 30,
Wheel = 31,
AccelAvailable = 32,
CaptionChange = 33,
IconChange = 34,
ParentFontChange = 35,
ApplicationFontChange = 36,
ParentPaletteChange = 37,
ApplicationPaletteChange = 38,
PaletteChange = 39,
Clipboard = 40,
Speech = 42,
SockAct = 50,
AccelOverride = 51,
DeferredDelete = 52,
DragEnter = 60,
DragMove = 61,
DragLeave = 62,
Drop = 63,
DragResponse = 64,
ChildInserted = 70,
ChildRemoved = 71,
LayoutHint = 72,
ShowWindowRequest = 73,
WindowBlocked = 74,
WindowUnblocked = 75,
ActivateControl = 80,
DeactivateControl = 81,
ContextMenu = 82,
IMStart = 83,
IMCompose = 84,
IMEnd = 85,
Accessibility = 86,
TabletMove = 87,
LocaleChange = 88,
LanguageChange = 89,
LayoutDirectionChange = 90,
Style = 91,
TabletPress = 92,
TabletRelease = 93,
OkRequest = 94,
HelpRequest = 95,
WindowStateChange = 96,
IconDrag = 97,
User = 1000,
MaxUser = 65535
} |
enum | Type {
None = 0,
Timer = 1,
MouseButtonPress = 2,
MouseButtonRelease = 3,
MouseButtonDblClick = 4,
MouseMove = 5,
KeyPress = 6,
KeyRelease = 7,
FocusIn = 8,
FocusOut = 9,
Enter = 10,
Leave = 11,
Paint = 12,
Move = 13,
Resize = 14,
Create = 15,
Destroy = 16,
Show = 17,
Hide = 18,
Close = 19,
Quit = 20,
Reparent = 21,
ShowMinimized = 22,
ShowNormal = 23,
WindowActivate = 24,
WindowDeactivate = 25,
ShowToParent = 26,
HideToParent = 27,
ShowMaximized = 28,
ShowFullScreen = 29,
Accel = 30,
Wheel = 31,
AccelAvailable = 32,
CaptionChange = 33,
IconChange = 34,
ParentFontChange = 35,
ApplicationFontChange = 36,
ParentPaletteChange = 37,
ApplicationPaletteChange = 38,
PaletteChange = 39,
Clipboard = 40,
Speech = 42,
SockAct = 50,
AccelOverride = 51,
DeferredDelete = 52,
DragEnter = 60,
DragMove = 61,
DragLeave = 62,
Drop = 63,
DragResponse = 64,
ChildInserted = 70,
ChildRemoved = 71,
LayoutHint = 72,
ShowWindowRequest = 73,
WindowBlocked = 74,
WindowUnblocked = 75,
ActivateControl = 80,
DeactivateControl = 81,
ContextMenu = 82,
IMStart = 83,
IMCompose = 84,
IMEnd = 85,
Accessibility = 86,
TabletMove = 87,
LocaleChange = 88,
LanguageChange = 89,
LayoutDirectionChange = 90,
Style = 91,
TabletPress = 92,
TabletRelease = 93,
OkRequest = 94,
HelpRequest = 95,
WindowStateChange = 96,
IconDrag = 97,
User = 1000,
MaxUser = 65535,
None = 0,
Timer = 1,
MouseButtonPress = 2,
MouseButtonRelease = 3,
MouseButtonDblClick = 4,
MouseMove = 5,
KeyPress = 6,
KeyRelease = 7,
FocusIn = 8,
FocusOut = 9,
Enter = 10,
Leave = 11,
Paint = 12,
Move = 13,
Resize = 14,
Create = 15,
Destroy = 16,
Show = 17,
Hide = 18,
Close = 19,
Quit = 20,
Reparent = 21,
ShowMinimized = 22,
ShowNormal = 23,
WindowActivate = 24,
WindowDeactivate = 25,
ShowToParent = 26,
HideToParent = 27,
ShowMaximized = 28,
ShowFullScreen = 29,
Accel = 30,
Wheel = 31,
AccelAvailable = 32,
CaptionChange = 33,
IconChange = 34,
ParentFontChange = 35,
ApplicationFontChange = 36,
ParentPaletteChange = 37,
ApplicationPaletteChange = 38,
PaletteChange = 39,
Clipboard = 40,
Speech = 42,
SockAct = 50,
AccelOverride = 51,
DeferredDelete = 52,
DragEnter = 60,
DragMove = 61,
DragLeave = 62,
Drop = 63,
DragResponse = 64,
ChildInserted = 70,
ChildRemoved = 71,
LayoutHint = 72,
ShowWindowRequest = 73,
WindowBlocked = 74,
WindowUnblocked = 75,
ActivateControl = 80,
DeactivateControl = 81,
ContextMenu = 82,
IMStart = 83,
IMCompose = 84,
IMEnd = 85,
Accessibility = 86,
TabletMove = 87,
LocaleChange = 88,
LanguageChange = 89,
LayoutDirectionChange = 90,
Style = 91,
TabletPress = 92,
TabletRelease = 93,
OkRequest = 94,
HelpRequest = 95,
WindowStateChange = 96,
IconDrag = 97,
User = 1000,
MaxUser = 65535
} |
Métodos públicos |
| QEvent (Type type) |
virtual | ~QEvent () |
Type | type () const |
bool | spontaneous () const |
| QEvent (Type type) |
virtual | ~QEvent () |
Type | type () const |
bool | spontaneous () const |
Atributos protegidos |
Type | t |
Amigas |
class | QApplication |
class | QAccelManager |
class | QBaseApplication |
class | QETWidget |
The QEvent class is the base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters.
Qt's main event loop (QApplication::exec()) fetches native window system events from the event queue, translates them into QEvents and sends the translated events to QObjects.
In general, events come from the underlying window system (spontaneous() returns TRUE) but it is also possible to manually send events using QApplication::sendEvent() and QApplication::postEvent() (spontaneous() returns FALSE).
QObjects receive events by having their QObject::event() function called. The function can be reimplemented in subclasses to customize event handling and add additional event types; QWidget::event() is a notable example. By default, events are dispatched to event handlers like QObject::timerEvent() and QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(). QObject::installEventFilter() allows an object to intercept events destined for another object.
The basic QEvent contains only an event type parameter. Subclasses of QEvent contain additional parameters that describe the particular event.
- Ver también:
- QObject::event() QObject::installEventFilter() QWidget::event() QApplication::sendEvent() QApplication::postEvent() QApplication::processEvents()
This enum type defines the valid event types in Qt. The event types and the specialized classes for each type are these:
None Not an event. Accessibility Accessibility information is requested Timer Regular timer events, {QTimerEvent}. MouseButtonPress Mouse press, {QMouseEvent}. MouseButtonRelease Mouse release, {QMouseEvent}. MouseButtonDblClick Mouse press again, {QMouseEvent}. MouseMove Mouse move, {QMouseEvent}. KeyPress Key press (including Shift, for example), {QKeyEvent}. KeyRelease Key release, {QKeyEvent}. IMStart The start of input method composition, {QIMEvent}. IMCompose Input method composition is taking place, {QIMEvent}. IMEnd The end of input method composition, {QIMEvent}. FocusIn Widget gains keyboard focus, {QFocusEvent}. FocusOut Widget loses keyboard focus, {QFocusEvent}. Enter Mouse enters widget's boundaries. Leave Mouse leaves widget's boundaries. Paint Screen update necessary, {QPaintEvent}. Move Widget's position changed, {QMoveEvent}. Resize Widget's size changed, {QResizeEvent}. Show Widget was shown on screen, {QShowEvent}. Hide Widget was hidden, {QHideEvent}. ShowToParent A child widget has been shown. HideToParent A child widget has been hidden. Close Widget was closed (permanently), {QCloseEvent}. ShowNormal Widget should be shown normally (obsolete). ShowMaximized Widget should be shown maximized (obsolete). ShowMinimized Widget should be shown minimized (obsolete). ShowFullScreen Widget should be shown full-screen (obsolete). ShowWindowRequest Widget's window should be shown (obsolete). DeferredDelete The object will be deleted after it has cleaned up. Accel Key press in child for shortcut key handling, {QKeyEvent}. Wheel Mouse wheel rolled, {QWheelEvent}. ContextMenu Context popup menu, {QContextMenuEvent} AccelOverride Key press in child, for overriding shortcut key handling, {QKeyEvent}. AccelAvailable internal. WindowActivate Window was activated. WindowDeactivate Window was deactivated. CaptionChange Widget's caption changed. IconChange Widget's icon changed. ParentFontChange Font of the parent widget changed. ApplicationFontChange Default application font changed. PaletteChange Palette of the widget changed. ParentPaletteChange Palette of the parent widget changed. ApplicationPaletteChange Default application palette changed. Clipboard Clipboard contents have changed. SockAct Socket activated, used to implement {QSocketNotifier}. DragEnter A drag-and-drop enters widget, {QDragEnterEvent}. DragMove A drag-and-drop is in progress, {QDragMoveEvent}. DragLeave A drag-and-drop leaves widget, {QDragLeaveEvent}. Drop A drag-and-drop is completed, {QDropEvent}. DragResponse Internal event used by Qt on some platforms. ChildInserted Object gets a child, {QChildEvent}. ChildRemoved Object loses a child, {QChildEvent}. LayoutHint Widget child has changed layout properties. ActivateControl Internal event used by Qt on some platforms. DeactivateControl Internal event used by Qt on some platforms. LanguageChange The application translation changed, {QTranslator} LayoutDirectionChange The direction of layouts changed LocaleChange The system locale changed Quit Reserved. Create Reserved. Destroy Reserved. Reparent Reserved. Speech Reserved for speech input. TabletMove A Wacom Tablet Move Event. Style Internal use only TabletPress A Wacom Tablet Press Event TabletRelease A Wacom Tablet Release Event OkRequest Internal event used by Qt on some platforms. HelpRequest Internal event used by Qt on some platforms. IconDrag Internal event used by Qt on some platforms when proxy icon is dragged. WindowStateChange The window's state, i.e. minimized, maximized or full-screen, has changed. See {QWidget::windowState()}. WindowBlocked The window is modally blocked WindowUnblocked The window leaves modal blocking
User User defined event. MaxUser Last user event id.
User events should have values between User and MaxUser inclusive.
- Valores de enumeraciones:
None |
Timer |
MouseButtonPress |
MouseButtonRelease |
MouseButtonDblClick |
MouseMove |
KeyPress |
KeyRelease |
FocusIn |
FocusOut |
Enter |
Leave |
Paint |
Move |
Resize |
Create |
Destroy |
Show |
Hide |
Close |
Quit |
Reparent |
ShowMinimized |
ShowNormal |
WindowActivate |
WindowDeactivate |
ShowToParent |
HideToParent |
ShowMaximized |
ShowFullScreen |
Accel |
Wheel |
AccelAvailable |
CaptionChange |
IconChange |
ParentFontChange |
ApplicationFontChange |
ParentPaletteChange |
ApplicationPaletteChange |
PaletteChange |
Clipboard |
Speech |
SockAct |
AccelOverride |
DeferredDelete |
DragEnter |
DragMove |
DragLeave |
Drop |
DragResponse |
ChildInserted |
ChildRemoved |
LayoutHint |
ShowWindowRequest |
WindowBlocked |
WindowUnblocked |
ActivateControl |
DeactivateControl |
ContextMenu |
IMStart |
IMCompose |
IMEnd |
Accessibility |
TabletMove |
LocaleChange |
LanguageChange |
LayoutDirectionChange |
Style |
TabletPress |
TabletRelease |
OkRequest |
HelpRequest |
WindowStateChange |
IconDrag |
User |
MaxUser |
None |
Timer |
MouseButtonPress |
MouseButtonRelease |
MouseButtonDblClick |
MouseMove |
KeyPress |
KeyRelease |
FocusIn |
FocusOut |
Enter |
Leave |
Paint |
Move |
Resize |
Create |
Destroy |
Show |
Hide |
Close |
Quit |
Reparent |
ShowMinimized |
ShowNormal |
WindowActivate |
WindowDeactivate |
ShowToParent |
HideToParent |
ShowMaximized |
ShowFullScreen |
Accel |
Wheel |
AccelAvailable |
CaptionChange |
IconChange |
ParentFontChange |
ApplicationFontChange |
ParentPaletteChange |
ApplicationPaletteChange |
PaletteChange |
Clipboard |
Speech |
SockAct |
AccelOverride |
DeferredDelete |
DragEnter |
DragMove |
DragLeave |
Drop |
DragResponse |
ChildInserted |
ChildRemoved |
LayoutHint |
ShowWindowRequest |
WindowBlocked |
WindowUnblocked |
ActivateControl |
DeactivateControl |
ContextMenu |
IMStart |
IMCompose |
IMEnd |
Accessibility |
TabletMove |
LocaleChange |
LanguageChange |
LayoutDirectionChange |
Style |
TabletPress |
TabletRelease |
OkRequest |
HelpRequest |
WindowStateChange |
IconDrag |
User |
MaxUser |
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