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00001 /****************************************************************************
00002 ** $Id: qt/qtextedit.h   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:39 $
00003 **
00004 ** Definition of the QTextEdit class
00005 **
00006 ** Created : 990101
00007 **
00008 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
00009 **
00010 ** This file is part of the widgets module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
00011 **
00012 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
00013 ** as defined by Trolltech ASA of Norway and appearing in the file
00014 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
00015 **
00016 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
00017 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
00018 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
00019 ** packaging of this file.
00020 **
00021 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
00022 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
00023 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
00024 **
00025 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
00027 **
00028 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
00029 **   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
00030 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
00031 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
00032 **
00033 ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
00034 ** not clear to you.
00035 **
00036 **********************************************************************/
00038 #ifndef QTEXTEDIT_H
00039 #define QTEXTEDIT_H
00041 #ifndef QT_H
00042 #include "qscrollview.h"
00043 #include "qstylesheet.h"
00044 #include "qptrvector.h"
00045 #include "qvaluelist.h"
00046 #include "qptrlist.h"
00047 #endif // QT_H
00049 #ifndef QT_NO_TEXTEDIT
00050 // uncomment below to enable optimization mode - also uncomment the
00051 // optimDoAutoScroll() private slot since moc ignores #ifdefs..
00054 class QPainter;
00055 class QTextDocument;
00056 class QTextCursor;
00057 class QKeyEvent;
00058 class QResizeEvent;
00059 class QMouseEvent;
00060 class QTimer;
00061 class QTextString;
00062 class QTextCommand;
00063 class QTextParagraph;
00064 class QTextFormat;
00065 class QFont;
00066 class QColor;
00067 class QTextEdit;
00068 class QTextBrowser;
00069 class QTextString;
00070 struct QUndoRedoInfoPrivate;
00071 class QPopupMenu;
00072 class QTextEditPrivate;
00073 class QSyntaxHighlighter;
00076 class QTextEditOptimPrivate
00077 {
00078 public:
00079     // Note: no left-tag has any value for leftTag or parent, and
00080     // no right-tag has any formatting flags set.
00081     enum TagType { Color = 0, Format = 1 };
00082     struct Tag {
00083         TagType type:2;
00084         bool bold:1;
00085         bool italic:1;
00086         bool underline:1;
00087         int line;
00088         int index;
00089         Tag * leftTag; // ptr to left-tag in a left-right tag pair
00090         Tag * parent;  // ptr to parent left-tag in a nested tag
00091         Tag * prev;
00092         Tag * next;
00093         QString tag;
00094     };
00095     QTextEditOptimPrivate()
00096     {
00097         len = numLines = maxLineWidth = 0;
00098         selStart.line = selStart.index = -1;
00099         selEnd.line = selEnd.index = -1;
00100         search.line = search.index = 0;
00101         tags = lastTag = 0;
00102     }
00103     void clearTags()
00104     {
00105         Tag * itr = tags;
00106         while ( tags ) {
00107             itr  = tags;
00108             tags = tags->next;
00109             delete itr;
00110         }
00111         tags = lastTag = 0;
00112         tagIndex.clear();
00113     }
00114     ~QTextEditOptimPrivate()
00115     {
00116         clearTags();
00117     }
00118     int len;
00119     int numLines;
00120     int maxLineWidth;
00121     struct Selection {
00122         int line;
00123         int index;
00124     };
00125     Selection selStart, selEnd, search;
00126     Tag * tags, * lastTag;
00127     QMap<int, QString> lines;
00128     QMap<int, Tag *> tagIndex;
00129 };
00130 #endif
00132 class Q_EXPORT QTextEdit : public QScrollView
00133 {
00134     friend class QTextBrowser;
00135     friend class QSyntaxHighlighter;
00137     Q_OBJECT
00138     Q_ENUMS( WordWrap WrapPolicy )
00139     Q_SETS( AutoFormatting )
00140     Q_PROPERTY( TextFormat textFormat READ textFormat WRITE setTextFormat )
00141     Q_PROPERTY( QString text READ text WRITE setText )
00142     Q_PROPERTY( QBrush paper READ paper WRITE setPaper )
00143     Q_PROPERTY( bool linkUnderline READ linkUnderline WRITE setLinkUnderline )
00144     Q_PROPERTY( QString documentTitle READ documentTitle )
00145     Q_PROPERTY( int length READ length )
00146     Q_PROPERTY( WordWrap wordWrap READ wordWrap WRITE setWordWrap )
00147     Q_PROPERTY( int wrapColumnOrWidth READ wrapColumnOrWidth WRITE setWrapColumnOrWidth )
00148     Q_PROPERTY( WrapPolicy wrapPolicy READ wrapPolicy WRITE setWrapPolicy )
00149     Q_PROPERTY( bool hasSelectedText READ hasSelectedText )
00150     Q_PROPERTY( QString selectedText READ selectedText )
00151     Q_PROPERTY( int undoDepth READ undoDepth WRITE setUndoDepth )
00152     Q_PROPERTY( bool overwriteMode READ isOverwriteMode WRITE setOverwriteMode )
00153     Q_PROPERTY( bool modified READ isModified WRITE setModified DESIGNABLE false )
00154     Q_PROPERTY( bool readOnly READ isReadOnly WRITE setReadOnly )
00155     Q_PROPERTY( bool undoRedoEnabled READ isUndoRedoEnabled WRITE setUndoRedoEnabled )
00156     Q_PROPERTY( int tabStopWidth READ tabStopWidth WRITE setTabStopWidth )
00157     Q_PROPERTY( bool tabChangesFocus READ tabChangesFocus WRITE setTabChangesFocus )
00158     Q_PROPERTY( AutoFormatting autoFormatting READ autoFormatting WRITE setAutoFormatting )
00160 public:
00161     enum WordWrap {
00162         NoWrap,
00163         WidgetWidth,
00164         FixedPixelWidth,
00165         FixedColumnWidth
00166     };
00168     enum WrapPolicy {
00169         AtWordBoundary,
00170         AtWhiteSpace = AtWordBoundary, // AtWhiteSpace is deprecated
00171         Anywhere,
00172         AtWordOrDocumentBoundary
00173     };
00175     enum AutoFormatting {
00176         AutoNone = 0,
00177         AutoBulletList = 0x00000001,
00178         AutoAll = 0xffffffff
00179     };
00181     enum KeyboardAction {
00182         ActionBackspace,
00183         ActionDelete,
00184         ActionReturn,
00185         ActionKill,
00186         ActionWordBackspace,
00187         ActionWordDelete
00188     };
00190     enum CursorAction {
00191         MoveBackward,
00192         MoveForward,
00193         MoveWordBackward,
00194         MoveWordForward,
00195         MoveUp,
00196         MoveDown,
00197         MoveLineStart,
00198         MoveLineEnd,
00199         MoveHome,
00200         MoveEnd,
00201         MovePgUp,
00202         MovePgDown
00203     };
00205     enum VerticalAlignment {
00206         AlignNormal,
00207         AlignSuperScript,
00208         AlignSubScript
00209     };
00211     enum TextInsertionFlags {
00212         RedoIndentation = 0x0001,
00213         CheckNewLines = 0x0002,
00214         RemoveSelected = 0x0004
00215     };
00217     QTextEdit( const QString& text, const QString& context = QString::null,
00218                QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0);
00219     QTextEdit( QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0 );
00220     virtual ~QTextEdit();
00221     void setPalette( const QPalette & );
00223     QString text() const;
00224     QString text( int para ) const;
00225     TextFormat textFormat() const;
00226     QString context() const;
00227     QString documentTitle() const;
00229     void getSelection( int *paraFrom, int *indexFrom,
00230                     int *paraTo, int *indexTo, int selNum = 0 ) const;
00231     virtual bool find( const QString &expr, bool cs, bool wo, bool forward = TRUE,
00232                        int *para = 0, int *index = 0 );
00234     int paragraphs() const;
00235     int lines() const;
00236     int linesOfParagraph( int para ) const;
00237     int lineOfChar( int para, int chr );
00238     int length() const;
00239     QRect paragraphRect( int para ) const;
00240     int paragraphAt( const QPoint &pos ) const;
00241     int charAt( const QPoint &pos, int *para ) const;
00242     int paragraphLength( int para ) const;
00244     QStyleSheet* styleSheet() const;
00245 #ifndef QT_NO_MIME
00246     QMimeSourceFactory* mimeSourceFactory() const;
00247 #endif
00248     QBrush paper() const;
00249     bool linkUnderline() const;
00251     int heightForWidth( int w ) const;
00253     bool hasSelectedText() const;
00254     QString selectedText() const;
00255     bool isUndoAvailable() const;
00256     bool isRedoAvailable() const;
00258     WordWrap wordWrap() const;
00259     int wrapColumnOrWidth() const;
00260     WrapPolicy wrapPolicy() const;
00262     int tabStopWidth() const;
00264     QString anchorAt( const QPoint& pos );
00265     QString anchorAt( const QPoint& pos, AnchorAttribute a );
00267     QSize sizeHint() const;
00269     bool isReadOnly() const { return readonly; }
00271     void getCursorPosition( int *parag, int *index ) const;
00273     bool isModified() const;
00274     bool italic() const;
00275     bool bold() const;
00276     bool underline() const;
00277     QString family() const;
00278     int pointSize() const;
00279     QColor color() const;
00280     QFont font() const;
00281     QFont currentFont() const;
00282     int alignment() const;
00283     int undoDepth() const;
00285     // do not use, will go away
00286     virtual bool getFormat( int para, int index, QFont *font, QColor *color, VerticalAlignment *verticalAlignment );
00287     // do not use, will go away
00288     virtual bool getParagraphFormat( int para, QFont *font, QColor *color,
00289                                      VerticalAlignment *verticalAlignment, int *alignment,
00290                                      QStyleSheetItem::DisplayMode *displayMode,
00291                                      QStyleSheetItem::ListStyle *listStyle,
00292                                      int *listDepth );
00295     bool isOverwriteMode() const { return overWrite; }
00296     QColor paragraphBackgroundColor( int para ) const;
00298     bool isUndoRedoEnabled() const;
00299     bool eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e );
00300     bool tabChangesFocus() const;
00302     void setAutoFormatting( uint features );
00303     uint autoFormatting() const;
00304     QSyntaxHighlighter *syntaxHighlighter() const;
00306 public slots:
00307     void setEnabled( bool );
00308 #ifndef QT_NO_MIME
00309     virtual void setMimeSourceFactory( QMimeSourceFactory* factory );
00310 #endif
00311     virtual void setStyleSheet( QStyleSheet* styleSheet );
00312     virtual void scrollToAnchor( const QString& name );
00313     virtual void setPaper( const QBrush& pap );
00314     virtual void setLinkUnderline( bool );
00316     virtual void setWordWrap( WordWrap mode );
00317     virtual void setWrapColumnOrWidth( int );
00318     virtual void setWrapPolicy( WrapPolicy policy );
00320     virtual void copy();
00321     virtual void append( const QString& text );
00323     void setText( const QString &txt ) { setText( txt, QString::null ); }
00324     virtual void setText( const QString &txt, const QString &context );
00325     virtual void setTextFormat( TextFormat f );
00327     virtual void selectAll( bool select = TRUE );
00328     virtual void setTabStopWidth( int ts );
00329     virtual void zoomIn( int range );
00330     virtual void zoomIn() { zoomIn( 1 ); }
00331     virtual void zoomOut( int range );
00332     virtual void zoomOut() { zoomOut( 1 ); }
00333     virtual void zoomTo( int size );
00335     virtual void sync();
00336     virtual void setReadOnly( bool b );
00338     virtual void undo();
00339     virtual void redo();
00340     virtual void cut();
00341     virtual void paste();
00342 #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD
00343     virtual void pasteSubType( const QCString &subtype );
00344 #endif
00345     virtual void clear();
00346     virtual void del();
00347     virtual void indent();
00348     virtual void setItalic( bool b );
00349     virtual void setBold( bool b );
00350     virtual void setUnderline( bool b );
00351     virtual void setFamily( const QString &f );
00352     virtual void setPointSize( int s );
00353     virtual void setColor( const QColor &c );
00354     virtual void setFont( const QFont &f );
00355     virtual void setVerticalAlignment( VerticalAlignment a );
00356     virtual void setAlignment( int a );
00358     // do not use, will go away
00359     virtual void setParagType( QStyleSheetItem::DisplayMode dm, QStyleSheetItem::ListStyle listStyle );
00361     virtual void setCursorPosition( int parag, int index );
00362     virtual void setSelection( int parag_from, int index_from, int parag_to, int index_to, int selNum = 0 );
00363     virtual void setSelectionAttributes( int selNum, const QColor &back, bool invertText );
00364     virtual void setModified( bool m );
00365     virtual void resetFormat();
00366     virtual void setUndoDepth( int d );
00367     virtual void setFormat( QTextFormat *f, int flags );
00368     virtual void ensureCursorVisible();
00369     virtual void placeCursor( const QPoint &pos, QTextCursor *c = 0 );
00370     virtual void moveCursor( CursorAction action, bool select );
00371     virtual void doKeyboardAction( KeyboardAction action );
00372     virtual void removeSelectedText( int selNum = 0 );
00373     virtual void removeSelection( int selNum = 0 );
00374     virtual void setCurrentFont( const QFont &f );
00375     virtual void setOverwriteMode( bool b ) { overWrite = b; }
00377     virtual void scrollToBottom();
00379     void insert( const QString &text, uint insertionFlags = CheckNewLines | RemoveSelected ); // ## virtual in 4.0
00381     // obsolete
00382     virtual void insert( const QString &text, bool, bool = TRUE, bool = TRUE );
00384     virtual void insertAt( const QString &text, int para, int index );
00385     virtual void removeParagraph( int para );
00386     virtual void insertParagraph( const QString &text, int para );
00388     virtual void setParagraphBackgroundColor( int para, const QColor &bg );
00389     virtual void clearParagraphBackground( int para );
00391     virtual void setUndoRedoEnabled( bool b );
00392     void setTabChangesFocus( bool b ); // ### make virtual in 4.0
00395     void polish();
00396     void setMaxLogLines( int numLines );
00397     int maxLogLines();
00398 #endif
00400 signals:
00401     void textChanged();
00402     void selectionChanged();
00403     void copyAvailable( bool );
00404     void undoAvailable( bool yes );
00405     void redoAvailable( bool yes );
00406     void currentFontChanged( const QFont &f );
00407     void currentColorChanged( const QColor &c );
00408     void currentAlignmentChanged( int a );
00409     void currentVerticalAlignmentChanged( VerticalAlignment a );
00410     void cursorPositionChanged( QTextCursor *c );
00411     void cursorPositionChanged( int para, int pos );
00412     void returnPressed();
00413     void modificationChanged( bool m );
00414     void clicked( int parag, int index );
00415     void doubleClicked( int parag, int index );
00417 protected:
00418     void repaintChanged();
00419     void updateStyles();
00420     void drawContents( QPainter *p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch );
00421     bool event( QEvent *e );
00422     void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
00423     void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e );
00424     void viewportResizeEvent( QResizeEvent* );
00425     void contentsMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
00426     void contentsMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
00427     void contentsMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
00428     void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
00429 #ifndef QT_NO_WHEELEVENT
00430     void contentsWheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e );
00431 #endif
00432     void imStartEvent( QIMEvent * );
00433     void imComposeEvent( QIMEvent * );
00434     void imEndEvent( QIMEvent * );
00435 #ifndef QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP
00436     void contentsDragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *e );
00437     void contentsDragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent *e );
00438     void contentsDragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent *e );
00439     void contentsDropEvent( QDropEvent *e );
00440 #endif
00441     void contentsContextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent *e );
00442     bool focusNextPrevChild( bool next );
00443     QTextDocument *document() const;
00444     QTextCursor *textCursor() const;
00445     void setDocument( QTextDocument *doc );
00446     virtual QPopupMenu *createPopupMenu( const QPoint& pos );
00447     virtual QPopupMenu *createPopupMenu();
00448     void drawCursor( bool visible );
00450     void windowActivationChange( bool );
00452 protected slots:
00453     virtual void doChangeInterval();
00454     void sliderReleased(); // ### make virtual in 4.0
00455 #if (QT_VERSION >= 0x040000)
00456 #error "Some functions need to be changed to virtual for Qt 4.0"
00457 #endif
00459 private slots:
00460     void formatMore();
00461     void doResize();
00462     void autoScrollTimerDone();
00463     void blinkCursor();
00464     void setModified();
00465     void startDrag();
00466     void documentWidthChanged( int w );
00467     void clipboardChanged();
00469 private:
00470     struct Q_EXPORT UndoRedoInfo {
00471         enum Type { Invalid, Insert, Delete, Backspace, Return, RemoveSelected, Format, Style, IME };
00473         UndoRedoInfo( QTextDocument *dc );
00474         ~UndoRedoInfo();
00475         void clear();
00476         bool valid() const;
00478         QUndoRedoInfoPrivate *d;
00479         int id;
00480         int index;
00481         int eid;
00482         int eindex;
00483         QTextFormat *format;
00484         int flags;
00485         Type type;
00486         QTextDocument *doc;
00487         QByteArray styleInformation;
00488     };
00490 private:
00491     void updateCursor( const QPoint & pos );
00492     void handleMouseMove( const QPoint& pos );
00493     void drawContents( QPainter * );
00494     virtual bool linksEnabled() const { return FALSE; }
00495     void init();
00496     void checkUndoRedoInfo( UndoRedoInfo::Type t );
00497     void updateCurrentFormat();
00498     bool handleReadOnlyKeyEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
00499     void makeParagVisible( QTextParagraph *p );
00500     void normalCopy();
00501     void copyToClipboard();
00502 #ifndef QT_NO_MIME
00503     QCString pickSpecial(QMimeSource* ms, bool always_ask, const QPoint&);
00504     QTextDrag *dragObject( QWidget *parent = 0 ) const;
00505 #endif
00507     void pasteSpecial(const QPoint&);
00508 #endif
00509     void setFontInternal( const QFont &f );
00511     virtual void emitHighlighted( const QString & ) {}
00512     virtual void emitLinkClicked( const QString & ) {}
00514     void readFormats( QTextCursor &c1, QTextCursor &c2, QTextString &text, bool fillStyles = FALSE );
00515     void clearUndoRedo();
00516     void paintDocument( bool drawAll, QPainter *p, int cx = -1, int cy = -1, int cw = -1, int ch = -1 );
00517     void moveCursor( CursorAction action );
00518     void ensureFormatted( QTextParagraph *p );
00519     void placeCursor( const QPoint &pos, QTextCursor *c, bool link );
00520     void updateMicroFocusHint();
00523     bool checkOptimMode();
00524     QString optimText() const;
00525     void optimSetText( const QString &str );
00526     void optimAppend( const QString &str );
00527     void optimInsert( const QString &str, int line, int index );
00528     void optimDrawContents( QPainter * p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch );
00529     void optimMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * e );
00530     void optimMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * e );
00531     void optimMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * e );
00532     int  optimCharIndex( const QString &str, int mx ) const;
00533     void optimSelectAll();
00534     void optimRemoveSelection();
00535     void optimSetSelection( int startLine, int startIdx, int endLine,
00536                             int endIdx );
00537     bool optimHasSelection() const;
00538     QString optimSelectedText() const;
00539     bool optimFind( const QString & str, bool, bool, bool, int *, int * );
00540     void optimParseTags( QString * str, int lineNo = -1, int indexOffset = 0 );
00541     QTextEditOptimPrivate::Tag * optimPreviousLeftTag( int line );
00542     void optimSetTextFormat( QTextDocument *, QTextCursor *, QTextFormat * f,
00543                              int, int, QTextEditOptimPrivate::Tag * t );
00544     QTextEditOptimPrivate::Tag * optimAppendTag( int index, const QString & tag );
00545     QTextEditOptimPrivate::Tag * optimInsertTag( int line, int index, const QString & tag );
00546     void optimCheckLimit( const QString& str );
00547     bool optimHasBoldMetrics( int line );
00549 private slots:
00550     void optimDoAutoScroll();
00553 private:
00554 #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD
00555     void pasteSubType( const QCString &subtype, QMimeSource *m );
00556 #endif
00558 private:
00559     QTextDocument *doc;
00560     QTextCursor *cursor;
00561     QTimer *formatTimer, *scrollTimer, *changeIntervalTimer, *blinkTimer, *dragStartTimer;
00562     QTextParagraph *lastFormatted;
00563     int interval;
00564     UndoRedoInfo undoRedoInfo;
00565     QTextFormat *currentFormat;
00566     int currentAlignment;
00567     QPoint oldMousePos, mousePos;
00568     QPoint dragStartPos;
00569     QString onLink;
00570     WordWrap wrapMode;
00571     WrapPolicy wPolicy;
00572     int wrapWidth;
00573     QString pressedLink;
00574     QTextEditPrivate *d;
00575     bool inDoubleClick : 1;
00576     bool mousePressed : 1;
00577     bool cursorVisible : 1;
00578     bool blinkCursorVisible : 1;
00579     bool readOnly : 1;
00580     bool modified : 1;
00581     bool mightStartDrag : 1;
00582     bool inDnD : 1;
00583     bool readonly : 1;
00584     bool undoEnabled : 1;
00585     bool overWrite : 1;
00587 private:        // Disabled copy constructor and operator=
00588 #if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY)
00589     QTextEdit( const QTextEdit & );
00590     QTextEdit &operator=( const QTextEdit & );
00591 #endif
00592 };
00594 inline QTextDocument *QTextEdit::document() const
00595 {
00596     return doc;
00597 }
00599 inline QTextCursor *QTextEdit::textCursor() const
00600 {
00601     return cursor;
00602 }
00604 inline void QTextEdit::setCurrentFont( const QFont &f )
00605 {
00606     QTextEdit::setFontInternal( f );
00607 }
00609 #endif //QT_NO_TEXTEDIT
00610 #endif //QTEXTVIEW_H
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